Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Say what you want about these guys but they are not scammers. They could have sent me some empty carrier oil when the primo was not in stock but instead they refunded me straight away. still I won’t be ordering again because it took checking a tracking number for 2 weeks and posting here to find out it was never shipped.
Say what you want about these guys but they are not scammers. They could have sent me some empty carrier oil when the primo was not in stock but instead they refunded me straight away. still I won’t be ordering again because it took checking a tracking number for 2 weeks and posting here to find out it was never shipped.
Do a google search in Rededdit on this company. All I know is what I see and read. Its not a company that instills trust. I would expect the worst from them, and anything else is a Plus that happens
I've been told QSC is known in China for buying up large amounts of the cheapest raws they can get their hands on. Not sure if true, but just wanted to share what I've been told. This would explain the low low prices: they move a lot of volume apparently.
Qingdao said their batches are made when the order is placed by the customer....not pre-made batches ready to go. So it doesn't make sense why it wouldn't be in stock if they are supposed to be made when the order is placed. They talk about being able to customize the brews and whatnot. Or did I misunderstand how they are producing their batches?
Thats what se told me about the primo 200
Due to certain unforeseen events, we do not have many finished products in stock, and this may be the case in the next 2 weeks, we will notify you when it is back to normal, and in the meantime, we will continue to accept orders for raws, hgh, peptides.
For personalized products, as well as some finished oils and oral products, it will not be possible to do it for the next 2 weeks.
For now, we have some stock of parabolan, test e, metribolan, boldo cyp and a few more.
We apologize for the inconvenience caused.


RAWS ($)10 g50 g100 g
Boldione / 1,4 Androstadienedione4070110
Halodrol / Turinadiol75220440
Methylstenbolone/ Ultradrol110455880
T4 sodium salt105470880
Lasilix1 kg=158$
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid45120225
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen355580
4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione / 6-OXO45100185
https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/arimidex/ (Anastrozole) / Arimidex75290545
Exemestane / Aromasin57200400
Isotretinoin / Accutane96
Vitamine B51 kg=75$
Boldenone Propionate406095
Boldenone Acetate4575110
Boldenone Cypionate406090
Boldenone undecylenate406090
Testo PP305070
Testo P305070
Testo Acétate406085
Testo E284565
Testo C304570
Testo Decanoate305070
Testo Undeca355080
Testo isocaproate4575115
Testo sans ester385070
Nandro Cyp45100170
Nandro sans ester5095155
Nandro Undecylate55130225
Tren Hexa / Parabolan100375710
Tren E45120210
Tren A45120210
Tren sans ester65215330
Mast P50135260
Mast E50135260
Primo A98410780
Primo E100410785
Trestolone acetate / Ment2501025
Winstrol micro powder85165300
Winstrol ordinary powder85165300
Oxymetholone / Anadrol85165300
Oxandrolone / Anavar50140270
Metandienone / Dianabol5080130
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin210
Methylepitiostanol / Epistane75285550
4-Chlorotestosterone acetate / Clostebol5590150
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra203040
Tadalafil / Cialis254253
Dapoxetine hydrochloride40100140
Metformin1 kg=90$
Berberine HCL60
Hydroxyprogesterone / 17-OHP305080
Triamcinolone acetonide 21-acetate60145260
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate5080130
bethametasone / deprisone190
Dermoval / Clobetasol58330

Wholesale prices of 1 kg of :

Test E 310$
Test C 330$
Test P 310$
Sustanon 455$
Deca 830$
NPP 830$
Boldo U 520$
Boldo Cyp 550$
Tren E 1885$
Tren A 1885$
Mast E 2280$
Mast P 2280$
Primo E 7065$
Winstrol 1055$
Dianabol 980$
Anavar 2750$
Turinabol 2270$
tadalafil 310$
Sildenafil 110$

View attachment 156006
Are you saying the QSC manufactures all these chems, or is a distributor for many factories?

My go to source in China only sells pretty much only anabolic raw powders, no sarms, no growth, no dick pills even. They always sent me legit stuff.

This source, it's opposite world! He claims thousands on his list. How are you 100% sure all this huge ass list is vetted? Big job that. Personally, it seems foolish. If couple items turn out to be bunk, you will get a Fukashima on the forum.

I wanted to believe "her" tits where real. That did not work out but I still want to believe all these chems are real. Time will tell on this dude.

Keep posting opinions of what you received.
This source, it's opposite world! He claims thousands on his list. How are you 100% sure all this huge ass list is vetted?
Of course from their strict quality control. Or didn't you check their obviously-not-made-for-marketing 2y old labs?

