Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

A small list for some supplements and some specific raws that might interest some of you. These items are not in the price list.

Ashwagandha 3%MOQ 500g $50
DulaglutideMOQ $1650/g
SafinamideMOQ 10mg $80 , 50mg $185 , $535/g
Vitamin B5MOQ $75/kg
PPARγ Antagonist IIIMOQ 10mg $60
DienoloneMOQ 50mg $40 ; $138/g
Agmantine sulfateMOQ 250g $50
Mibolerone (Cheque drops)MOQ $178/g , 10g $1510
Retinoic AcidMOQ 100g $95 , $774/kg
DapagliflozinMOQ $520/g
Benzyl AlcoholMOQ $29/kg
Benzyl BenzoateMOQ $29/kg
Oleate EthylMOQ $30/kg
DMSOMOQ $50/kg
L-TaurineMOQ $65/kg
L-TyrosineMOQ $75/kg
L-CitrulineMOQ $70/kg
TryptophaneMOQ $78/kg
NiacineMOQ $90/kg
Melatonine MOQ $47/kg
Pygeum Africanum extractMOQ $68/kg
MetoprololMOQ $155/kg
Prostaglandine (PGE1)MOQ 5mg $65
OrlistatMOQ 10g $40 , 100g $65, $415/kg
NAD+ MOQ 100g $175
Vitamine A 50%MOQ 100g $55
Vitamine C MOQ 500g $70
LidocaineMOQ $88/kg
BenzocaineMOQ $80/kg
Vitamine D3 MOQ $85/kg
MethocarbamolMOQ 25g $90 , 100g $215
Nicotinamide Riboside ChlorideMOQ 100g $80
PregnenoloneMOQ 25g $55 , 100g $120
Adrenaline HCLMOQ 10g $88 , 100g $240
SarcosineMOQ $90/kg
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)MOQ 100g $70
L-Carnitine L-fumarateMOQ 100g $80
Epicatechin MOQ 100g $140
Snap-8MOQ $210/g
KetoconazoleMOQ $210/kg
S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM)MOQ 100g $70
Lions Mane Mushroom extractMOQ $85/kg
17α-Methyl-1-testosteroneMOQ 100g $80
Memantine HCLMOQ $600/kg
DonepezilMOQ 10g $55
CBD IsolateMOQ 10g $55
RapamycinMOQ $135/g
TemsirolimusMOQ 5mg $100
CiprofloxacinMOQ $80/kg
IvermectineMOQ 500g $185 , $350/kg
TrendioneMOQ 100g $655
Dihydro Ergotamine MesylateMOQ 100mg $300
Acetic AcidMOQ 2.5L $150
Amlodipine MOQ 10g $68
Magnesium BisglycinateMOQ $79/kg
Acetyl Hexapeptide-8MOQ $109/g
Vitamine B6MOQ $105/kg
RimaxifineMOQ 100g $120 , 200g $200
Tylosin DoxycyclineMOQ 100g $96
ParoxetineMOQ 100g $140
PropranololMOQ 25g $55
Atropine SulfateMOQ 10g $45 , 100g $98
Sucralose MOQ $78/kg
AzithromycinMOQ 100g $45 , $260/kg
ThaumatinMOQ $255/kg
L-Methylfolate CalciumMOQ 10g $210 , 100g $845
Phentolamine MesilateMOQ 100g $200
Topiramate MOQ $230/kg
Sertraline HCLMOQ 100g $245
Dandelion root extractMOQ $75/kg
DIM 1968-05-04MOQ 100g $75 , $100/kg
Montelukast SodiumMOQ $1380/kg
GlucosamineMOQ $70/kg
TetrahydrocurcuminMOQ 100g $118
Cissus Quandrangularis extractMOQ $70/kg
Black pepper extractMOQ $70/kg
Piperine MOQ 100g $120
Milk Thistle (Silibinin)MOQ 100g $120
Sodium Borohydride (NaBH4)MOQ $80/kg
N-acetyl-l-cysteine ethyl ester (NACET)MOQ $510/kg
MethotrexateMOQ $1100/kg
5-HTPMOQ 100g $78
FulvestrantMOQ $72/g, $45400/kg
GeniposideMOQ 100g $350
AspirinMOQ 500g $50
Vitamine E 50%MOQ $60/kg
BHB-Ca AcidMOQ $60/kg
Clonidine HCLMOQ 10g $65
Nattokinase 20000FU/gMOQ 100g $88
Red Yeast rice extractMOQ $65/kg
HesperidinMOQ $95/kg
SpirulinaMOQ $65/kg
Bee Propolis extractMOQ $90/kg
OndansetronMOQ 5g $55
CiprofloxacinMOQ $88/kg
MetronidazoleMOQ $79/kg
AminophyllineMOQ $68/kg
AstragalosideMOQ 10g $95
Sodium Octadecyl FumarateMOQ $80/kg
TeriflunomideMOQ 5mg $65 , $420/g
ResveratrolMOQ 100g $75 , $390/kg
Vitamine B12MOQ 10g $65
EcdysteroneMOQ 10g $160
AgomelatineMOQ 10g $58
Arachidonic acidMOQ 100g $60 , $85/kg
QuercetinMOQ $280/kg
DHEAMOQ $300/kg
AnamorelinMOQ 5mg $140
MestanloneMOQ $835/kg
Microcrystalline celluloseMOQ $56/kg
ApigeninMOQ 100g $135
Eurycoma Iongifolia extractMOQ $65/kg
Ox Bile extractMOQ $100/kg
TerbutalineMOQ $133/g , 5g $450
FamotidineMOQ 10g $90
DiosminMOQ 100g $115
EzetimibeMOQ $840/g
Chromium PicolinateMOQ $80/kg
Cytidine MOQ $178/kg
CiticolineMOQ 100g $68 , $465/kg
SynephrineMOQ 500g $110 , $200/kg
IrbesartanMOQ 5g $45 , 25g $70
AciclovirMOQ $165/kg
Sodium PhytateMOQ $40/g
Ciclopirox ethanolamineMOQ $45/g
PraziquantelMOQ 100g $55
FenbendazoleMOQ 100g $60
Piperonyl alcoholMOQ $665/kg
Creatine HCLMOQ $86/kg
Vitamine K2MOQ 10g $60
5-AMINO 1MQMOQ 1g $100 , 5g $330 , 25g $998

