Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I guess QSC is not going to honor their agreement with me. Pretty shitty thing to do making changes without informing your customers is total trash. I will continue to make this post recurring until QSD owns up and honors their deal.

Yes I'm salty as hell with my drug dealer.


QSC fucked me on an order, said it would ship international and would give me a credit or replacement items. They then shipped from US and told me it's quicker so you don't get to have the deal we offered you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals please help to make this right.

Explain to us how we fucked you
Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618
Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618
So they sent you what you ordered for the price you ordered and your here complaining about the speed of shipping…??? That’s the bottom line that I’m seeing. You were shorted, you weren’t charged anymore. They sent you exactly what you ordered and your her pissing bc your illegal drugs didn’t come in 3-4 days like you hoped?! Come on man
Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618
So actually you really didn't get screw outright out of anything.. tou got what you paid for. So it seems like whatever extra deal was made.. was made not realizing tour original order had already been shipped.... so reverted back to original deal.. you got what you paid for!.. by the way.. that's really not a new rule. It's always been if it's available domestic you have to order domestic.. I learned that the hard way last January. There was just a short time this year that it was nulled and when they put it back in place they just called it a new rule to keep from having to explain " were going back to original " yes su js u didn't get something for free but yes you are being petty. I think you were being misleading when you say you got outright fucked.. some bitchshit
So they sent you what you ordered for the price you ordered and your here complaining about the speed of shipping…??? That’s the bottom line that I’m seeing. You were shorted, you weren’t charged anymore. They sent you exactly what you ordered and your her pissing bc your illegal drugs didn’t come in 3-4 days like you hoped?! Come on man
Nope. Complaining that they made an offer to me and then then said nevermind and it's costing me a couple hundred extra.
So actually you really didn't get screw outright out of anything.. tou got what you paid for. So it seems like whatever extra deal was made.. was made not realizing tour original order had already been shipped.... so reverted back to original deal.. you got what you paid for!.. by the way.. that's really not a new rule. It's always been if it's available domestic you have to order domestic.. I learned that the hard way last January. There was just a short time this year that it was nulled and when they put it back in place they just called it a new rule to keep from having to explain " were going back to original " yes su js u didn't get something for free but yes you are being petty. I think you were being misleading when you say you got outright fucked.. some bitchshit
no if you read my post I said that the deal was made and after a few days they said it was shipped. It was shipped at least 5 days after the deal was made.
Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618
The rule about "if it's available domestic then that part of the order will be filled domestic and not international" has been around for a long time and discussed ad nauseum in this thread. The notice about the domestic warehouse being relocated is also in this thread and mentioned a number of times by people curious about domestic shipping times.

Sounds like you wanted international pricing (don't we all!) and you thought just maybe the domestic warehouse being closed for a couple of days for relocation would be sufficient to get you that international pricing. I get the disappointment when that became apparent that such was not the case, but that is hardly them screwing you over.
The rule about "if it's available domestic then that part of the order will be filled domestic and not international" has been around for a long time and discussed ad nauseum in this thread. The notice about the domestic warehouse being relocated is also in this thread and mentioned a number of times by people curious about domestic shipping times.

Sounds like you wanted international pricing (don't we all!) and you thought just maybe the domestic warehouse being closed for a couple of days for relocation would be sufficient to get you that international pricing. I get the disappointment when that became apparent that such was not the case, but that is hardly them screwing you over.
Yeah I understand that and like I said I went ahead with it. The issue was that they then offered to ship international and then went back after waiting days.

The reason I said new rule is because that's what I got as a response from them saying it was a new rule. That's not the issue, that's on me for not reading the boards. And the fact they told me it would ship international and offered product or credit is whats getting me.
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Ok so the general explanation is i placed an order for international. They responded saying there was a new rule saying if it's available domestic that's what you will order from. Doesn't say that on their product list but I said that's shitty but I went ahead anyway. I was then told 3 to 4 days eta. A week after I ordered I asked what was up. They said oh sorry we closed the us warehouse and it will be delayed by a week. I said ok can I get it shipped from international since it's not available us warehouse. They said yes and you get a credit for the difference or can add other items to make up for it. I chose to add more stuff. A couple days later they respond and say "sorry dear it was shipped from the us warehouse" . So now I'm sitting at 2 weeks or more when they told me 3 to 4 days.

I understand that I agreed to the full price to begin with but what I'm pissy about is that they made an offer to fix an issue, caused by them, and they said fuck it nevermind. I just want them to honor their word.

I also understand that this is petty but I'm a firm believer in keeping your word.

@dirthand @bubba618

Wow that’s awful !
I think you should start seing a shrimp after this 1 week delay traumatising experience.
QSC are really bad!
Wow that’s awful !
I think you should start seing a shrimp after this 1 week delay traumatising experience.
QSC are really bad!
It wasn't about the shipping time as I told your people in email. It's about you making a deal and then waiting days so you didn't have to honor it. It's about a couple hundred dollars worth of product that you told me i would get. I'm saying if you were a decent company that had any honor then this would likely be solved by now I stead of you here on the forum attempting to mock me and failing by telling me to see a shellfish?
It wasn't about the shipping time as I told your people in email. It's about you making a deal and then waiting days so you didn't have to honor it. It's about a couple hundred dollars worth of product that you told me i would get. I'm saying if you were a decent company that had any honor then this would likely be solved by now I stead of you here on the forum attempting to mock me and failing by telling me to see a shellfish?

I honestly don’t need to.
There is nothing to solve because there is no problem, you got what you paid for within the agreed and well known rules. With a delay of a week, which is something that can happen and everyone here who ordered domestic same time as you had the same delay and no one felt fucked, because we had a legitimate excuse.
And I don’t need to mock you for very obvious reasons..
how do you guys filter oils? I honestly gave up on QSC gear because it was giving me inflammation but I had never considered filtering the oil.

If anyone can guide me to a good resource on how to do it or like an Amazon list of shit I need I’d appreciate it. I have like 30 bottles of test I haven’t touched anymore because of the inflammation it’s given me in the past