Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

To be fair he/she adviced him to test other products that weren't tested yet. He/She didn't tell him testing is useless
Regardless, re-testing "already-tested" products only ensures accountability. Who's to say the same batch is being sold? Or something else hasn't changed in the time between tests. I don't care what you test, a source shouldn't give a shit.

Like okay the hgh was tested over a year ago, good enough for the rest of time I guess, hur dur.
Regardless, re-testing "already-tested" products only ensures accountability. Who's to say the same batch is being sold? Or something else hasn't changed in the time between tests. I don't care what you test, a source shouldn't give a shit.

Like okay the hgh was tested over a year ago, good enough for the rest of time I guess, hur dur.

batches change okay I agree with you, but if randomly anavar was tested twice +98 in July and november by 2 different members, why will you think it's gonna test different 3 months later, why will they change raw or factory? knowing that all their random raws all tested good?

I agree that hgh should be tested again, because it's an old lab test but when you see the price.. it's not given and only very few labs I've seen of hgh of all sources
saying that I've been on their hgh in 2020 and I have made serum gh blood test of it before and it was a good one, even that I get some pain on hands, and now I am on it again since more than 1 month with some of oils, with a feelz report I can say hgh and tren are legit, other compounds I can't say or judge except if I send to Jano, because with feelz I can't say a primo is good or not.
I can test the hgh by igf-1 blood test does anyone know how long you need to be running a certain dose before taking the blood?
Im in the same boat just received a ton of raw var. So much negativity here is making me now thinking real hard to send some off to Jano. However I haven't really seen any issues with the raws. Just finished stuff

Anavar has a pretty unique look to it.
Does it look like this?

batches change okay I agree with you, but if randomly anavar was tested twice +98 in July and november by 2 different members, why will you think it's gonna test different 3 months later, why will they change raw or factory? knowing that all their random raws all tested good?
None of us knows how fast or slow they go through their inventory. Although probably rare, it’s entirely possible they have changed batches and sold all from what was tested and now the newest batch is untested. At the end of the day, human error happens, so you can have good batches and bad. Look at EQ - the raws for that have been under dosed for quite some time now.
@Liska should know, has any EQ raws tested 97-98+ lately?
96% is the best I've seen, 98%+ would likely require pricy purification which noone seems to be doing presently. There's a quick way to check for that high degree of purity but I'll have to ask daddy first if I'm allowed to say.
Anavar has a pretty unique look to it.
Does it look like this?

View attachment 160671

Is granular size really a good indicator? I mean if i pop it into a coffee grinder im sure i could get to a fine powder no?

I think the easiest, DIY @ home way you could crudely verify a raw API would be two things. One is solubility test, if the intended raw is insoluble in water and the raw you receive dissolves in water then its obviously not the intended raw.

Second would be a melting point test. This is a little more advanced but still easily doable by anyone with some basic equipment and inclination to do it,

If i bought a raw and it complied with the expected solubility and melting point temperature i would be pretty confident it was legit. Its still not a guarantee nor is it an assessment of purity but at least would ease concerns about molecular authenticity.