Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

If it's an unintentional mistake, you could probably try to resolve the issue with him fairly. I'm pretty sure you will get more advantages in the long run even if you have to refund him monetarily now. We as the customers are just trying to find affordable and trustworthy sources. Just my 2 cents though.
I did tried to resolve it, but customer prefered to bash us instead of being patient, so he should assume his responsability.
You know all these guys complaining with hurt feelings, they are not customers, and never been, customers don't even care about this, and they already know how I deal with all problems, it's solved very smoothly, people just need to learn how to talk to get their shit fixed.
The public/private thing wasn't the issue, you can publish whatever you want, it's your right, and I fix it, the point was calling me a scammer, bashing us because of this, even that I offered a solution, which I won't accept
But if you promised a refund and then didn't give the refund then that is a scam. This is the problem. If you just refund the customer as you promised you will no longer be a scammer.
I have said it before this source keeps everyone afraid of making a bad review public here, He even admits here. There have been members pm me and others as well as Millard that they are afraid to make a bad review due to this ass clowns business policies...
There is several ways to give a bad reviews, you can give a bad review like a grown up man or a dick, so you get the same treatment. If you are mature and you just post a lab test, or give your feelz, tell your story, your problem is solved smoothly either in public or private, and if you are a dick calling me clown or scammer or smtg like that, you get what you deserve.

If customer don't agree with the policies, he don't have to buy from us, it's easy.
But if you promised a refund and then didn't give the refund then that is a scam. This is the problem. If you just refund the customer as you promised you will no longer be a scammer.
As far as the mistake can be corrected, we don't offer refunds, only when it's impossible that we offer the refund, it's in the rules listed:

" The refund policy in case of refund eligibility only applies for alibaba transactions. Bank transfers and bitcoins are not affected, and the only solution that can be offered is a store credit no matter the problem.

Any underdosage below 15% may be subject to partial compensation in the form of a correction of the mistake, either by total or partial reshipment of a new batch or same tested batch with next order, or even a discount on the next order.

No refund is possible when the mistake or the underdosage can be corrected, and in case of impossibility of correction we offer a refund. "
I think everyone can see the few people in this click ganging up on this source. Very clear to see. Other sources in a source thread is disrespectful imo. Been at this for over 20 years. Ive been a rep been a remailer been a source. I have never seen shit like this ever. Take the crap to email. If you don't have skin in the game get lost. Nobody here is making anyone order or not order. Its up to everyone to take the risk. There is risk in all this from the buyer to the seller. Cluttering up a thread with bs back n forth crap is ridiculous. We know all the issues. It is what it is. Don't order if you are worried about things. If you are comfortable with taking a gamble go for it. But to keep coming here bashing a source over and over the same crap is insane. Specially other source or sources coming into this persons thread. Totally unacceptable in my book. Lets move on from this and this goes to the bashers and QSC. Clean this shit up.
So, you've made it clear that you have no intentions of dropping your attitude problem or making whole, the guys who paid you for products and then complained publicly.

Fair enough. At least customers heard it directly from the horses mouth what they can expect doing business with you.

Do y'all have a plan to use better caps on your oils in the future? Several of your customers have complained about the low quality caps you use. When they rip down the side of the vial instead of the top coming off in a clean circle, there is a risk of the oil becoming unsterilized if the cap tears all the way down and the edge of the stopper is exposed.
Do y'all have a plan to use better caps on your oils in the future? Several of your customers have complained about the low quality caps you use. When they rip down the side of the vial instead of the top coming off in a clean circle, there is a risk of the oil becoming unsterilized if the cap tears all the way down and the edge of the stopper is exposed.
We are aware of it, it's not a good/bad quality cap issue, but just some customers have seen the first time this kind of caps, the type of vial used is made so that not only the circle in the middle is removed while opening but also a part that is well drawn on the vial.
As you can notice in the pictures, so the customer just has to open the vial gently and he won't have any problem.
That said, no risk of loss of sterility is possible no matter how he removes the cap.

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We are aware of it, it's not a good/bad quality cap issue, but just some customers have seen the first time this kind of caps, the type of vial used is made so that not only the circle in the middle is removed while opening but also a part that is well drawn on the vial.
As you can notice in the pictures, so the customer just has to open the vial gently and he won't have any problem.
That said, no risk of loss of sterility is possible no matter how he removes the cap.

View attachment 166300View attachment 166301View attachment 166303View attachment 166305
Those are cheap ass caps, my man. Without a doubt.

And what happens when a person uses a alcohol swap to wipe his top before injection and a fiber from the cloth gets stuck to the jagged edge where the cap ripped? If they aren't careful, they can wind up injecting a fiber.

The pictures you showed at the bottom would be fine, as far as remaining sterile. But if the cap rips all the way down the side and exposes where the stopper meets the glass, sterility could certainly be compromised.

I would seriously consider upgrading to a higher quality cap in the future. It would be one less thing for guys to bitch about and could save a customer from losing a chunk of ass cheek from an infection.
Those are cheap ass caps, my man. Without a doubt.

And what happens when a person uses a alcohol swap to wipe his top before injection and a fiber from the cloth gets stuck to the jagged edge where the cap ripped? If they aren't careful, they can wind up injecting a fiber.

The pictures you showed at the bottom would be fine, as far as remaining sterile. But if the cap rips all the way down the side and exposes where the stopper meets the glass, sterility could certainly be compromised.

I would seriously consider upgrading to a higher quality cap in the future. It would be one less thing for guys to bitch about and could save a customer from losing a chunk of ass cheek from an infection.
Yes, they are cheap, like all our products,we do sell 10000 vials with these caps $550, which means it costs us less that 0.05$/vial, so cost of production is minimized with this caps, but improvement suggestions are always welcomed, so we may consider that in the future, I will talk with the team.

That said, 500 pages of satisfied customers with very healthy ass cheeks with no complains about injections and zero infection, I think it's not that bad ^^
Yes, they are cheap, like all our products,we do sell 10000 vials with these caps $550, which means it costs us less that 0.05$/vial, so cost of production is minimized with this caps, but improvement suggestions are always welcomed, so we may consider that in the future, I will talk with the team.

That said, 500 pages of satisfied customers with very healthy ass cheeks with no complains about injections and zero infection, I think it's not that bad ^^
Fair enough.
So discussing semaglutide from source. I would say whatever ozempic dosing is. Increase sources semaglutide by 25-40% to you and the same effect. It's still much cheaper than research sites for sure
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Have you used both Ozempic and Qingdao's?
I have used

USA generic pharma
Peptide science

And now QSC.

USA generic pharma and peptide science is about the same cost/effectiveness. Nearly about 40 dollars a dose granted each dose is 1mg.

QSC is about 5.5 dollars a dose.(considering the dose adjustment)
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I can arrange that on the next batch of primo. Just need to be sure that the demand is enough high as 100mg/ml and the kit will be about $310 with no possible for having few vials as in US warehouse we only sell full kits.
I think the members here would definitely want that but obviously I can only speak for myself. Price and kit is no problem for me. 200mg is much more preferable
I can arrange that on the next batch of primo. Just need to be sure that the demand is enough high as 100mg/ml and the kit will be about $310 with no possible for having few vials as in US warehouse we only sell full kits.
I think you can put your whole line in usa domestic warehouse at these prices, and everyone will pay the small markup instead of ordering international.
I can arrange that on the next batch of primo. Just need to be sure that the demand is enough high as 100mg/ml and the kit will be about $310 with no possible for having few vials as in US warehouse we only sell full kits.
How about EU customers? You only offer 100mg/ml right now right? Even when ordering from china?