Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Please ask the pros what they use in the off season to put on size ….. there’s quite a few large bodybuilders on here. Start a thread in the steroids forum. Trying to put on as much size as possible and see what answers you get !!

The reason why a lot of guys don't run tren in the off season, probably relates to the fact that they feel like ahit for so long while dieting, and most large bodybuilders also ramp up the gear closer to a show, the off-season is used almost as a break from.feeling like garbage

Tren sides can.make it hard to eat, constant heartburn for instance, not easy to deal with while.tryi g to get 5kcal a day
LR3 has always worked better for me to lower blood sugar when I take HGH and insulin and after training lr3 is used to increase insulin sensitivity
i am use tst E, deca, EQ anadrol, YK11, follistatin, igflr3, mgf

I am in bulking And sorry my english i am not speaking english :D


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Peptides won't give you insane size, they can help you to progress, but not as much as classic anabolics + HGH and food !
A good amount of Test, + 4-6 iu HGH, and good diet will give you better results than any peptide.

I read that DES is preferred for fatlosing because the half life is about half an hour.

What would you really prefer for fatburning if HGH is still standard?

HGH Frag
Guys I received my second order and I have to say there have been some problems. I already shot you an email @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to see if we can solve this situation.

I ordered
-1 inyectable winstrol kit
-1 inyectable dianabol kit
-1 inyectable superdrol kit
-1 mk677(tablets)
-1 oxandrolone (20mg)
-1 YK11 (tablets)

but I am missing the superdrol kit and the yk-11 tablets. I got other compound instead which I don't know what it is. I also got a random bag of pills I didn't really order...

Also the inyectable winstrol looks super cloudy and weird, is this normal?

I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. Please see the pictures below:


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Sorry after looking at the labels again I saw that I in fact got YK11 and Superdrol but in tablets instead of inyectable.

Still disappointed in the sense that inyectable superdrol is more expensive than the tablets so I paid more for something that costs less.
Sorry after looking at the labels again I saw that I in fact got YK11 and Superdrol but in tablets instead of inyectable.

Still disappointed in the sense that inyectable superdrol is more expensive than the tablets so I paid more for something that costs less.
feels like of all the problems people encounter with QSC, this is one that could easily be resolved via an email to your source
feels like of all the problems people encounter with QSC, this is one that could easily be resolved via an email to your source
Yeah forsure, but it why not post it for everyone to see too? These thing don’t need to be kept private for the benefit of a source, and at the expense of the community.
Guys I received my second order and I have to say there have been some problems. I already shot you an email @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals to see if we can solve this situation.

I ordered
-1 inyectable winstrol kit
-1 inyectable dianabol kit
-1 inyectable superdrol kit
-1 mk677(tablets)
-1 oxandrolone (20mg)
-1 YK11 (tablets)

but I am missing the superdrol kit and the yk-11 tablets. I got other compound instead which I don't know what it is. I also got a random bag of pills I didn't really order...

Also the inyectable winstrol looks super cloudy and weird, is this normal?

I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. Please see the pictures below:

The injectable Winny is a water based solution, not an oil, which is why it appears cloudys. Just shake it up before you draw it. Its legit, believe me, I'm doing it now.
Yeah forsure, but it why not post it for everyone to see too? These thing don’t need to be kept private for the benefit of a source, and at the expense of the community.
I think my post history would show I'm certainly an advocate for those who speak up against sources behaving badly. I just wouldn't bother providing a review of service until the source has been given a chance to address it. Just becomes piecemeal and difficult to follow. Coming in talking about how disappointed you are when you haven't given them a chance to respond to a simple packing error is only a tiny bit silly in my eyes.

Doesn't mean I'm right and he's wrong, just a matter of preference. Perhaps QSC should be held to a higher level of scrutiny of small issues given some of the bigger ongoing ones
I think my post history would show I'm certainly an advocate for those who speak up against sources behaving badly. I just wouldn't bother providing a review of service until the source has been given a chance to address it. Just becomes piecemeal and difficult to follow. Coming in talking about how disappointed you are when you haven't given them a chance to respond to a simple packing error is only a tiny bit silly in my eyes.

Doesn't mean I'm right and he's wrong, just a matter of preference. Perhaps QSC should be held to a higher level of scrutiny of small issues given some of the bigger ongoing ones
I agree with this post 100 percent. Put the solution to the issue (if and when there is one) in the review.
I think my post history would show I'm certainly an advocate for those who speak up against sources behaving badly. I just wouldn't bother providing a review of service until the source has been given a chance to address it. Just becomes piecemeal and difficult to follow. Coming in talking about how disappointed you are when you haven't given them a chance to respond to a simple packing error is only a tiny bit silly in my eyes.

Doesn't mean I'm right and he's wrong, just a matter of preference. Perhaps QSC should be held to a higher level of scrutiny of small issues given some of the bigger ongoing ones
You know what, you make a great point. The review of service should be done, after a response from the source. That way it’s a fair representation of what the source will do to fix issues.