Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

mind explaining? i do take hgh for a while now, how is it benificial
Medium to high dose hgh can lower insulin sensitivity.. meaning blood sugar raises.. metformin helps with this from my understanding
Eating lots of carbs for a long bulking cycle can.also lower insulin sensitivity..
i dont care about google, i wanted to hear his own experience and opinion
During the Cut phases, Body Builders use Metformin as a means of decreasing the production of glucose by the liver and the absorption of glucose by the intestine. By itself, this decreases the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and increases the body's dependence on fat stores for energy needs.

met can be very beneficial
During the Cut phases, Body Builders use Metformin as a means of decreasing the production of glucose by the liver and the absorption of glucose by the intestine. By itself, this decreases the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and increases the body's dependence on fat stores for energy needs.

met can be very beneficial
Tagged wromg quote sorry
During the Cut phases, Body Builders use Metformin as a means of decreasing the production of glucose by the liver and the absorption of glucose by the intestine. By itself, this decreases the secretion of insulin by the pancreas and increases the body's dependence on fat stores for energy needs.

met can be very beneficial
Should just take it every day regardless. It's good for you and will add quality years to the end of your life.

Seems to me I remember reading that diabetics who take metformin live longer than non diabetics that don't. Doctors don't like it because it will keep you healthy.
Should just take it every day regardless. It's good for you and will add quality years to the end of your life.

Seems to me I remember reading that diabetics who take metformin live longer than non diabetics that don't. Doctors don't like it because it will keep you healthy.
It’s not exactly that it will keep you healthy, but in a lengthy process it does slow down cell aging indirectly, through the whole insulin, igf, GH pathways.
Should just take it every day regardless. It's good for you and will add quality years to the end of your life.

Seems to me I remember reading that diabetics who take metformin live longer than non diabetics that don't. Doctors don't like it because it will keep you healthy.
Correct..this was a copy and paste off Google to hand feed .. ot has alot of benefits ..
Been reading everything I can on metformin for a while now. For a few years I took berberine but after some research decided to switch to metformin. It’s a great tool for this lifestyle and definitely much needed for those of us who run hgh.
got my BPC kits today from USA warehouse. I'll know in the morning if it's helping or not. I have a nagging back injury that I've taken BPC for regularly, and have been without BPC for the last 2 weeks so it's already an issue again. it'll only be a bullshit feelz report, but whenever the Tesa arrives from China I will still do the IGF test.
got my BPC kits today from USA warehouse. I'll know in the morning if it's helping or not. I have a nagging back injury that I've taken BPC for regularly, and have been without BPC for the last 2 weeks so it's already an issue again. it'll only be a bullshit feelz report, but whenever the Tesa arrives from China I will still do the IGF test.
How many days did it take to receive from the domestic warehouse?

RAWS ($)10 g50 g 100 g
Boldione / 1,4 Androstadienedione4070110
Halodrol / Turinadiol75220440
Methylstenbolone/ Ultradrol110455880
T4 sodium salt105470880
Lasilix1 kg=158$
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid45120225
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen355580
4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione / 6-OXO45100185
Anastrozole / Arimidex75290545
Exemestane / Aromasin57200400
Isotretinoin / Accutane96
Vitamine B51 kg=75$
Boldenone Propionate406095
Boldenone Acetate4575110
Boldenone Cypionate406090
Boldenone undecylenate406090
Testo PP305070
Testo P305070
Testo Acétate406085
Testo E284565
Testo C304570
Testo Decanoate305070
Testo Undeca355080
Testo isocaproate4575115
Testo sans ester385070
Nandro Cyp45100170
Nandro sans ester5095155
Nandro Undecylate55130225
Tren Hexa / Parabolan100375710
Tren E45120210
Tren A45120210
Tren sans ester65215330
Mast P50135260
Mast E50135260
Primo A98410780
Primo E100410785
Trestolone acetate / Ment2501025
Winstrol micro powder85165300
Winstrol ordinary powder85165300
Oxymetholone / Anadrol85165300
Oxandrolone / Anavar50140270
Metandienone / Dianabol5080130
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin210
Methylepitiostanol / Epistane75285550
4-Chlorotestosterone acetate / Clostebol5590150
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra203040
Tadalafil / Cialis254253
Dapoxetine hydrochloride40100140
Metformin1 kg=90$
Berberine HCL60
Hydroxyprogesterone / 17-OHP305080
Triamcinolone acetonide 21-acetate60145260
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate5080130
bethametasone / deprisone190
Dermoval / Clobetasol58330

Wholesale prices of 1 kg of :

Test E 310$
Test C 330$
Test P 310$
Sustanon 455$
Deca 830$
NPP 830$
Boldo U 520$
Boldo Cyp 550$
Tren E 1885$
Tren A 1885$
Mast E 2280$
Mast P 2280$
Primo E 7065$
Winstrol 1055$
Dianabol 980$
Anavar 2750$
Turinabol 2270$
tadalafil 310$
Sildenafil 110$

