Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just curious, did you cry alot as a child? Serious question.

Oh lordy there's an endless supply of window licking noobs from the class of 21-22 that live in this thread, aren't there?

i just stop in to troll you cucks. All i have to say is Dingdong and you clowns start dancing for me. Shake those scrawny asses for me, you shameless puppets.

Too easy. Keep that shriveled knob wet the way Dingdong likes it. Until next time, children.
On page 1 she talked about using mylar bags to "stealth ship" claiming that mylar bags are appreantly "invisible" to xrays which is not the case, im calling her out for an explanation. Im fine if they have a better way of packaging though
X-rays can see through mylar. A suspicious object inside an x-ray proof container is more likely to be opened and searched by customs.
I figured the sealed mylar was in case a vial broke and started leaking.
Oh lordy there's an endless supply of window licking noobs from the class of 21-22 that live in this thread, aren't there?

i just stop in to troll you cucks. All i have to say is Dingdong and you clowns start dancing for me. Shake those scrawny asses for me, you shameless puppets.

Too easy. Keep that shriveled knob wet the way Dingdong likes it. Until next time, children.
> Did you cry alot as a child?

I'll go with 'YES'
If your not an American then you lack the experience to make the baseless assertions that your espousing. Having lived, worked, and known many minorities, immigrants, etc. Who come to this country, do not want to take anything from Americans, they idealized the opportunities this country affords people. These folks often become the most rabid supporters of America, many times they vote conservatively (look at how Latinos vote in this country where many are catholic).

You do not understand the nuances of American society, thus espousing dangerously misinformed opinions as if you have any idea what your talking about is just wrong.

I don't comment on politics of other countries, because I know I don't understand all of the complexity and nuance of it. Too bad you don't feel the same way. Best of luck to you
I completely respect your point of view but i think that you overestimate something here : Latino absolutly don't vote for the Republican, not at all
You can check that pretty easily the fact that more than 70% of them constantly vote for some kind of socialism and love the dems
I honestly don't know where the meme of "latinos are traditional and catholic" etc comes from when it never was true, they literally always voted for the left
X-rays can see through mylar. A suspicious object inside an x-ray proof container is more likely to be opened and searched by customs.
I figured the sealed mylar was in case a vial broke and started leaking.
He was just pointing out one of Tracy's smaller mistakes. Before there were any large scams or anything like that it was nitpicked by a few people (myself included) that Tracy claimed mylar bags made packs invisible to x-ray and therefore unstoppable.

In the grand scheme of things it's not really a big deal, there are far more unfortunate transgressions to be concerned about.
They use steroid sniffing dogs. Sadly, the dogs need to be addicted to the contraband to sniff it out. Oh man, you gotta see these dogs all geared-up on tren and dbol. Bulging muscles, constantly staring at themselves in the mirror and trash-talking any other dog who's on a different stack then them.
I completely respect your point of view but i think that you overestimate something here : Latino absolutly don't vote for the Republican, not at all
You can check that pretty easily the fact that more than 70% of them constantly vote for some kind of socialism and love the dems
I honestly don't know where the meme of "latinos are traditional and catholic" etc comes from when it never was true, they literally always voted for the left

Trump won 46% of the Latino Cuban vote in 2020 when in 2016 he won 35% of their vote in 2016 in Miami. So while the whole nation shifted to the left in 2020, the specific group you mention went far to the right.

Your not going to win this argument. You may be as intelligent as I am, maybe more, but you lack any real world experience in this matter and do not understand immigrants or minorities or there political opinions or influences in this country as I do, after living and working side by side with these people.
Trump won 46% of the Latino Cuban vote in 2020 when in 2016 he won 35% of their vote in 2016 in Miami. So while the whole nation shifted to the left in 2020, the specific group you mention went far to the right.

Your not going to win this argument. You may be as intelligent as I am, maybe more, but you lack any real world experience in this matter and do not understand immigrants or minorities or there political opinions or influences in this country as I do, after living and working side by side with these people.
TIL Cubans represent all Hispanic voters.
There are no peptides that come close to steroids in terms of anabolic growth. Even HGH can't compete against the 'insane' growth you'll get with test and tren.
Let me adjust the question, for you and @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Assume the following base of anabolics, no missed meals of an optimal diet, and training. Nothings missed this question relates to the balls out bodybuilder attempting to gain size and conditioning to turn pro

1.5g test
1g combined other anabolics
10iu gh ed