Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Does he ever update his list? Over the last 20 pages or so I just keep reading how he is out of everything at the US warehouse. If it's better for me to order from China and getting it sent to the US warehouse is so easy why is it not kept stocked up?
i wouldn't hesitate to use the reship.....
Does he ever update his list? Over the last 20 pages or so I just keep reading how he is out of everything at the US warehouse. If it's better for me to order from China and getting it sent to the US warehouse is so easy why is it not kept stocked up?
We update the price list very often, we are mainly an international source, not a domestic one, we provided a domestic service for impatient guys, for limited items, bpc157, tb500 as often guys need those after injuries and cannot wait 3 weeks, also hgh, and some other products, we weren't expecting a such big volume of domestic sales, 1000 vials of test c sold in 2 weeks and 1000 vials of test e in 3 weeks we didn't guess that it will be that quick, and its our first time selling oils domestically.
We already shipped new batches and added more items to domestic warehouses, and those will be available very soon.
Do you really think properly stored finished oils will last decades? Prepping for the apocalypse is very important.
My training partner home brews and he has a situation during prep for nationals where he ran out and his coach had him switch to something that wasn't showing up in time and he used a bottle that he claimed was 15years old and he was fine lol I wouldn't do it though
Does he ever update his list? Over the last 20 pages or so I just keep reading how he is out of everything at the US warehouse. If it's better for me to order from China and getting it sent to the US warehouse is so easy why is it not kept stocked up?
Girl in your pic has such amazing boobies
Then water can get in oil too
Yep, there's a lot of reasons why, at work, we give dry chemicals a 2-year expiry and solvated chemicals ~30 days (even in hydrophobic solvents like hexane). Even crimped vials are not airtight. I have proven this by stability testing over time using Karl Fischer titration.

In my opinion, the best way to store gear long-term is to divide the bulk amount into amounts that will be brewed in 1 batch. Vacuum-seal these amounts individually and wrap in foil to protect from light. Store in the freezer. The reason for this is because when something is thawed, condensation forms. This way, only the amount of drug that will be immediately used is exposed to condensation.

As you, @SidneyPascal and @Laxbro88 have said, storing in oil is no bueno, since the oil will go rancid before the drug degrades to any noticeable extent.
Yep, there's a lot of reasons why, at work, we give dry chemicals a 2-year expiry and solvated chemicals ~30 days (even in hydrophobic solvents like hexane). Even crimped vials are not airtight. I have proven this by stability testing over time using Karl Fischer titration.

In my opinion, the best way to store gear long-term is to divide the bulk amount into amounts that will be brewed in 1 batch. Vacuum-seal these amounts individually and wrap in foil to protect from light. Store in the freezer. The reason for this is because when something is thawed, condensation forms. This way, only the amount of drug that will be immediately used is exposed to condensation.

As you, @SidneyPascal and @Laxbro88 have said, storing in oil is no bueno, since the oil will go rancid before the drug degrades to any noticeable extent.
have enjoyed the level of intelligence of your posts lately. very useful info.