Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You don’t have to be ordering something dangerous.. Let’s just hypothetically say you order Tren enth, but what gets sent to you is Methyl Tren. I mean they both have tren in the name so no big deal right?

Now this would be an extreme example but my point is still the same mislabeling is a huge issue that shouldn’t be swept under the rug..

Imagine getting estrogen instead of test and waking up with a nice couple of double Ds
I assumed the other source ordering the product was QSC's competition.
Nope, just a source trying to make some business. At this point a source trying to compete with QSC would be along the lines of Purple Panda or Dragon Ordnance or even Godbull Raws or Buck Anabolics.
I get starving only after injection, with insulin I can eat nonstop everything in the fridge, I stopped using that because it fucked up my belly and It got me more than 1 year to fix the bubble gut from insulin

Well that doesn’t bode well for me. Insulin did nothing for me. I was using the 4-6HR insulin type from Walmart brand.
Well that doesn’t bode well for me. Insulin did nothing for me. I was using the 4-6HR insulin type from Walmart brand.
How many times a day and how many IU did you use for trying to increase appetite. Were you taking metformin?
Nope, just a source trying to make some business. At this point a source trying to compete with QSC would be along the lines of Purple Panda or Dragon Ordnance or even Godbull Raws or Buck Anabolics.

Purple Panda? Are you new (to the game)? If you guys are complaining about the crap QSC has pulled....PPL makes QSC look like Amazon customer service.
How many times a day and how many IU did you use for trying to increase appetite. Were you taking metformin?

I believe I went as high as 40 units with Humalin-R pre workout and then 120g+ of dextrose mixed in a Gatorade. Could be wrong memory wise about the exact carb intake. That’s what I remember. Took it 5-6 days a week (days I worked out).

Was not taking metforminz
I believe I went as high as 40 units with Humalin-R pre workout and then 120g+ of dextrose mixed in a Gatorade. Could be wrong memory wise about the exact carb intake. That’s what I remember. Took it 5-6 days a week (days I worked out).

Was not taking metforminz
No wonder you’ve got a wild bubble gut. That’s insane
I believe I went as high as 40 units with Humalin-R pre workout and then 120g+ of dextrose mixed in a Gatorade. Could be wrong memory wise about the exact carb intake. That’s what I remember. Took it 5-6 days a week (days I worked out).

Was not taking metforminz
Damn that's a lot of insulin pre workout holy shit man lol... for appetite It works best 3x a day for the Walmart stuff ( novolin R). Starting at 5iu each time and going up from there lol spacing out around 4hrs or 5 hours. hyperinsulinemia throughout the day rather than a huge spike once a day. Metformin also increased my appetite It actually changes you gut microbiom in a positive way. Some people have upset stomach getting used to it and some gas but taken at night can help that.
What did I say to make you think I am "out to get" QSC?

I inquired about purchasing Toremifene, I told QSC I have never found real Toremifene raws and asked what his policy was if the product came mislabeled or underdosed, he promised me a refund if it came mislabeled or underdosed. I received the pack after a few months, tested it, and found he had sent Clomid instead. He refused to send me the refund he promised. When I posted the results here, he then proceeded to list all of the tracking numbers to the parcels he has sent to me, including 2 packages that were caught by customs, with the destination city. I asked him to kindly remove the sensitive information, and he declined. That's why he was banned.

Would you please indicate how the above makes it seem like I was "out to get" this supplier?
Did he give you a reship on your seized items?
No wonder you’ve got a wild bubble gut. That’s insane

What? That was the other guy, not me. I just didn’t get any appetite increase.

Honestly didn’t feel too different. Checked my old notes it was 20-25 units....though i feel I like I did bump it up the 2nd half of my cycle. Maybe not.

Damn that's a lot of insulin pre workout holy shit man lol... for appetite It works best 3x a day for the Walmart stuff ( novolin R). Starting at 5iu each time and going up from there lol spacing out around 4hrs or 5 hours. hyperinsulinemia throughout the day rather than a huge spike once a day. Metformin also increased my appetite It actually changes you gut microbiom in a positive way. Some people have upset stomach getting used to it and some gas but taken at night can help that.

I checked my old notes it may have been as low as 20-25 units. Thought I felt like I bumped it, maybe I didn’t.

Anyway yeah zero appetite increase or nothing noticeable. Yes it was Novolin-R. It has a half life of 4-6 hours, right? Maybe I’ll try the spaced out the method.

I was looking at possibly doing Lantus/Landis pen. Saw some people have success with these longer based ones. What do you think?
What? That was the other guy, not me. I just didn’t get any appetite increase.

Honestly didn’t feel too different. Checked my old notes it was 20-25 units....though i feel I like I did bump it up the 2nd half of my cycle. Maybe not.

I checked my old notes it may have been as low as 20-25 units. Thought I felt like I bumped it, maybe I didn’t.

