Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Made an order about a week an a half ago. It’s a domestic order and I have yet to get anything. Usually it’s a lot faster. Was there a break in shipping? Holiday?
Not that I'm aware of. Maybe it's what you ordered that's delayed. I placed two US orders around that time and already received them. Do you have informed delivery?
Apparently I signed up for uninformed delivery
Day 44
Jim Carrey Shipping GIF by Morgan Creek
Made an order about a week an a half ago. It’s a domestic order and I have yet to get anything. Usually it’s a lot faster. Was there a break in shipping? Holiday?
Possible they’re shipping from the international warehouse. I’ve made several domestic orders this year. All of them have been shipped internationally so far :/
Yeah that’s about where I’m at with it too. Peptides all from qsc bc they test well and vials are decent compared to the oils. GA has good vials and overfilled if you haven’t tried them. QSC hasn’t failed me yet though only issue is fill volume and cheap vial stoppers and caps. Gear just as good as anything else I’ve ran just make sure it’s filtered lol
Is it that big of a concern? I usually buy from GA, but the promo price for test was too good to pass on.
Another order taken by Bella yesterday which was placed and then my payment was confirmed on the blockchain in less than 24 hours. So smooth sailing as per normal.

I am not really buying all the paranoia of some folks lately which suggests we are all fucked and the market will dry up due to federal/international pressure. I have been hearing this trope incessantly since I ran my first cycle and my stash not not ran dry yet. My take is about the best the feds can hope to accomplish is cause minor inconvenience and potential price fluctuations. People who honestly think gear will become scarce in the North American market anytime soon I would love to chat with, as I have some ocean front property in Montana which might interest them.
I guess QSC is not going to honor their agreement with me. Pretty shitty thing to do making changes without informing your customers is total trash. I will continue to make this post recurring until QSD owns up and honors their deal.

Yes I'm salty as hell with my drug dealer.


QSC fucked me on an order, said it would ship international and would give me a credit or replacement items. They then shipped from US and told me it's quicker so you don't get to have the deal we offered you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals please help to make this right.
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Well I order from. This source so I follow the thread pretty close to stay up to date.. as I do all the sources I use.. good practice!! Every other day almost someone comes and post this specific problem because they order and have not vetted the source completely to know how to identify their products effectively.. to the pint that they way I which they are told apart gets ripped off.. the source frequently makes a statement about this saying if this happe s don't come crying to me.. and e@plauns the process. It's seems like I explain it very often as do other active members.. but yet every other day sometimes everyday.. sometimes twice a day we go through this shit. It's just kinda funny how ridiculously insane it is.

Domestic- identify by sku codes on the outside boxes
International- products will be numbered.
Email your rep and ask for the cipher.
I always do this before the product t arrives that way when I get the package.. there us no waiting.
Peace dawg
I guess QSD is not going to honor their agreement with me. Pretty shitty thing to do making changes without informing your customers is total trash. I will continue to make this post recurring until QSD owns up and honors their deal.

Yes I'm salty as hell with my drug dealer.


QSD fucked me on an order, said it would ship international and would give me a credit or replacement items. They then shipped from US and told me it's quicker so you don't get to have the deal we offered you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals please help to make this right.
This us where you are going to get told to eat dog shit. Alone!!
QSC btw
Wait for it!!
And that's fine I use understand that. Maybe my comments can help someone decide if they want to use this source. I'm just trying to share my experience with the community.
Yep, Meso encourages people to share they’re experiences and not be afraid of any repercussions from shills and fan boys of these sources. We are all guests here, customers and vendors alike.
I guess QSC is not going to honor their agreement with me. Pretty shitty thing to do making changes without informing your customers is total trash. I will continue to make this post recurring until QSD owns up and honors their deal.

Yes I'm salty as hell with my drug dealer.


QSC fucked me on an order, said it would ship international and would give me a credit or replacement items. They then shipped from US and told me it's quicker so you don't get to have the deal we offered you.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals please help to make this right.
Perhaps if you were more specific on how they fucked you on an order...?