Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The value of holding sources accountable and exposing those that defraud customers through fake and/or underdosed products can't be overstated. A lot of what we take can be dangerous, and the risk goes up if you can't be reasonably sure of what you're getting or how it's dosed.

I came here looking for another reliable Chinese source after Ali Baba kicked my old one off and I lost track of them. Not sure QSC measures up...

Although I can't really tell since there's no quote attached, I'm guessing that's a reference to me. I admit it - I believe these are my first posts on this forum, possibly even on the entire website. I don't think I've ever been called a 'troll' though on any other forum or website for posting infrequently. I never really had a reason to post before, and the only reason I did this time was because I saw a very recent reference to the Deus episode just as I was about finish an order - it would already have been confirmed if not for a question on shipping fees and a minor hiccup with my Ali Baba account. I didn't go back through hundreds of pages of posts to get all the details - I just wanted to know if QSC had indeed refused a promised refund for filling an order incorrectly. I didn't not expect a 'yes', but that's what I got, and that set off all kinds of rockets and flares and alarms.

This sounds like one of those ancient Chinese proverbs that got mangled up in translation. It feels like this is a problem QSC keeps hoping will quietly die away and I inadvertently stirred it up again. I did not expect a 'Yes' to my question (see above) or the resulting shitstorm - I expected there was a misunderstanding or serious mitigating circumstances. QSC didn't provide any, and the documentation Deus produced makes this very cut and dried. There are obviously a lot of strong feelings on both sides of this, but it really comes down to how you take care of your house. Anybody can make a mess, but most people clean up their mess. QSC didn't. They could have, and they said they would, but they didn't. They still could, but they haven't. That's worth remembering.

How many of you are actually testing your stuff, vs relying on the notion that sending out bad products would be bad for business? Remember, Deus would have never known his product was fake had he not tested it, and it doesn't sound like anybody else would have known had he not gone public in a loud way. Can't always rely on look and feel. How much of your stuff could simply be underdosed and you would never know?

At the end of the day, this is all that matters. Deus' manners and attitude don't matter, his insults and comments don't matter, his dirty underwear and bad breath do not matter. This is business. QSC took his money, and many of you think it's ok because you're getting low prices and great deals and don't think, and apparently don't want to think, about it happening to you.

Good luck with that.
Jesus dude take a breather. Nobody’s reading that novel
Fake camaraderie lol
It’s not about camaraderie my dude. It’s about regulating the market.

When you propagate notions like “you don’t always get what you pay for” that is exactly the market you’ll get. Meso has sabotaged sources out of business for having floaters in the vials. You won’t see much gear around here with floaters in it. You see how that works?

And I don’t have any beef with this source either, to be clear. It was your comment that I am taking issue with.
It’s not about camaraderie my dude. It’s about regulating the market.

When you propagate notions like “you don’t always get what you pay for” that is exactly the market you’ll get. Meso has sabotaged sources out of business for having floaters in the vials. You won’t see much gear around here with floaters in it. You see how that works?

And I don’t have any beef with this source either, to be clear. It was your comment that I am taking issue with.
What is there to take issue with. I know that QSC scammed someone out of 2k, so does everyone else. There’s 300 pages about it. We simply do not care. The vast majority of customers are happy and I don’t think we should run someone off the website because one person got fucked over.
does anyone tried this source Hgh 15IU ?

Or is there any lab tests ?
Gtg, I've shared here blood work test results twice. These were two different orders that's why I wanted to check them and both gave around same results fs-gh 22 after 3h 10iu sub injection. So I think that 15iu vials are real 15iu and 10iu are 12iu as we have seen tests.
I know it's not perfect, just being transparent with you as I've always been, and it will be improved in future batches, but stills one of the best deals you can have compared to ozempic, some feelz reports were right when they felt it's a bit underdosed, but the % weren't right, thinking about buddies @Deezznutzz and @Cridi887
I expect some haters will come to bash us over this, well I prefer that rather than hiding a lab test.

Cheers !

Test Report #22189.png
So you only did lab tests for 5mg vials? Is there any 2mg lab test?

Anyway, even with 4mg its still awesome in regards to price!
So you only did lab tests for 5mg vials? Is there any 2mg lab test?

Anyway, even with 4mg its still awesome in regards to price!
Yes I did only for 5mg, lab cost is $380 o_O
If I did for 2mg only, buyers will ask for 5mg as well, and I am making more profit from 5mg so It was a financial choice.

That said, I prefer when it's done by third party members, but since no one can afford that, I did
Yes I did only for 5mg, lab cost is $380 o_O
If I did for 2mg only, buyers will ask for 5mg as well, and I am making more profit from 5mg so It was a financial choice.

That said, I prefer when it's done by third party members, but since no one can afford that, I did
Is the 2mg vials from the same batch? Is it reasonable to assume it's 20% undersized as well? I really don't care, but just for calculating my dosage.
Is the 2mg vials from the same batch? Is it reasonable to assume it's 20% undersized as well? I really don't care, but just for calculating my dosage.
That's what I will do. Seems reasonable based on the customers reviews here and that lab test today.
Is the 2mg vials from the same batch? Is it reasonable to assume it's 20% undersized as well? I really don't care, but just for calculating my dosage.
Different dosages filling cannot be a same batch, if you mean the raw, yes same raw, 99% pure, but filling is different for 2mg and 5mg and we cannot make any conclusions about 2mg from the 5mg results