Injectables 10 x 10 mlDosagePrice ($)
Test E250 mg/ml65
Test C250 mg/ml70
Test PhenylProp200 mg/ml65
Test P100 mg/ml60
Sustanon250 mg/ml65
Test Undecanoate250 mg/ml70
Test Isocaproate100 mg/ml60
Test Decanoate200 mg/ml65
Test Acetate100 mg/ml60
NP100 mg/ml60
Deca200 mg/ml70
NPP100 mg/ml65
Boldo U200 mg/ml70
Boldo Cyp200 mg/ml70
Tren E100 mg/ml100
Tren A100 mg/ml100
Tren H Parabolan100 mg/ml126
Mast E200 mg/ml100
Mast P100 mg/ml95
Primo E100 mg/ml140
Winstrol50 mg/ml65
Trest A Ment50 mg/ml180
Ripped: Test P/Mast P/Tren A300 mg/ml145

Oralsdosageprice ($)/60pillsprice ($)/600pills
Primo acetate75mg65390
Winstrol10 mg3095
Superdrol10 mg40170
Oxymetholone / Anadrol50 mg40240
Turinabol20 mg40200
Oxandrolone / Anavar20 mg40200
Metandienone / Dianabol10 mg3595
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin10 mg50290
Methyltrienolone1 mg49180
Mibolerone1 mg49180
Proviron25 mg30160
T325 mcg55150
Aldactone50 mg38200
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg40120
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen20 mg40100
Letrozole1 mg45210
Anastrozole / Arimidex1 mg50250
Exemestane / Aromasin10mg40170
Pramipexole1 mg49150
Isotretinoin / Accutane10 mg40250
UDCA250 mg50150
Dutasteride1 mg4590
Finasteride1 mg4075
Vardenafil40 mg50200
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra100 mg48200
Tadalafil / Cialis40mg50230
Dapoxetine hydrochloride25 mg45170
telmisartan50 mg39180
Metformin1000 mg40210
MK677 Ibutamoren10 mg35140
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg40150
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg38150
SR900910 mg45180
GW074210 mg45200
GW501516 Cardarine10 mg38160
S410 mg40240
RAD14010 mg45280
S2310 mg40240
YK1110 mg45300
AICAR10 mg45380

Available products in USA Warehouse:
MT2 100mg =$65
BPC157 5mg =$55
tb500 50mg =$85
ipamorelin 50mg =$55
HGH 100iu =$70
pt141 100mg= $85
HCG 50000iu =$95
1kg tadalafil powder=$310
1kg sildenafil powder=$140
1kg Stanozolol powder=$1420
Last edited:
These raw prices are good.. especially a kilo of test for 320 lol.. I'm gonna sit and watch a little longer.. it's tempting for sure.
These raw prices are good.. especially a kilo of test for 320 lol.. I'm gonna sit and watch a little longer.. it's tempting for sure.
Yepper, will be very interesting to start seeing some actually test reports.

Hello sir,

We encourage you to make orders even for small quantities and get your own opinion about those products and purity of our raws.

Products are cheap so add 120$ and do lab tests.
we offer gifts to all who do lab tests and post them or blood work.

Those wholesale raws can get shipped to USA Warehouse and we bear customs risk for those who are interested.
Could you clarify what products you are willing to reship from US warehouse?


For those who are worried about customs, we can ship your orders to USA Warehouse and then ship them to your adresses domestically.
We bear the customs risk, and we have rich experience in transportation, so don’t have to worry about customs.
The extra fee will be 45$
So you can have China prices, sent domestically with zero customs risks
Could you clarify what products you are willing to reship from US warehouse?

Wholesale AAS raws: 1 kg products.

For other products, I am discussing with my team to elaborate a minimum order for oils and peptides to be shipped to USA Warehouse and get to you soon with an answer.

If a buyer's demand is very regular and the quantity is very large, we can put the goods in the American warehouse in advance.

When he place an order, We can ship it directly from the US warehouse.
They don't care that's it's underdosed. It's cheap and gets to them in a reasonable amount of time. There's no standard anymore. It's just send me cheap drugs fast and i'll call whatever you ship to me good enough.

I mean, there's reported problems with pcom and pharmaqo and trip and goodlyfe and PPL just off the top of my head. Hell, even skank was put on blast by some folks for the actavis/westward test he had (I have no dog in that fight at all and skank seems like a good dude). I have had no problem with any of the above (that I have experience with), but some people aren't as fortunate.

It's hard to figure out wtf to do other than buy raws and brew, but even then you have to find a good raws supplier and brew it w/o fucking it up.

