Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ya Cbum is lazy and needs gear to be superhuman.
Zero discipline lol
Try eating 3500 calories of clean food.

These babies need drugs to be normal.

Wonder why no 3rd world countries have fatties crying about food noise.

So does US have a gun noise issue too?

It has to do with there being too many people. Whenever too many people do a certain thing only then does it become problematic. There have always been fat people but they used to be relegated to fringe occupations like freak shows or the kings jester and things like that. But as the amount of fatties grows it becomes normalized, they start patting each other on the back and saying it’s OK that they’re like this, it’s not their fault.

Everything can be attributed to this. Eating meat, gasoline vehicles, and I’ll stop before this gets political
You all should watch 600lb life. Watch one season and see the absolute mental gymnastics these people play with medical doctors. They have 100 reasons why they are gaining weight and not losing, not one reason is overeating. It really is like talking to someone who's brainwashed.
You all should watch 600lb life. Watch one season and see the absolute mental gymnastics these people play with medical doctors. They have 100 reasons why they are gaining weight and not losing, not one reason is overeating. It really is like talking to someone who's brainwashed.

With every spoonful of ice cream they were accepting their own fatness. They knew they were getting fat and didn’t care
With every spoonful of ice cream they were accepting their own fatness. They knew they were getting fat and didn’t care
They may know they are getting fat but to say they don't care is ludicrous. I've struggled with weight and yo-yo'd up and down my whole life. I never wanted to be fat and always hated when I was. Even after going from 260 lbs to 175 lbs I gained it all back a year later. Do you really think I didn't care after putting in all that work? For those of us that struggle with weight it's not that simple to just put the fork down and back off. Your brain does mental gymnastics to convince you it's just one meal or just one day and it can't hurt you that bad bc you'll be back on track tomorrow. Then the same thing repeats the next day. Getting over that barrier is a lot more difficult than just caring about it. The second time I lost all my weight it took tirzepatide to get me to put the fork down. I tried for years after I gained an the weight back and always failed after a few weeks. And I had all the tools. I know nutrition and how to lose weight. I've read all of Lyle McDonalds books on it. Some of us just need more help than simply wanting to lose weight
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They may know they are getting fat but to say they don't care is ludicrous. I've struggled with weight and yo-yo'd up and down my whole life. I never wanted to be fat and always hated when I was. Even after going from 260 lbs to 175 lbs I gained it all back a year later. Do you really think I didn't care after putting in all that work? For those of us that struggle with weight it's not that simple to just put the fork down and back off.
It’s a struggle yeah for sure, I’m in the same boat and still am, but I think it’s simple. No matter how we try to spin it the answer is simple, easy hell no, but in the end of the day it’s ones’ willingness to make the sacrifice not the amount of drugs or the right diet protocol.

If humans can out eat DNP, they can find a way to out eat the effectiveness of glp1s. Btw, I’m not being a debbie downer, I just hate the idea that there is a magic pill out there be it steroids or retardutide than can solve your problems without work.

We all wish there was then I could just put on all muscle during a gain phase and not worry about fat gain.
You all should watch 600lb life. Watch one season and see the absolute mental gymnastics these people play with medical doctors. They have 100 reasons why they are gaining weight and not losing, not one reason is overeating. It really is like talking to someone who's brainwashed.
I watch this during cardio for motivation sometimes. Some of those people are messed up in the head. Well they all are really.
So you guys honestly think these glp1s are going to end the obesity problem on the USA?

Even if China would dump all the peptides like rain water in the US/north america; fat people will find a way to get fat. It’s just like steroids, if it’s true that it can make everyone muscular then why is 99% of people walking around aren’t jacked?

Simplest answer, these things are just tools, lazy fucks will remain skinny or fat even in the presence of unlimited drugs roids or glp1s.

Do not confuse your unwillingness to get over your predicament to a disability. If there are obese people who were able to lose weight naturally then the problem lies in the individual.

Show me the blood work of anyone here who actually has a metabolic condition that made them obese.
Great post
I just hate the idea that there is a magic pill out there be it steroids or retardutide than can solve your problems without work.

I think the thing that people are discovering is that work is still involved. Without attention to diet and exercise, the typical result is a lighter fat person, possibly with improved metabolic health markers. Unfortunately, none of the trials for these things are tracking body composition.

They knew they were getting fat and didn’t care

You're not wrong, here, but the characterization is imprecise. People don't know, or don't care, or are simply indulging their impulses without consideration because they have other priorities in life. Eventually it becomes a problem, but by then the damage is done.

In my 20s I went from working in construction to being a successful tech bro during the dotcom boom, to give an indication of how old I am. For a decade, I was entirely sedentary, ate whatever the hell I liked, and worked my ass off. Nothing else mattered until I was 33 at 340lbs and I watched a friend who was near my age and even more grotesquely obese keel over dead from complications related to obesity.

Once I started caring, all it took was a reasonable amount of diet and exercise to shed 120lbs or so naturally. Took some figuring out and almost a decade. Getting to a healthy state wasn't all that difficult. Getting to the state I'm in now (<10%bf and reasonably muscular) in my 50s was much easier with the help of anabolics and GLP-1 agonists.

