Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don’t know if it’s good news or not but Canadian border service might go on strike so, either they will loosen up on package inspections or your packs might be stuck in limbo for a while. Just something to think about for my fellow Canucks.
Canadian sales $100,000
From 100 orders.

5 orders seized, each order is $4000.
Large parcels have more chances to get seized than small ones.
Loss is $20,000 (20% of total sales)
Pass rate is 95%

Simple math to show you, there is no logic in comparing insurance % and pass rate %.
But then again, if the seizure rate for larger parcels is less than 20% than you’d still profiting by a hefty amount.
Anyways, doesn’t matter. It is what it is.
But then again, if the seizure rate for larger parcels is less than 20% than you’d still profiting by a hefty amount.
Anyways, doesn’t matter. It is what it is.
There is no shame in profiting, we don't work for free or do sharity, if it's profiting from product margins, shipping cost, or insurance, it doesn't matter, the same way if we lose more than 20%, we don't come cry about it here and asking for donations. We had in the past some serious unsuccessful stock deliveries to australia and canada, and believe me it costs way much more than those 20% pennies
But then again, if the seizure rate for larger parcels is less than 20% than you’d still profiting by a hefty amount.
Anyways, doesn’t matter. It is what it is.

If he's going to offer this service it's a gamble, and tilting the odds in his favor is sensible. You always have the option of saving that amount and taking the risk upon yourself. After 5 successful deliveries (assuming the same amount for each) you've "won" a free order.

If the vendors offering "free" reship coverage have a really bad month, say during a crackdown, and lose 80% of orders, that amount of money is probably going to incentivize many to decide that's the perfect time to shut down and come back as another brand a bit later.
It makes no sense, you stupid plug.
5% seizure rate, 20% insurance.
So no matter what, they’re going to be profiting long term 15%. If the average order is 500$ and they profit 100$ every order from Canadians and 95 out of 100 orders go through they just made $10,000 in insurance and lost $2500 in items.
Who has the negative IQ ? Moron

Do you have any insurance at all?

Like homeowners for example-

The likely hood of your house catching fire and burning to the ground is probably 0.01%

Assume a $300,000 house. Do you think the insurance company is only going to charge you $30 for insurance to cover that event?
@janoshik Do you also test impurities such as lps(lipopolysaccharides) in peptides?

and why no one taking about this problem
that many peptides are contaminated with lipopolysaccharides?

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Never heard of it, but Jano have a thread here in Meso where you can ask him about all the non routine tests of impurities he can perform.

Feel free to bite the wallet and perform some on our peptides, you have my blessing if it's the purpose of tagging me.
I no longer process orders since months, my assistants are nice, patient even with the most difficult customers and don’t care about what happened in the past or any drama happening here or elsewhere because they don’t know about it, so probably nothing was needed to complete his order beside paying it at full
Well isn’t that just his lucky day then.
you dont die... it cause immunresponses
which can lead to problems. Its same shit with synthetic solvents in steroids. But maybe your health is not so important for you
Well, how long have you been using this stuff, then, and how did you get it tested for all these things, if you are here asking Jano for it?
If he's going to offer this service it's a gamble, and tilting the odds in his favor is sensible. You always have the option of saving that amount and taking the risk upon yourself. After 5 successful deliveries (assuming the same amount for each) you've "won" a free order.

If the vendors offering "free" reship coverage have a really bad month, say during a crackdown, and lose 80% of orders, that amount of money is probably going to incentivize many to decide that's the perfect time to shut down and come back as another brand a bit later.
Yeah variables being involved makes it make sense. Canadians just get fucked eh bud
you dont die... it cause immunresponses
which can lead to problems. Its same shit with synthetic solvents in steroids. But maybe your health is not so important for you
Lmao, if my health is not important to me I wouldn’t be working out eating right. I am straight up asking if someone died or got sick from it because most of us here don’t know what that is.

Btw, don’t effing act like you are not gambling about your health and acting you’re higher than me because we are both in a steroid forum buying unregulated illegal drugs from a chinese drug dealer.
There is no shame in profiting, we don't work for free or do sharity, if it's profiting from product margins, shipping cost, or insurance, it doesn't matter, the same way if we lose more than 20%, we don't come cry about it here and asking for donations. We had in the past some serious unsuccessful stock deliveries to australia and canada, and believe me it costs way much more than those 20% pennies
Canadian customs fucked yah eh there bud