Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone got any anecdotal reviews on their gear? I used their primo and test and dint really feel much used some pharma test and felt a massive diffrence
Anyone got any anecdotal reviews on their gear? I used their primo and test and dint really feel much used some pharma test and felt a massive diffrence
Bruh , I was only reading good reviews about them and planning to place a big ass order for a lot of money and now I am reading this bruh . Feels are very important too
Anyone got any anecdotal reviews on their gear? I used their primo and test and dint really feel much used some pharma test and felt a massive diffrence
I have read a ton of good reviews here and there are a couple blind tests by customers sent in to Janoshik. Not defending anyone here but your statement sounds like bullshit, sorry.
Anyone got any anecdotal reviews on their gear? I used their primo and test and dint really feel much used some pharma test and felt a massive diffrence
This video sums it up very well
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA0l3JiWHas&t=98s
and in this case both are FDA approved, only difference is one is from india :( and the other one (the good one) is from the US :) seems like a massive difference, for my TRT i mix test Cyp from local pharmacy in my country with Balkan´s Cypandrol, seems like excipients play a role but idk if oils need any
This video sums it up very well
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA0l3JiWHas&t=98s
and in this case both are FDA approved, only difference is one is from india :( and the other one (the good one) is from the US :) seems like a massive difference, for my TRT i mix test Cyp from local pharmacy in my country with Balkan´s Cypandrol, seems like excipients play a role but idk if oils need any

I watched the video. Let me sum it up... So he had shitty underdosed and likely not even lab tested testosterone and then switched to the expensive and very likely lab tested Pfizer test oil that contains the correct amount of testosterone and so he came to the conclusion that everything not being super expensive and coming from Pfizer is actually not the real deal?!

I cant believe this myth still exists in 2022. As long as its the right substance, with the correct bio-active isomers it doesnt fucking care where it was manufactured or what name is on the stupid vial. The difference could be the oil, but that's about it.
I watched the video. Let me sum it up... So he had shitty underdosed and likely not even lab tested testosterone and then switched to the expensive and very likely lab tested Pfizer test oil that contains the correct amount of testosterone and so he came to the conclusion that everything not being super expensive and coming from Pfizer is actually not the real deal?!

I cant believe this myth still exists in 2022. As long as its the right substance, with the correct bio-active isomers it doesnt fucking care where it was manufactured or what name is on the stupid vial. The difference could be the oil, but that's about it.
but muh pharma HGH
I have read a ton of good reviews here and there are a couple blind tests by customers sent in to Janoshik. Not defending anyone here but your statement sounds like bullshit, sorry.
It's a statement on how my body reacts to compounds I'm speaking about only myself so might sound like bullshit to you but to me it's as real as it comes because... Well it's me? Lol
This video sums it up very well
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mA0l3JiWHas&t=98s
and in this case both are FDA approved, only difference is one is from india :( and the other one (the good one) is from the US :) seems like a massive difference, for my TRT i mix test Cyp from local pharmacy in my country with Balkan´s Cypandrol, seems like excipients play a role but idk if oils need any

I can't be bothered to watch 10minutes worth sorry lol are you jjst saying that both products check out as perfect but one is better than the other? If so would explain my situation well
I have their testosterone and primobolan in the cupboard been in there for around 6months probably I will be doing a cycle in 2months time using their test and primo and see how my body reacts now I have experience of both pharma and Quindao stuff, I remember there was a big diffrence in feeling but Quindao is a great supplier in my opinion only good things to say about their customer service their pricing is amazing their lab tests prove their quality I am not saying that their products are rubbish or anything like that but what I am saying is anecdotally I felt a diffrence I am going to give their stuff another try though because realistically I want their stuff to be as good as pharma so I can order more stuff from them at a great price
Sir, in a few days I will start your yk11 injectable. Could you tell me the best way to use? I am going to be on a cruise with 500mg a week of Sustanon and HGH 6ui. What dose and duration do you recommend and frequency of injections? Thank my Lord
YK-11 30-50mg ED
500mg of sust a week isn't a cruise, it's a cycle.
A cruise is 100-200mg/week.
Yk-11 and sarms in general are for long use, cycles of 3-6 months.
Sorry for the silly question but is there a website or list with current prices? I’ve read through what I can and I’m finding several different prices on hgh.
We have a PDF price list that I post frequently, attached

HGH 100iu shipped from China
> 10 kits $52/kit
> 20 kits $50/kit
> 100 kits $45/kit

HGH 150iu shipped from China $80/kit

HGH shipped from usa warehouse $70/kit
and from EU warehouse $80/kit
Hard to find DHB source in the EU at the moment, do you plan on adding it to your list, and that other thing about you taking the customs risk when ordering international, is that operational yet? thnx
We do not plan to add DHB to the EU warehouse but you can order via the EU Reship service, we ship first to our EU warehouse then to your address domestically, we can supply as much as you want of DHB, and we bear the customs risk.

I don't know what is your country but we are able to ship successfully to all EU countries with almost 100% pass rate to most of them, scandinavian countries included.