Are the items on this list all still available? Definitely interested in the Epicatechin.
It does cause uncontrollable estrogen I don’t care what he said.

Pin 50mg of it without an AI and report back

If it was viable for TRT, or any application, the addition of an ester wouldn’t have been the genesis of steroids. Also doctors would prescribe it outside of topical
50mg is a giant dose lol over 5x higher than what would keep u in reference range for 220lber, thats like saying take half a gram+ of test cyp and see if u get high estrogen.. 1 shot a month or week vs 2-3 a day is a HUGE difference. no dr would make u do that when more convenient options :) drs love constant blood levels.

also IIRC testosterone with ester was produced before they could do TNE so thats part of the reason.

anyway, your simply incorrect. there are products available that do this same thing as far as blood levels. read about natesto. read-out how athletes use TNE.
BPC157 10mg us domestic sold out

test E, Mast E, sustanon oils back to stock us domestic

We also stocked in USA warehouse : SS31 10mg, PT141 10mg, DSIP 5mg, NA semax Amidate 30mg, NA selank amidate 10mg, LL37 2mg, hexarelin 5mg
US domestic updated price list

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EU domestic & Canada domestic lists:
last day of promo

Mast P and HGH sold out EU domestic

Send us an email to get full PDF price list, including international one
Most of them available, including Epicatechin
Right on, I'll have to snag some with my order. You guys should consider stocking it in the US warehouse, it's a super slept on supplement. Fantastic at inducing follistatin.

A gram a day makes a significant difference in growth rates and lipolysis. Plus it's just in generally great for your health.
US domestic updated price list

Send text and files securely and anonymously with end-to-end encryption (no account required) | PrivateBin

EU domestic & Canada domestic lists:
last day of promo

Mast P and HGH sold out EU domestic

Send us an email to get full PDF price list, including international one
Sorry just to understand the promo correctly, when ordering from the domestic Canada list, do we pay the price listed in the international(china) section?
US domestic oils promo !

The promo is easy
US domestic items at chinese prices, $30 cheaper per kit.

Start : today
End : Saturday 22th June 2024

No minimum

Link for final pricing:

The orders can be done only via email:
or Whatsaap: +86 16503300980

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We plan to calm down the promos and GB after the month of June.
I advise you take advantage of the current ones available now:

EU & CA domestic promo: Ends today
Multi peptides international promo: Ends Friday 21st June 2024
US domestic oil promo: Ends Saturday 22th June 2024
Two left: a Tirz GB and a promo during June

For more details, feel free to join our Discord server:

After that in July and August, it's gonna be summer, so back to regular pricing. So we advise you to mass participate in the current ones.