Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's been cited plenty of times already but here you go, bud.

This is where the proof is posted.

And this is Dues Pharmaceutical's response to this rep lying about what transpired in this thread.

Damn bro I can tell you're a good person and you're looking out for us... but man you are obsessed with this ....it's just time to Let It Go lol.
Damn bro I can tell you're a good person and you're looking out for us... but man you are obsessed with this ....it's just time to Let It Go lol.
When have you ever known Meso to “let it go” when a source scams a customer for thousands of dollars? Maybe that’s the Meso you want to see but that’s not the Meso many of us know. Sources should be held accountable for their actions.
Damn bro I can tell you're a good person and you're looking out for us... but man you are obsessed with this ....it's just time to Let It Go lol.
The rep pissed me off. His actions combined with his bad attitude earned him this treatment. I'm not perfect but I do try to be a good person.

This source has good prices but we need to be able to trust them and strive for higher standards and expectations. This rep is a slimy pos and has proven that numerous times now.

I'll admit that I may eventually get bored. Take solace in that @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I used to ride pharmacon's ass when they got caught sending out the wrong product all while claiming to have everything tested in house and then calling the customer a liar before conceding that he was not.

I still stop in their thread from time to time to shit on them, also. QDS has just been the most blatant, defiant fuck head of a source that I can recall.

I understand that guys are wanting good prices and they do have them. But a lot of what they offer really should be better quality (caps and stoppers etc) and this mouthy rep might as well get used to being treated like a POS when he chooses to act like one.

Whether the guys who don't like me posting the truth like it or not, I'm going to be on this reps ass like herpes.

Y'all are free to do as you like and testing, reviews etc are always encouraged here, good or bad.

But there's no reason that guys need to stick up for the source. If he's being called out for scamming, it shouldn't just be forgotten about or defended or asked to be forgotten. If he's doing good, the reviews will show it.

All potential customers should realize that this prick is a selective scammer. And you shouldn't have to gargle this motherfucker's balls to have a successful transaction.

Don't connect your username here when you place an order because you don't want this fucker to have that sort of leverage on you.

If I were to place an order, I personally wouldn't say what all I ordered for that reason alone if I chose to give a review. This rep talks about recognizing orders from members which is never a good thing for opsec of the customer. He's already doxxed Deus and threatened another member. Stay safe.

PS Fuck this cocksucker. He's a big boy and made his own bed. Now he gets to lie in it.
As an off-topic post to this thread, just wanted to report that my recent order of 600 tabs 20mg var and 200 tabs 10mg sdrol arrived. Everything looks fine but no feelz or testing to report at this time.

Communication and service was fine and my freebie for sharing the test report on the custom TRT+ blend I did previously with them was an extra 100 tabs of var.
As an off-topic post to this thread, just wanted to report that my recent order of 600 tabs 20mg var and 200 tabs 10mg sdrol arrived. Everything looks fine but no feelz or testing to report at this time.

Communication and service was fine and my freebie for sharing the test report on the custom TRT+ blend I did previously with them was an extra 100 tabs of var.

I like how Qingdao did the freebie for the test. I will be doing that as well.