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20IU of HGH a day?

Some of you guys have wild cycles. Making deals with crossroad demons.
I know guys that run 30-40iu GH ED.

Sky is the limit here. Used with a basal insulin, Metformin and/or berberine in conjunction with a perfect diet, there are worse things for you…like beer lol
I know guys that run 30-40iu GH ED.

Sky is the limit here. Used with a basal insulin, Metformin and/or berberine in conjunction with a perfect diet, there are worse things for you…like beer lol
i am not critical about the 20iu hgh he posted.
but this in combination with insulin + mk667 + a crappy diet ("eat as much as you can, cheat meals etc") is a damn recipe for a disaster.
i am not critical about the 20iu hgh he posted.
but this in combination with insulin + mk667 + a crappy diet ("eat as much as you can, cheat meals etc") is a damn recipe for a disaster.
If your diet is like that, youre not in a place to take 20 ius of hgh imo.
i am not critical about the 20iu hgh he posted.
but this in combination with insulin + mk667 + a crappy diet ("eat as much as you can, cheat meals etc") is a damn recipe for a disaster.

If your diet is like that, youre not in a place to take 20 ius of hgh imo.

Agree 100% with you both. Unfortunately bro logic is more drugs = less emphasis on diet.

Couldn’t be more untrue. Actually as I’ve added in more PED’s and ergogenic aids, my diet has only gotten stricter. Progress has been profound.
Agree 100% with you both. Unfortunately bro logic is more drugs = less emphasis on diet.

Couldn’t be more untrue. Actually as I’ve added in more PED’s and ergogenic aids, my diet has only gotten stricter. Progress has been profound.
i am on 8mg test + 4mg trest e daily and cycle between 2 and 4iu hgh and i look much better than when ive really blasted in the past since ive really pay more attention to diet, training, supplementation and sleep.
when i see some guys here posting their pics and they are on 1g++ a week i shake my head and feel ashamed for them
i am not critical about the 20iu hgh he posted.
but this in combination with insulin + mk667 + a crappy diet ("eat as much as you can, cheat meals etc") is a damn recipe for a disaster.
To be fair, he just have me a quick run down of what he does. I'm sure he eats well and trains hard if he investing that much into this. I would need to take my time building up to those doses I think as I have hardly used GH (2iu's a day for 6 months) and MK677 (varied dosages for 6 months). Really fun to imagine running that one day though lol. Before and afters would be amazing
To be fair, he just have me a quick run down of what he does. I'm sure he eats well and trains hard if he investing that much into this. I would need to take my time building up to those doses I think as I have hardly used GH (2iu's a day for 6 months) and MK677 (varied dosages for 6 months). Really fun to imagine running that one day though lol. Before and afters would be amazing
yeah but one shouldnt suggest a crappy diet in this combination for anyone.
And MK is a crapp compound. Dont use this shit unless you want to be a bloated mess on the way to becoming diabetic.
and i would also cut the dosages by quite a bit if i were you and dont do the x weeks shit.
slow and steady is the road to success in this sport. Ive learned it the hard way