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yeah but one shouldnt suggest a crappy diet in this combination for anyone.
And MK is a crapp compound. Dont use this shit unless you want to be a bloated mess on the way to becoming diabetic.
and i would also cut the dosages by quite a bit if i were you and dont do the x weeks shit.
slow and steady is the road to success in this sport. Ive learned it the hard way
What's a basic Yk-11 dose protocol with HGH & LR3-IGF?
thats a beautiful protocol to fuck up ones health as fast as possible
Yes and no,i tried nearly everything and shorter high cycles gave me less sides and than lower longer cycles. I know this is not healthy,but nothing we do here is healthy. If someone wanna be healthy stop bodybuilding
Eat broccoli and play chess. However i still believe from my experience and from experience of others who done same that most sides and danger coming from long cycles,not the high ones
Yes and no,i tried nearly everything and shorter high cycles gave me less sides and than lower longer cycles. I know this is not healthy,but nothing we do here is healthy. If someone wanna be healthy stop bodybuilding
Eat broccoli and play chess. However i still believe from my experience and from experience of others who done same that most sides and danger coming from long cycles,not the high ones
Yes and no,i tried nearly everything and shorter high cycles gave me less sides and than lower longer cycles. I know this is not healthy,but nothing we do here is healthy. If someone wanna be healthy stop bodybuilding
Eat broccoli and play chess. However i still believe from my experience and from experience of others who done same that most sides and danger coming from long cycles,not the high ones
The idea of short quick blast gaining muscle paul borrison had that idea

But forgot it’s the build up and constancy in training and blasting for months years that builds size

Never will you build that in 3 weeks muscle is limited on many factors not just myostatin and the one factor is just giving it time and being constant in training breaking muscle down eating enough and using enough to repair and go again week month in year out until you’ve got the mass.
Like the bullshit that used to be spread by GH15 on the getbig forum. Nobody would do this. All made up.
Dont be so sure mate. There is no hate from me from what i wrote. I dont say anywon shoould do anything. Everyone thinks they know best,jusr saying that that protocol was best for me and some other people and you really do mutate. Even after stopping everything you will still grow due to new muscle cells. Some people cant even take this amount of gear as their health cant take it and they have to stop. I am lucky here and will do that protocol in about 5 weeks and will make log of it.
i am not critical about the 20iu hgh he posted.
but this in combination with insulin + mk667 + a crappy diet ("eat as much as you can, cheat meals etc") is a damn recipe for a disaster.
I dont think you understand what I was trying to say. For this protocol you need food,a lot of it and there is no way you gonna get enough calories just with chicken and rice.

Look what big bodybuilders actually eat,i am not saying 85kg bodybuilder,but big one. and on this short protocol you need to eat like 130+kg bodybuilder to get everything out of cycle.
I dont think you understand what I was trying to say. For this protocol you need food,a lot of it and there is no way you gonna get enough calories just with chicken and rice.

Look what big bodybuilders actually eat,i am not saying 85kg bodybuilder,but big one. and on this short protocol you need to eat like 130+kg bodybuilder to get everything out of cycle.

Please don’t speak on behalf of others or make blanket statements. I am a 130kg bodybuilder and my diet does consist of clean food. You clearly don’t know how things work at the national and pro level.
Please don’t speak on behalf of others or make blanket statements. I am a 130kg bodybuilder and my diet does consist of clean food. You clearly don’t know how things work at the national and pro level.
Ok,i wont! You explain to rest than how to get huge and how to eat. I have no problem with that,or just say like ronnie coleman,a bit of test and 400mg of deca and than laugh at everyone.
Ok,i wont! You explain to rest than how to get huge and how to eat. I have no problem with that,or just say like ronnie coleman,a bit of test and 400mg of deca and than laugh at everyone.
I already am doing just that lol. No smoke and mirrors here bother.

Hwever i still believe from my experience and from experience of others who done same that most sides and danger coming from long cycles,not the high ones
There is some truth to what you're saying here. To have those long cycles where your organs are continuously stressed is a recipe for disaster.
There is some truth to what you're saying here. To have those long cycles where your organs are continuously stressed is a recipe for disaster.
I tried both and after some time on longer cycles you just stop growing coz your myostatin gets too high,you can add yk11 but still its too much stress on body. I done it and i regret it. The more benefits i seen and least sides are on 3 -4 weeks cycles of igf1 and yk11 with trt. Now ofc if you want more out of it you add hgh,insulin,tren..but than we getting in very unhealthy mode lol but in my opinion reward outweighs the risks. Everyone should decide themselves.

Edit; speaking about high doses of yk11 and igf1. I dont think yk11 at 10mg gonna do drastic changes..but 200mg will. I had no sides from it except aggression,but try first small amount and see how u feel