Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There have never been any "Communist" countries. Socialism has always been intended as an intermediate step to communism, which was never achieved, even in the USSR.

Your notion that there is some clear line between "liberal" and "conservative" countries, and "freedom" shows a profound lack of understanding and appreciation for nuance.

What we know for certain is that every country undergoing a socialist revolution, from Russia, China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba through to todays Venezuela, all promising to eliminate economic disparity and usher in utopia have left hundreds of millions dead, totalitarianism, and a clear record of economic misery and widespread suffering in its wake,

And yes, when by every metric boys raised in single mother households, even after equalizing for economic status, have poorer outcomes, having a program that says "we'll pay your rent but if the father lives here it'll stop" is a perverse incentive to encourage more of what clearly results in negative outcomes, especially for male children who lack a positive male role model.

lol your conflating things my son.. lets take a look closer...

those countries your list.. are those conservative or liberal countries? yes they are much further RIGHT in ideals then left.. what about Sweden or Finland? or even New Zealand.. those are LIBERAL places yet by EVERY METRIC are more free than USA.. that is to say liberal = freedom.

lets look closer.. compare liberal states to conservative states. how many more things are illegal in conservative states? like porno? gay marriage? why is the right so hell bent on WATCHING and controlling people? was it the right or left who started the wartime draft? ya know, normal liberal freedoms. now do those conservative states have more in common with RUSSIA or Finland? remember USA is #15 in the world for freedom 15.. most people in USA cant name 15 countries in a minute lol. you know who can? liberal countries school children.. which brings us to the next point.. why are conservative hell bent on keeping people stupid? why are conservative states less educated and higher rates of reading and math and science? do u think this is a co incidence?

what about how LIBERAL countries have FAR better family lives are happier and live the longest? co incidence?

how about Poland? how are they doing? yes its great for big biz as EVERYTHING is for sale.. but people are leaving in droves because they are getting fudged. are they more free in far right Poland? or Finland?

one has to THINK about the future, now is stopping economy good? no, but regulations are... how could this be if believe in free market and letting cream rise to the top... well as we have witnessed in past 50 years, companies get larger and larger, take over more and more markets eventually what happens? thats right, essentially completely being RULED by 2-3 companies won't matter who you elect at that point as all food and energy and water is owned by a few companies.. I mean its not a far reach as we see this already happening.. now just wait 50 years when multinationals get even larger and acquire more market share of EVERY PRODUCT and can instantly squash any competition push any law they want, build larger prisons and make more conservative laws so can take even more money from the state.

just curious if you know how much interest the USA pays on its debt? at least in my country its actually conservatives who have garnered the most debt, and the FAR left party is only party who actually has payed off debt completely the other left party is the other party who actually payed off some debt..anyway besides the point, point is trillions JUST in interest get payed MOSTLY to those ULTRA wealthy multinational corps..conservatives love big biz, are in big biz pocket so thats the reason despite "getting economy on track" they get larger debt to GDP ratios which of course is a slick way to give big biz and VERY rich people more money guaranteed money aswell.

anyway, long and short of it you fundamentally misunderstand what liberal means and conflate liberal which are more socially minded to socialist which you conflating to communists (who are actually conservative in basically every regard, more laws, religion, highly socially conservative)

did you know USSR and TRUMPS buddy PUTIN (who wants Russia to become USSR again) HATE socialist democracy? so did hitler.. so you REALLY need to get your facts right. communists are SOCIALLY CONSERVATVE.. which isnt apposing ideal to LIBERAL social democracy.

AGAIN, what conservative right leaning county has got it right? Russia? India?muslim countries? Poland? Jamaica?Philippines where they kill u if you do steroids? most of Latin America? most of African countries? would u REALLY want to live in a far right country? or would u rather live in Sweden or Finland or even Costa Rica? why are the most conservative places people want to LEAVE? and why again do left leaning liberal countries (Even poor ones) have happier healthy people with greater economic freedom?

anyway, like with everything the answer in balance.. we just need to have perspective when right wingers look at the border and say look at all these people busting in our country.. when in reality should see that they are LEAVING conservative countries to enter a more LIBERAL country. not just because of money but FREEDOM that liberal (root word of LIBERTARIAN) countries provide. so again, I ask the question far righters love to ask

which conservative country has it figured out? and what line is too far right?

keep in mind the free market dictates Ozempic price in usa is 900 USD in communist canada 230-300CAD. (thats with 0 payment from gov btw)
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Do they also tell you how old they are, or that most of them are female?

I 'spect that elevated mortality due to obesity catches both genders equally if not perhaps favoring men a bit more since they're more prone to ASCVD for which obesity is a causal factor.

I imagine you were asking about anorexia, however, which largely impacts females somewhere between a 7:1 and 10:1 ratio vs men. It affects women of all ages with mortality rates being spread evenly among them. This is telling in that mortality rates should increase with age.
What hell is food noise suppression??
Food noise goes beyond feelings of hunger and into the realm of dopamine rewards related to just thinking about food. GLP-1s help to reset our dopamine reward systems and as such suppress food noise. You could also think of food noise as an aspect of chemical dependence if you'd like.
Food noise goes beyond feelings of hunger and into the realm of dopamine rewards related to just thinking about food. GLP-1s help to reset our dopamine reward systems and as such suppress food noise. You could also think of food noise as an aspect of chemical dependence if you'd like.
Example: Usually just the smell of food makes me hungry. On the 5mg dose of Tirzepatide, there is just no desire to eat anything. I have to force myself to eat if I’m not fasting. Semaglutide never really gave me that feeling.
Held off on the 30mg tirz as I have a stock of sema I am working through... now with this 50mg do I buy 1 or 2. Feel like so much is happening the GLP space, we might have another insane step up in quality of product in a year.
Hi QSC, is the tirzepatide made with some kind of new formula? This recent batch I have is causing alot of irritation and swelling at my injection site. Hasn't happened before and I been buying from you guys for the past two years.