Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's a generated electronic tracking, it will update once our agents give the parcel to the domestic shipping company (either USPS, or Fedex or UPS).
It doesn't mean that the parcel is in US soil yet.
Could you give me a rough estimation of how the window of time it may take the parcel to get to US soil once the tracking number has been generated?
Ughhh (whatever that sound is). I'm not new and know my shit. Anabolic ratings of AAS's:

Testosterone = 100
Nandrolone= 125
Equipoise= 100
Tenbolone = 500
Drostanolone = 130
Primobolan = 88

So before you make these absurd claims and calling people names (who does that except a lunatic?) do some research.

And it's spelled "you're" not "your". With some experience and effort, you'll get better in all these areas. Cheers!
Ohhh you poor MORON !!! So you’re using that as your reference for what puts on size huh lol have fun with that pal. No you don’t know your shit !!!!
Don't let facts get in your way.
Please ask the pros what they use in the off season to put on size ….. there’s quite a few large bodybuilders on here. Start a thread in the steroids forum. Trying to put on as much size as possible and see what answers you get !!
I completely respect your point of view but i think that you overestimate something here : Latino absolutly don't vote for the Republican, not at all
You can check that pretty easily the fact that more than 70% of them constantly vote for some kind of socialism and love the dems
I honestly don't know where the meme of "latinos are traditional and catholic" etc comes from when it never was true, they literally always voted for the left
Look into the "healthy migrant effect". It's actually a good thing for the new host country. Not so good for the country they are migrating from. Typically people who migrate through the proper channels are the best of the best of their home country and are actually better than the average on a lot of parameters than the new host country. This also creates a "brain drain" where we end up taking the best and brightest from the original country they are migrating from. Refuges in this retrospect is very different as they typically are coming from war torn places.

