Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is there a 100% success rate for shipping from the China warehouse to the U.S.? Or is it safer to order domestically from the U.S. warehouse?
What products you guys wanna see Jano-tested in future?

Leave a comment with 1 product of your choice, and I might test 3 or 4 or maybe more, depending on the total cost, or simply refund some customers lab tests to keep them blind and more fun :p

The comments that will get the biggest number of likes will be choosen.

Max price per lab should be $180 so members can pick either oils, tabs, raws or classic peptides in stock.

1,2,3 let's go !

Results on 09/06
Last edited:
Hard to know how much its actual muscle tissue and how much glycogen,i wouldnt say there is any water weight. I think from all other compounds this is the most anabolic. Would be nice to try 4 weeks megadosing it to see actual result,hopefully I will.

I dont think any other compound can come close to mega dose of yk11 in terms on lean tissue.

Muscle tissue i kept all but not strength gains..the keepable strength gains are equal to that of new muscle tissue you made during blasting yk11
I haven’t run it long enough yet to see the mass building effects, but Injectable yk11 is the strongest thing I’ve ever taken from a Strength, aggression, and hard/fullness aspect. I got instant striations in my chest and shoulders and arms I’ve never seen before even though I’m still at 13.5ish% bodyfat. It showed through very easily.