In any case, QSC is listed as a trade company, and advertised as such in China. Number of employees was around 30 last year (they advertised as such in their job hunt posts). They received a fine back in 2016 for false declaration with an address located in Qingdao, Shinan district, Shandong Road. Nowadays they appear to be registered at an address above a large shopping mall (15th floor of Wanda Plaza Business Center). Those addresses would probably be offices. Not great place to store golf carts, forklifts, or produce PEDS. I would assume they simply distribute, not produce.
yea really. Do you make Golf Carts also? It's on your webpage? Chemical company who also makes Golf Carts?

View attachment 156009View attachment 156008
I could go on, and on... just look at your website,

Since this must be your tenth post on Golf Carts, obviously it's fun for you and you don't know how Chinese suppliers work and you're curious, I'll explain it to you.

When we create orders for you on alibaba, we need a cover to protect us against the policy of alibaba vis-à-vis the prohibition of the sale of pharmaceutical products and steroids on their platforms, but also to give the customer a proof of his purchase, and for that we have recourse to a few simple methods, for example for small orders, we will pass them off for purchases of cosmetics or household furniture etc ... but when the orders are like $ 10,000- $ 50,000 you have to use a better excuse like for example Golf Carts, Bulldozer etc ... so the site is made to be consistent with the orders created.

But otherwise, the company is specialized in the production of chemical products, in particular raws which are our main products, and this for more than 20 years that we are in the market as much as suppliers of raws.
The integration of finished products is recent and dates back to recent years following strong demand.
Since this must be your tenth post on Golf Carts, obviously it's fun for you and you don't know how Chinese suppliers work and you're curious, I'll explain it to you.

When we create orders for you on alibaba, we need a cover to protect us against the policy of alibaba vis-à-vis the prohibition of the sale of pharmaceutical products and steroids on their platforms, but also to give the customer a proof of his purchase, and for that we have recourse to a few simple methods, for example for small orders, we will pass them off for purchases of cosmetics or household furniture etc ... but when the orders are like $ 10,000- $ 50,000 you have to use a better excuse like for example Golf Carts, Bulldozer etc ... so the site is made to be consistent with the orders created.

But otherwise, the company is specialized in the production of chemical products, in particular raws which are our main products, and this for more than 20 years that we are in the market as much as suppliers of raws.
The integration of finished products is recent and dates back to recent years following strong demand.
Dont give so much information, here are many people who hate you and will do everything possible to bring the company down.

I am waiting for the hgh and looking forward to the vials and the pills to be in stock again
Since this must be your tenth post on Golf Carts, obviously it's fun for you and you don't know how Chinese suppliers work and you're curious, I'll explain it to you.

When we create orders for you on alibaba, we need a cover to protect us against the policy of alibaba vis-à-vis the prohibition of the sale of pharmaceutical products and steroids on their platforms, but also to give the customer a proof of his purchase, and for that we have recourse to a few simple methods, for example for small orders, we will pass them off for purchases of cosmetics or household furniture etc ... but when the orders are like $ 10,000- $ 50,000 you have to use a better excuse like for example Golf Carts, Bulldozer etc ... so the site is made to be consistent with the orders created.

But otherwise, the company is specialized in the production of chemical products, in particular raws which are our main products, and this for more than 20 years that we are in the market as much as suppliers of raws.
The integration of finished products is recent and dates back to recent years following strong demand.
So Alibaba does not even check your website out?

Not a big surprise, they did not check me out when I claimed I was a manufacturer.

Still leaves many people on reddit who claimed you screwed them over, and I'm sure many others who have never posted about it.

We'll be watching you!
So Alibaba does not even check your website out?

Not a big surprise, they did not check me out when I claimed I was a manufacturer.

Still leaves many people on reddit who claimed you screwed them over, and I'm sure many others who have never posted about it.

We'll be watching you!

We never done that, and we will never do it, fake feedbacks are easy, prooving that is more difficult, we already have many members who ordered from us in French Meso and here.
We never done that, and we will never do it, fake feedbacks are easy, prooving that is more difficult, we already have many members who ordered from us in French Meso and here.
I agree, but another red flag is your pissy attitude . Thats indicative of a company/one man operation, who tells a lot of people to fuck off who are not satisfied. You are just so busy making quick $, when a problem happens, you just tell that person to fuck off, and move on and make $100 in 1/2 hour off of other people..

Seen this type many times.