Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Maybe solve it in appropriate solution, easy and quite precise. Just have to figure out solution but overall is extremely simple. If you don't like taste of solution you can fill empty pills with syringe
Did not think about this! It can be left as a solution or I could fill capsules! Thanks!!
I got it to go through. When i was doing the payment i selected a different shipping address and entered the info manually instead of letting it auto fill and that seems to have worked.
What about the surname do you put the same name that's on the card as the surname part fill out
What about the surname do you put the same name that's on the card as the surname part fill out
Yes put the last name in the surname part. I also had a couple of issues but found that if you don’t auto fill and do it manually it works best. Same for the address.
Yes put the last name in the surname part. I also had a couple of issues but found that if you don’t auto fill and do it manually it works best. Same for the address.
Ok thank u because I didn't want to have to make it normal email I want to go to the one I've been using which is a encrypted one so hopefully I'll hit her up and she'll get back to me soon
Is it bad to take finasteride and NPP at the same time? Have a few people saying u shouldn’t
If your hair is thinning it doesn't matter what else you're taking take it anyway there's no good or wrong time to take that matter fact you just take it like a multivitamin every day every day trust me I found hard way
Is it bad to take finasteride and NPP at the same time? Have a few people saying u shouldn’t
Yes it’s really bad. Nandrolone is hair safe because it converts to DHN rather than DHT. Taking finasteride alters this so it will rape your hair more than if you didn’t take finasteride.
Yes it’s really bad. Nandrolone is hair safe because it converts to DHN rather than DHT. Taking finasteride alters this so it will rape your hair more than if you didn’t take finasteride.
There's one other compound you can take too I'm trying to remember what's called because I remember a company called keeps made shampoo with two compounds in it that was exclusively for hair loss can't remember what the name of the other one was though
Hi guys,

Just received my first order today. Primo 200mg & Test E 250mg. The stealth was great and there are no broken vials. My delivery took 27 days in total to the UK using postNL. Bare in mind the tracking is slow and often updates late I.e. you will have no change and then it will say something happened on a date when previous there was no update. Overall I’m very happy with how the streamlined the ordering process was and will update regarding pip and effectiveness!

Let us know your experience with primo
There's one other compound you can take too I'm trying to remember what's called because I remember a company called keeps made shampoo with two compounds in it that was exclusively for hair loss can't remember what the name of the other one was though
Minoxidil, nizoral or RU? Nothing else works aside from finasteride.