If I had intentions of getting on a stage, and the time to focus on that, I'd absolutely be counting calories and eating a very restrictive diet. As it is, I don't have any particular deadlines to get lean, so I can just cut for 12-20 weeks or so. I can titrate my appetite so that I can join my family for dinner and eat whatever without having to measure the food. All the attention I really need to spend on my diet is getting sufficient protein and not going crazy with fat.
They may know they are getting fat but to say they don't care is ludicrous. I've struggled with weight and yo-yo'd up and down my whole life. I never wanted to be fat and always hated when I was. Even after going from 260 lbs to 175 lbs I gained it all back a year later. Do you really think I didn't care after putting in all that work? For those of us that struggle with weight it's not that simple to just put the fork down and back off. Your brain does mental gymnastics to convince you it's just one meal or just one day and it can't hurt you that bad bc you'll be back on track tomorrow. Then the same thing repeats the next day. Getting over that barrier is a lot more difficult than just caring about it. The second time I lost all my weight it took tirzepatide to get me to put the fork down. I tried for years after I gained an the weight back and always failed after a few weeks. And I had all the tools. I know nutrition and how to lose weight. I've read all of Lyle McDonalds books on it. Some of us just need more help than simply wanting to lose weight

I’m an alcoholic, it really is as simple as just stopping the offending behavior. There’s no magic pill to stop drinking, if you have a reason to stop you will. There’s naltrexone but if you want to drink you simply don’t take the pill.
What? You guys can’t even choose to kill yourselves through your doctor, you need to buy a gun or jump of the rooftop. Lol just kidding.

Unless you were born in Oregon. No you can’t just go to Oregon and do it.
Before anyone gets too bent out of shape, I'm as put off by all these weaklings science has cursed us with by producing hormonal supplement "cheats" as you are.

Everything can be accomplished with sufficient discipline.

Cheaters who use:

Glucagon (GLP) - Won't keep the food out.

Insulin - Won't keep the sugar out.

Progesterone (Birth Control) - Won't keep the D out.

Testosterone (subpar genetics aid) - Won't do the workout.

One of these things is not like the others.
The first three are actions that can be avoided
The fourth brought about by consequence in only two scenarios, hard drug use and anorexia
What about T used as rejuvenation by aging men?
Are you going to tell women that their eye creams and concealers are cheating as well?
I’m an alcoholic, it really is as simple as just stopping the offending behavior. There’s no magic pill to stop drinking, if you have a reason to stop you will. There’s naltrexone but if you want to drink you simply don’t take the pill.
100% wrong. Alcoholic means u can't stop
This idiot obviously hasn't consulted the braintrust huddling in the QSC thread, or he'd know these GLP compounds are "fattie crack" that will undoubtedly lead to terrible sides.....eventually.

(Fwiw, every smoker, functioning alcoholic, and all day pothead I've known that's used a GLP for a year or more just slowly tapered off their addiction).

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This idiot obviously hasn't consulted the braintrust huddling in the QSC thread, or he'd know these GLP compounds are "fattie crack" that will undoubtedly lead to terrible sides.....eventually.

(Fwiw, every smoker, functioning alcoholic, and all day pothead I've known that's used a GLP for a year or more just slowly tapered off their addiction).

You’re making it sound that this is a cure all lmao.

It’s been out for so many years and with all the sales these Chinese vendors have we should see a dramatic drop in obesity right?

Time will tell, like I said, if steroids is the answer to getting fit and jacked the majority of gym goers should be jacked right now. I still believe it’s not going to change anything if you don’t have the right mindset to change or the work ethic and dedication to change your life.

If it’s just easy as poking your tummy once a week and you lose that extra 50lbs then the obesity problem should be gone in say, 10 years right?
The glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue semaglutide reduces alcohol drinking and modulates central GABA neurotransmission
Growing evidence indicates that the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) system is involved in the neurobiology of addictive behaviors, and GLP-1 analogues may be used for the treatment of alcohol use disorder (AUD). Here, we examined the effects of semaglutide, a long-acting GLP-1 analogue, on biobehavioral correlates of alcohol use in rodents. A drinking-in-the-dark procedure was used to test the effects of semaglutide on binge-like drinking in male and female mice. We also tested the effects of semaglutide on binge-like and dependence-induced alcohol drinking in male and female rats, as well as acute effects of semaglutide on spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) from central amygdala (CeA) and infralimbic cortex (ILC) neurons. Semaglutide dose-dependently reduced binge-like alcohol drinking in mice; a similar effect was observed on the intake of other caloric/noncaloric solutions. Semaglutide also reduced binge-like and dependence-induced alcohol drinking in rats. Semaglutide increased sIPSC frequency in CeA and ILC neurons from alcohol-naive rats, suggesting enhanced GABA release, but had no overall effect on GABA transmission in alcohol-dependent rats. In conclusion, the GLP-1 analogue semaglutide decreased alcohol intake across different drinking models and species and modulated central GABA neurotransmission, providing support for clinical testing of semaglutide as a potentially novel pharmacotherapy for AUD.
In summary, this work demonstrates key biobehavioral effects of the GLP-1 analogue semaglutide in reducing alcohol drinking and modulating central GABA neurotransmission, which provide compelling support for the role of the GLP-1 system as a potential pharmacotherapeutic target for AUD.

There is enough anecdotal evidence that GLP-1RAs affect our physiological chemical dependencies that they are being actively studied in clinical trials for alcohol, nicotine, etc.

Those who want to maintain that willpower is all that is necessary to conquer various chemical dependencies and psychological addictions might want to reserve judgement pending the outcomes of these clinical trials and resultant pharmacological therapies.

GLP-1RAs are not a silver bullet to end addictions or various health epidemics. Instead, they are a tool to use in the fight and should be used in conjunction with healthier lifestyles to empower those who want to change to do so. Will some abuse the tools they have to achieve short-term gains while increasing their long-term risks? Of course! But we can hold the abusers accountable without maligning those who use the tools responsibly to make lasting changes.