Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So HCG came at 3152 based on 2500IU marked vial? Seems significantly overdosed.

Or have you decided to mark all your old 5000IU as 2500IU?

I saw a lab that the 5000IU came in around ~2500IUish now I see you don’t carry 5000IU.

Maybe HCG is something to test again to see if quality control issue has been fixed.
It was in beginning advertised as 5000iu and happened that it was 50% dimerized, so we advertise it as 2500iu and it's enough stable at this dosage with slightly overdosing and we do not plan to change that.

HCG 2500ui.pngHCG 2500ui.jpegHCG 2500ui 3.pnghcg 2500iu 4.png
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals carries both. Similar mechanisms but tirzepatide targets GIP as well as GLP-1 pathways (semaglutide is thought to be primarily GLP-1). See here for studies on tirzepatide & semaglutide Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)
No doubt that trials of Tirzepatide achieved better results than Semaglutide, however it's at least 10x more expensive. Tizepatide compound costs more and the trials used doses of 5mg to 15mg weekly for Tirzepatide and only 0.25mg to 1mg weekly for Semaglutide.
Can you use this Tirzepatide or semaglutide instead of metformin on HGH?
Or does this work differently. Anyone know? I keep reading they work in similar ways by improving insulan resistanse

Or use it with metformin?
Many items has been sent for testing to Jano, please let me know what do you wanna see tested next weeks so I can see what can be arranged by us and what can be done by customers who are willing to do blind testing.

You guys can list all 3-4 items you wanna see tested.

BPC-157 and Melanotan 1, NPP and Test C?
Just received my gear order super fast. The Test C looks thinner and purer than any UGL I’ve ordered from before.

Still waiting for my NPP before I start the cycle, but I am satisfied with testing, etc. Previously I’d get test with different colors in the same batch number… not so with this.
Can you use this Tirzepatide or semaglutide instead of metformin on HGH?
Or does this work differently. Anyone know? I keep reading they work in similar ways by improving insulan resistanse

Or use it with metformin?
Yes that's why I put semaglutide in "insuline sensitivity" table in the price list of raws, next to metformin, berberine HCL and Canagliflozin.

You can check Canagliflozin as well, very interesting effects
I tried ordering with you through email a couple weeks ago. Everything was okay, but I never received the Alibaba link. Also is HGH, Test E, TB500, BPC157 available for domestic still?