Hey broTirz isn’t working for you at 20mg? But the sema was working for you at 1.4? That’s almost unbelievable to me. But if it is the case just order the sema and be done bc it’s cheaper than tirz anyways. Why switch from sema anyways bc you still had a higher dose to go to after the 1.4 “stopped” working as you think. People need to understand these drugs are there to aid in the weight loss not to magically just do it for you even though it does in some cases. Just start eating clean foods 75% of the time if you can’t stop eating bullshit and it will continue working for you bc less calorie intake and you stay fuller longer on clean food. Stop trying to not put any type of work in to achieve the goal your are seeking. I swear people these days are just lazy with no drive always wanting instant gratification. Life doesn’t work that way, never has and never will. I’m all for the glp1s. But for people who respect it for what it’s doing not for people that just wanna sit and eat chips, pizza. Chinese buffet, candy and burgers. It’s your life act like you want it otherwise just be a fat fuck and accept that’s what you’ll be bc that’s what you deserve.(not talking to you specifically unless the show fits) rant over
I was using wegovy from the farmacy It cost 500$ pr month at 1.4mg pr week.
I heard many people here have succes with tirz.
So I am surprised that 10mg gave me very little to no effect, and 20mg face me only s slight more. When people here are on 5mg and their hunger is gone.
And the price is so good here and eu domi shipping