Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just wandering if the email you guys send is replied to by Bella now? First time I’ve ordered in a while? But this is the same name as sigmaaudley on here also ??
unless you tear the metal and pry it back that stopper isn’t going anywhere. I used to worry about the cap moving/spinning around but it really doesn’t need to do much but be there in order for it to it’s job
I used to think this but when you draw from a vial it is common practice to fill syringe with air and pump that into the vial before drawing to avoid creating a vacuum. That air is not sterile. The bb and ba in the actual oil is what keeps it sterile. The cap and stopper does not need to be airtight it is basically there to stop actual dirt and debris from getting into the vial
That's not how they do it. The testing group decides who sends the vials, and not 3 from the same person or kit.
I am in the group. Unfortunately the discord Chanel is gone. So I am hoping to get them to still test the HGH. Regardless I will be testing it the HGH myself as I do all of my PEDs and will post results here.. I am hoping to get two birds with one stone and maybe save some money.
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5+ pages of discussing how QSC is clearly intentionally underfilling upwards of 20% and Tracy hasn’t even acknowledged it, just gets ignored and more under filled product posted instead.

This forum gets worse by the day with the lack of responsibility and cliques formed around vendors
5+ pages of discussing how QSC is clearly intentionally underfilling upwards of 20% and Tracy hasn’t even acknowledged it, just gets ignored and more under filled product posted instead.

This forum gets worse by the day with the lack of responsibility and cliques formed around vendors
But they are testing every single vial and compound. So i would perfer testing then short a small amount. Luckily, i brew so raws are fine. But yes i would be hoping for 10 mL. But seems like they are 9-10 ml. Which in my eyes is ok. Anything lower then 9 mL, is a but short.