Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

We are talking about a domestic raw source you idiot, or oils being shipped from China to Canada warehouse, so thousands of vials in parcels, a source that needs to ship and forward kgs of goods every day, not a source who order 100g-1kg to make a 400 vials batch in a basement, that will last for few months . We all know that Canadian sources exist and we deliver many, by China Post, Express or Canada special line. The principle of a warehouse is that it's used for stocking only not brewing and sources you are talking about make orders exacly like normal customers, weight of parcels is 1kg max. Goods sent to EU and US warehouse, we talk about 30-50kg parcels, good luck to clear canadian customs with this weight.
I thought I was blocked, ya dirty bitch! More bs from the shadiest source on meso.
Quick question. At two units Hgh 5/6 days a week. How long until I would notice fat loss?
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Noob question but how are the experiences with Quingdao HgH?

I had Meditrope hgh batch 108 and I got insane lethargy with only 2iu (subq) it was so insane that I felt like a zombie . So I stopped it. I also got ridiculous water retention , it looked like I gained 5% bodyfat over night
Noob question but how are the experiences with Quingdao HgH?

I had Meditrope hgh batch 108 and I got insane lethargy with only 2iu (subq) it was so insane that I felt like a zombie . So I stopped it. I also got ridiculous water retention , it looked like I gained 5% bodyfat over night
I'm putting a large order in the next couple days. I plan to document my GH run in this thread. It'll be a few weeks.
I think u are secretly in love with this source

Now srlsly. You claim you are here because of Deus,but u post 20 times more than deus itself.
I'm not here because of Deus, you simple bitch. I'm here to hold these fuckers accountable, as I have other sources for years. It's called harm reduction, you weird little bitch.

This asshole rep has fucked people for a lot of money and you keep propping them up and saying water under the bridge type shit.

It's not going to happen. These fuck heads want to fuck members, and I'll continue to inform the community, at least, until they make it right.

And I don't see this cunt deciding to fly straight so you might as well get used to seeing me around here, cupcake.

Why do you feel the need to stand up for this POS rep? That's what I'd really like to know.
Just report these pointless spam posts by the same 2-3 people. All of them liking each other’s posts like a secret club of faggots. You would think these same 3 people would have jobs and lives to attend to but apparently not. Life of an incel must be great with all that free time
Noob question but how are the experiences with Quingdao HgH?

I had Meditrope hgh batch 108 and I got insane lethargy with only 2iu (subq) it was so insane that I felt like a zombie . So I stopped it. I also got ridiculous water retention , it looked like I gained 5% bodyfat over night

I’m pleased with his HGH averaging about 5IUs a day. I mean I don’t have any testing to back it up. But stomach area fat has reduced as well as other areas of the body while maintaining weight.

I had a bout of lethargy for a couple weeks than it went away. Next bloodtest I plan on drawing IGF-1 levels.
Just report these pointless spam posts by the same 2-3 people. All of them liking each other’s posts like a secret club of faggots. You would think these same 3 people would have jobs and lives to attend to but apparently not. Life of an incel must be great with all that free time
Go read the rules of the underground, members are permitted to do exactly what they are doing in this thread. In this specific situation, they are 100% justified anyway.

And I bet if their prices weren't dirt cheap, a bunch of you buyers would be doing the same thing.

