Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's not, my wife takes it and she only does HGH and she improved her physique while on it and she is not an amateur lifter. So relax and enjoy your Metformin the benefit are well above the negligible probably not even real mtor side effect
yeah its probably overthinking.. as so many topics in this sports like nutrition, training, timing etc.
at the end, get your protein and carbs in, be in a surplus, train hard and one will grow. But i guess we all think like crazy about food timing, meal frequency, training split, etc. etc. All things that probably change less than 1% in the big picture
According to this one

I'm not sure if shipping to HK is "exportation" tho.
It is, we have completely different rules down here and everything from PRC has to go through Customs here. For example, we can bring soil and plants into HK from China no problem. The other way round, if discovered, will hit your social credit score at the very least.
I’m surprised how no one has more of an issue with how a source is speaking to MESO members.
I agree.!! I mentioned this back in Post #220 that they were already getting a bit cunty/ condescending with some members and that was obviously before some of these latest issues arose......
I mean, if we have to tell a source to not be a cunt, then the chances are they're not the type who will respect that. better to let them unwind themselves band the community will sort them out with no business thereafter.
You really think shit talking is going to stop people from buying the steroids they want from a source? Damn, kids on this forum are out of touch with reality. If your drug dealer in real life calls you a bad name do you stop buying drugs from them? Probably not. This community doesn't do much except talk shit like a yapping dog, the only "power" you have is to shit talk in a thread in hopes of driving business away from a source.

People tend to vote with their wallet and will probably buy from the cheapest source they're comfortable with. I remember when PPL was new and had all their drama, guess what? Still around and now people consider them a solid source.
Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day where multiple members are attacking another member who showed proof that the products are underdosed by more then 10% and the vials are trash. Then he receives half his money from a refund but can't use the primo so he gets stuck with a loss. It's not only primo, the test, and tren are underdosed aswell.
Have fun getting screwed, this source either has low quality raws or intentionally underdosed their vials, they also fake hplc reports from jano.
I see why alot of people switched forums now. Meso has changed.
Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day where multiple members are attacking another member who showed proof that the products are underdosed by more then 10% and the vials are trash. Then he receives half his money from a refund but can't use the primo so he gets stuck with a loss. It's not only primo, the test, and tren are underdosed aswell.
Have fun getting screwed, this source either has low quality raws or intentionally underdosed their vials, they also fake hplc reports from jano.
I see why alot of people switched forums now. Meso has changed.
you'll notice I never attacked the guy, I simply asked for proof that did take many, many, many requests to get. objectivity is one of the few things I'm good at. you didn't single me out, just covering my ass lol. I don't think anyone should buy here, I'll not be doing it going forward unless @mokola basically gets a fucking shitload of compensation for the way he's been dealt with both publicly and privately and I advise all others to follow suit. I realize that likely won't happen, but still.

@Fenrir51 not all of us are tweaked out gearheads and despite what you wrote, most of us are indeed able to make educated decisions especially in light of a source shitting all over members. so, yeah, I do believe that most won't support this source going forward. and if a drug dealer shit talked me IRL he wouldn't have any future business to worry about from me nor anyone else because he simply wouldn't exist. we don't have that option in these scenarios so the money does the talking and the cards will fall where they fall.
Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day where multiple members are attacking another member who showed proof that the products are underdosed by more then 10% and the vials are trash. Then he receives half his money from a refund but can't use the primo so he gets stuck with a loss. It's not only primo, the test, and tren are underdosed aswell.
Have fun getting screwed, this source either has low quality raws or intentionally underdosed their vials, they also fake hplc reports from jano.
I see why alot of people switched forums now. Meso has changed.
Wouldn’t it be nice if those people claiming all this stuff came over and posted the lab results to prove their claims? Lol
Wouldn’t it be nice if those people claiming all this stuff came over and posted the lab results to prove their claims? Lol
the underdosed Primo was posted though, in the Lab Testing section. 83mg/mL. but the point is, it's more than the testing. it's the way this was all handed. and even in light of the source saying they were brought in to improve customer service - is that what this is? giant oof, if so.

and @Ambitionzcs is right - for anyone to justify this absolute horseshit behavior from a source is intolerable.
the underdosed Primo was posted though, in the Lab Testing section. 83mg/mL. but the point is, it's more than the testing. it's the way this was all handed. and even in light of the source saying they were brought in to improve customer service - is that what this is? giant oof, if so.

and @Ambitionzcs is right - for anyone to justify this absolute horseshit behavior from a source is intolerable.
Yes the primo was eventually posted. At the end of the day people think with their wallets, I bought the hgh and it’s so cheap why not test it, when it gets tested results will be posted here, I’ll probably end up testing some of their raws as well as what I have on hand from PPL and their results will end up in their thread.
Yes the primo was eventually posted. At the end of the day people think with their wallets, I bought the hgh and it’s so cheap why not test it, when it gets tested results will be posted here, I’ll probably end up testing some of their raws as well as what I have on hand from PPL and their results will end up in their thread.
First rule : When you want to lab test a product, do not say it out loud in public before you do have the product in hand.
Well easy for the source to send you a "special" batch.
(we had possibly the case before)

On top of that gingdao's raw and hgh have always been good so far. So it should be fine.
Their biggest issue is with finish product and customer service (when things go south).
You really think shit talking is going to stop people from buying the steroids they want from a source? Damn, kids on this forum are out of touch with reality. If your drug dealer in real life calls you a bad name do you stop buying drugs from them? Probably not. This community doesn't do much except talk shit like a yapping dog, the only "power" you have is to shit talk in a thread in hopes of driving business away from a source.

People tend to vote with their wallet and will probably buy from the cheapest source they're comfortable with. I remember when PPL was new and had all their drama, guess what? Still around and now people consider them a solid source.
Then go ahead and buy from them big guy.

We will talk again after you get an infection. If you still trust this source you have problems. Once you got a problem they are gone.

Also, they don't know how to brew and have shit quality control, regardless if they improve their shitty customer service.
First rule : When you want to lab test a product, do not say it out loud in public before you do have the product in hand.
Well easy for the source to send you a "special" batch.
(we had possibly the case before)

On top of that gingdao's raw and hgh have always been good so far. So it should be fine.
Their biggest issue is with finish product and customer service (when things go south).
Good thought ! Thanks for that tip, my email differs from my username and I will remember to obfuscate the order a little making it harder to identify.
First rule : When you want to lab test a product, do not say it out loud in public before you do have the product in hand.
Well easy for the source to send you a "special" batch.
(we had possibly the case before)

On top of that gingdao's raw and hgh have always been good so far. So it should be fine.
Their biggest issue is with finish product and customer service (when things go south).
I literally just realized.... lmfao omfg. my Tesa order took 4 days to ship from CN. I absolutely should not have posted that I was gonna test it, because this is not a blind test now. fuckfyckfuckfuckfckuckuck
It's not, my wife takes it and she only does HGH and she improved her physique while on it and she is not an amateur lifter. So relax and enjoy your Metformin the benefit are well above the negligible probably not even real mtor side effect
Out of curiosity how much gh does she run?


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