Anyway yeah zero appetite increase or nothing noticeable. Yes it was Novolin-R. It has a half life of 4-6 hours, right? Maybe I’ll try the spaced out the method.

I was looking at possibly doing Lantus/Landis pen. Saw some people have success with these longer based ones. What do you think?
Ah my bad lol. I use humalog and only like 4 units pre and post and it does give me a bit of a appetite increase. I wake up in the morning hungry af
What? That was the other guy, not me. I just didn’t get any appetite increase.

Honestly didn’t feel too different. Checked my old notes it was 20-25 units....though i feel I like I did bump it up the 2nd half of my cycle. Maybe not.

I checked my old notes it may have been as low as 20-25 units. Thought I felt like I bumped it, maybe I didn’t.

Anyway yeah zero appetite increase or nothing noticeable. Yes it was Novolin-R. It has a half life of 4-6 hours, right? Maybe I’ll try the spaced out the method.

I was looking at possibly doing Lantus/Landis pen. Saw some people have success with these longer based ones. What do you think?
I've has really good results using Lantus along side the Walmart insulin. I only use the Lantus like 2x a week though for what I'm using it for (bringing up lagging body part) usually I just do novolin R pre and post 10iu 10iu usually 6iu us sufficient for pre workout and I've found more being better post workout. Taking too much pre workout seems to not complement performance too much. The goal there is atp recycling and glycogen right but if your taking too much I find it kind of shoots you in the foot. It will do those things I just mentioned at like 5iu I feel sometimes less is more pre workout and I've gone up to 15iu post workout.

As far as Lantus for driving hunger , yeah that works pretty well. It's just not something I feel should go on for too long of a time... you can get away with like 15- 20 iu pre and post workout of novolin R without too much risk for a very long time. Lantus on the other hand or even doing novolin R spaced out throughout the day could eventually cause some problems always having so much extra insulin in the background. Ruining your insulin sensitivity overtimes doesn't do you much good in the long run. I would always take metformin with or without insulin.
What the right way to open these Test vials? Is cap supposed to pull off one small side of the stopped holder? Sorry for my ignorance...never seen vials like this.
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I have now placed 3 orders with QSC and ran into a problem with one of them so I wanted to update everyone who is curious with my personal experience.

First order was a trial order from the Domestic Warehouse with Test E and GH.
It took 4 days from payment to receipt and everything arrived nicely packaged with no damage. I immediately started running both the Test E and GH.
I have not run any lab reports but I can say that I have been running the Test E at 500mg/wk along with 3mg of Arimidex per week which is what I require at that dosage to keep from growing tits. My body is very finnicky with E2. Slightly too much or too little and I start getting sides. Based on this I can say the Test E must be G2G as I have not crashed my E2 at this dose. Test E pins smooth with no PIP. As for the GH I am feeling amazing on it after almost 3 weeks. I started at 2IU's per day and pushed it up to 4. I experienced EXTREME lethargy in the beginning that has since tapered off. I have also experienced mild CTS that is primarily only noticeable if I am typing for extended periods of time or flicking my wife's bean excessively while watching porn at night. I am growing leaner and more vascular by the day on it. On top of that my knees and back have not felt this good since I was in my 20's. I can sit on the floor and play board games with my kids and then hop right up without any of my usual nagging aches and pains. I suspect I will be running GH for the foreseeable future for that effect alone.

The problem came when I placed a sizeable (for me) second order with multiple different compounds including injectables, pills and raws. I noticed when I placed the order that the price I was given did not match what I expected but I assumed there was a price change and ignored it. Later when the updated price list came out I saw that there was no price change. I contacted the rep for clarification and they replied within an hour to say that a mistake had been made and they had billed me for and sent Oxymetholone instead of Oxandrolone and promised to make it right on my next order. I was very appreciative of the reps immediate honesty and offer to make me whole so I placed another order for more GH and the missing Var. I will update you all further once everything lands and is confirmed complete.

I post all of this to point out a few things. Everyone involved here is a human being and we are all capable of making mistakes. What matters is how people fix the mistakes that they have made. Throughout my communication with the rep, even during the misunderstanding, I remained calm, made zero demands or threats and didn't point the finger or place any blame. The rep treated me with the exact same level of respect and professionalism that I treated them. Many people here dont like the reps, "No Soup For You" mentality. I on the other hand understand his demeanor completely. After 25 years in Business to Business sales I have dealt with tons of Prima Donna clients who expect you to roll out the red carpet for them while sucking their dicks. But any good business man knows his own value. If you have a quality product at a good price then you don't have to suck dick for sales and if someone doesn't like that attitude then they are free to go pay more somewhere else. At the end of the day the customers you lose with that attitude are the customers you don't want anyways because their constant bitching and complaining wastes your time and destroys your margins. I am sure all of you here are perfectly stand up human beings you are a pleasure to do business with...but if you're not then you will likely run into problems with a Sales Rep who knows his own value and the value of his product!!

Sorry for the book length post. I will update you all further when everything lands!