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Never trust an influencer and any thing they push due to affiliate marketing kickbacks, or whatever under the table stuff goes on, too. However, definitely didn't order SLU-PP-332 because I believed what Steve or Chase said. Based on my own curiosity plus a couple pals who I trust who gave it a shot and had some good things to say.

If you buy raws, it's INCREDIBLY cheap to run at STUPID doses. To me, it's worth the money to figure out if I should give a shit about this or not. The added benefit is I get to help my steroid friends out on the forum by giving an unbiased view with pictures documenting progress in addition to cycling / endurance metrics.
The dosage is the issue. I’d like all the guinea pigs to get a dosage down before I jump back in.

If I buy much more HGH I am going to end up selling vials of it out in front of the house kids lemonade stand style.
Aren’t kids all buying sarms, because they can? Sell the hgh outside a Whole Foods or yoga studio. Tell them it’s better than ozempic. And maybe get some digits.
It's just so transparently embarrassing. He was on a big crusade about bloodwork when he was pushing that lab he was working with. Now it's peptides. It doesn't automatically make him wrong about what he's pushing, it just means extra precautions need to be taken instead of just going with what he says.
I love Greg Doucette' yt when, right at the end, he holds up a couple of bits of whatever he is selling, whilst visualising another Lambo on the horizon.
Like, he's just been talking about someone dying or something and there comes the omnipresent plug for the latest fat burner wonder, made with his own fair hands. It's too funny.
One would think people can be a bit discerning and see through the bs, but these individuals are not called influences for nothing.
This has been my experience on 1mg of Sema. After the initial ramp up (.25 to .5 to .75 to 1mg) it's been about 3 months at 1mg and it's working flawlessly in the background. I was so slouch prior, but it's helped me go from 215 to 207 (12% to probably sub 10) slowly loosing weight in hard areas like lower back, love handles, lower abs and my face has leaned out even more. I've noticed things like less food and alcohol cravings, less blood sugar spikes, less bloat etc. While running 250/300 test/primo in the background I've noticed zero muscle loss
I do believe tho in low dose reta could be good health wise for a BB like 2mg forever just to reap the benefit of all those good benefit on liver kidney heart brain protections etc.

At 2mg no one get appetite suppression I believe but you get all those benefit. The bigger dosages are mostly for appetite and fat loss related to it
Like how Venomous Steve had enjoyed so many results on 5mg tren per day.

People really believe this bullshit

I love Greg Doucette' yt when, right at the end, he holds up a couple of bits of whatever he is selling, whilst visualising another Lambo on the horizon.
Like, he's just been talking about someone dying or something and there comes the omnipresent plug for the latest fat burner wonder, made with his own fair hands. It's too funny.
One would think people can be a bit discerning and see through the bs, but these individuals are not called influences for nothing.
I thought I was the only one who thought that. I think you can get great results with many compounds on lower dosages, especially tren. However micro doses like that are likely a waste of time.

The only thing I believe less is Greg putting on 5lbs of muscle at his level with "turkbuilder" lol.
Like how Venomous Steve had enjoyed so many results on 5mg tren per day.

People really believe this bullshit
Yall seem out of touch with the demographic. It's obviously not us educated gear users. Get on reddit bro you will vomit at the amount of children wanting to hop on tren or wild orals and sarms cycles because they heard someone on a 15 second short. Harm reduction needs to happen in America atleast. In my rural town if you have hormonal issues they accuse you of taking something. Took me a minute to understand why... Vigerous steve is making videos for all the jerk offs with more money then sense, I would be shocked if 50% of his demographic was above 25.
Never trust an influencer and any thing they push due to affiliate marketing kickbacks, or whatever under the table stuff goes on, too. However, definitely didn't order SLU-PP-332 because I believed what Steve or Chase said. Based on my own curiosity plus a couple pals who I trust who gave it a shot and had some good things to say.

If you buy raws, it's INCREDIBLY cheap to run at STUPID doses. To me, it's worth the money to figure out if I should give a shit about this or not. The added benefit is I get to help my steroid friends out on the forum by giving an unbiased view with pictures documenting progress in addition to cycling / endurance metrics.
I don’t trust a thing Steve says. Dr Dean St Mart turned me onto SLU because he’s a no-bs well spoken bodybuilder who harps on mitochondrial health. This was 2 weeks at 750mcg with every other variable fixed (diet, training, sleep, cardio, gear all unchanged). Dropped 4lbs between both pics but it looks like 6-8wks of dieting


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Yeah. It's a game changer now that it's available. Now you can reach your goals that 20 years ago would be impossible without tirz.
It's a game changer but for him because he push everything that he can and brings him money. If a brand of water would give him commissions from sells he would say that with that water he has more muscle fullness just to get that $.

When myostatin inhibitor would be invented and some that actually work will be the game changer in this game until then nothing new.

Insulin and gh has started a new era not tirzepatide for example
Bro, you’re just flat out wrong lol. No back tracking, you double down. To say “nothing new has been invented” is just dumb.
I don’t trust a thing Steve says. Dr Dean St Mart turned me onto SLU because he’s a no-bs well spoken bodybuilder who harps on mitochondrial health. This was 2 weeks at 750mcg with every other variable fixed (diet, training, sleep, cardio, gear all unchanged). Dropped 4lbs between both pics but it looks like 6-8wks of dieting
Nice transformation, but a calories deficit is more than enough to achieve what you achieved.
I don’t trust a thing Steve says. Dr Dean St Mart turned me onto SLU because he’s a no-bs well spoken bodybuilder who harps on mitochondrial health. This was 2 weeks at 750mcg with every other variable fixed (diet, training, sleep, cardio, gear all unchanged). Dropped 4lbs between both pics but it looks like 6-8wks of dieting
Yeah, my boy has been running similar experiment and showing me side by sides of himself. He 100% convinced me. Plus, I'm a sucker for mitochondrial health stuff.
What do you notice from all these?
I run most of these and the big thing I noticed is that eventhough my sleep hygiene is horrible, (probably sleep 4-6hours a night, according to tracker mostly light sleep), I still have energy, can get up for morning fasted cardio and am able to have afternoon workout, while mostly being in a calorie deficit. Before starting the mitochondrial support, I just felt tired/burned out all the time.. I’m sure there may be some placebo effect, but if it keeps me going, it’s worth it :p