Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When using the reship service to the US can you track the package to the warehouse or can we only track it after it has left the warehouse in the states?
Order placed, will keep everyone posted. Payment was easily completed on alibaba but I have used them before so no issues with my cc. Hopefully everything goes smoothly, I'm anticipating it will.
ETA on testing for Tirzepatide? And what about stocking finished Boldenone and Primo 200 US domestic? Bold (EQ or Cyp) is the only major injectable you don't have

Like this post if you'd like to see primo 200 or EQ/bold cyp stocked US domestic
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Only taking 2mg so feels like 1mg. Hit 199lbs for the first time in two years. Was 226 before trying 1 ozempic pen and then the qsc semiglutide. I'm short so 185-199 is my feel good weight. Will order again as well. Would like to see testing just to be 100% on dosages but it works. I do get different sides on the qsc vs ozsmpic. Maybe body just adapting.Qsc brand causes burping and some diarrhea but ozempic had nasty skin sides and weird arm sides. Nothing I cant live with and sides go away it seems the longer you use it.
Tell me about the side effects. Especially the arms
And the lab report I posted was for a HGH sample that sitted enough time in the warehouse, with a long transit time, and now will be shipping a freshly made new batch by DHL express, will see how it's gonna test.
So now one iu/15iu hgh is cheaper than one iu/10iu if you make international order. Older batches were opposite cause 10iu was 12iu.
It would be very nice if you would get 15iu hgh into EU warehouse.
So now one iu/15iu hgh is cheaper than one iu/10iu if you make international order. Older batches were opposite cause 10iu was 12iu.
It would be very nice if you would get 15iu hgh into EU warehouse.
That’s assuming they test at >=15IU though. I haven’t seen any testing on their 15IU GH. Needs to be tested
What carrier is used for US domestic shipping?
Don't mind my previous reply, I thought you asked about carrier oil.

We use USPS, and we can also use UPS and Fedex if customer requires it:

Shipping line (USA domestic)Shipping fee (USD)
UPS Ground$15
Fedex Ground$20
UPS Second day air$25
Fedex Second day$50
Fedex Overnight$65