Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I know it's not perfect, just being transparent with you as I've always been, and it will be improved in future batches, but stills one of the best deals you can have compared to ozempic, some feelz reports were right when they felt it's a bit underdosed, but the % weren't right, thinking about buddies @Deezznutzz and @Cridi887
I expect some haters will come to bash us over this, well I prefer that rather than hiding a lab test.

Cheers !

View attachment 169689
Thanks for this ! Gonna buy again. How long will unconstituted vials stay fresh if in fridge? Do you sell bac water? Getting low on that. Thanks. Lost 31 pounds for far. 26 on ozempic and 5 more on qsc which didn't come easy because not much fat left. Took 6 weeks on qsc to loose the last 5 pounds. Feeling good at 195lbs. 185lbs is my target. 10 more to go.
hey hun,, how long is domestic sale for? when will test e & cyp be back in stock.. looking forward to deca and mast trial with your gear very soon :)
Thanks for this ! Gonna buy again. How long will unconstituted vials stay fresh if in fridge? Do you sell bac water? Getting low on that. Thanks. Lost 31 pounds for far. 26 on ozempic and 5 more on qsc which didn't come easy because not much fat left. Took 6 weeks on qsc to loose the last 5 pounds. Feeling good at 195lbs. 185lbs is my target. 10 more to go.
2-3 years non reconstitued will say, like all peptides.
We sell bac water 10x10ml $25
What is there to take issue with.
Precisely this:
I know that QSC scammed someone out of 2k, so does everyone else. There’s 300 pages about it. We simply do not care.

Your inability to think pragmatically is concerning. You conclude that since the majority of people are happy, all is well. But if more and more people start to think like you, the consequence is you give selective scammers and dirty drug dealers a platform for destruction. This isn’t an opinion, it happens all over other boards. Im not accusing this source of that, I’m just pointing out what happens.

We all want the same thing bud - quality gear at good prices delivered in a timely manner. You achieve that by holding their feet to the fire which might mean thinking about people other than yourself from time to time. I’ll agree that there is a lot of ego around here and true criticism can get convoluted, but by and large people are just trying to regulate the market. You can choose to join that club or not but if you choose the latter you’ll have zero credibility and god forbid if you get the screws; nobody’s going to have your back.
Precisely this:

Your inability to think pragmatically is concerning. You conclude that since the majority of people are happy, all is well. But if more and more people start to think like you, the consequence is you give selective scammers and dirty drug dealers a platform for destruction. This isn’t an opinion, it happens all over other boards. Im not accusing this source of that, I’m just pointing out what happens.

We all want the same thing bud - quality gear at good prices delivered in a timely manner. You achieve that by holding their feet to the fire which might mean thinking about people other than yourself from time to time. I’ll agree that there is a lot of ego around here and true criticism can get convoluted, but by and large people are just trying to regulate the market. You can choose to join that club or not but if you choose the latter you’ll have zero credibility and god forbid if you get the screws; nobody’s going to have your back.
I'm going to go out on a limb here...

But I think QSCs attitude has changed since he first came here. Call me crazy, but as someone who's followed the thread since the first post, I see it. He's more customer service oriented and less combative than he was at first haha. Some guys just have that thing where they want to fight the world when they think someone is against them. His attitude has changed.

The Deus thing is going to be a sticking point because both sides think they are right. Whatever. I don't know. I don't have an opinion. Every source on here has their complaints. My 2 cents...
Why raise china post to usa to 39$? It used to be 5 then 10
$5 was for domestic orders, raised to $10 for USPS Priority shipping. If you want $5 shipping domestic it's available too.

$10 was before for slow China Post line, now we use AG***CN line which is fast $39, but if you want the slow one you can pay $10.

Just suggesting you better quality service and fast secure shipping.