Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Haha. What is it with all these little pissant punks that joined within the last couple months?

Look out foot fetish boy is nerd raging for his $6 vials. Hahaha. You fucking sellout clown.
Haha. What is it with all these fragile-ego old-timers that are upset that 60%+ of the new traffic on the forum comes from the word of mouth spreading in gyms and DMs about one specific source?

Why can’t they understand that all purchasing decisions are a unique balance of priorities: safety, price, quality, reputation? And maybe not everyone places the same priority on each of those factors?

How do they not know that if they really want to influence new guys about the dangers of a source that engaging in ad hominem attacks only weakens their (possibly/probably) good critiques?
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It's weird because for me, he earned my respect by not tolerating the abuse and other shit that was thrown his direction. It's unusual for a vendor to tell a customer to go fuck themselves, but sometimes it's warranted. In this case, the self-entitled jackasses that demand everything immediately need to be told to fuck off.
Same. If anything, this whole stupid saga has improved QSC's reputation in my eyes.
So in your world all whites vote the same, as do other ethnicities? I think we have a word for that… what’s that called when you assume a group with one similar characteristic is monolithic?
Yeah infortunatly some whites are completely insanes and litteraly want to die, but the majority of them want to live and preserv their country, Trump was for instance a disapointment but the fac that the majority of whites in the US voted for him is a huge victory in itself, that demonstrate the fact that they want to live and don't want to be genocided and reaplaced by a bunch of third worlders
Haha. What is it with all these fragile-ego old-timers that are upset that 60%+ of the new traffic on the forum comes from the word of mouth spreading in gyms and DMs about one specific source?

Why can’t they understand that all purchasing decisions are a unique balance of prioritie: safety, price, quality, reputation? And maybe not everyone places the same priority on each of those factors?

How do they not know that if they really want to influence new guys about the dangers of a source that engaging in ad hominem attacks only weakens their (possibly/probably) good critiques?

Jesus Christ. Another one. The fucking ankle biters are coming out of the woodwork to defend their precious Chinaman. Pathetic little bitches.

Thank god summer is almost over and you wannabes will be back in school.
Yeah infortunatly some whites are completely insanes and litteraly want to die, but the majority of them want to live and preserv their country, Trump was for instance a disapointment but the fac that the majority of whites in the US voted for him is a huge victory in itself, that demonstrate the fact that they want to live and don't want to be genocided and reaplaced by a bunch of third worlders

I don't want to get into the political end of this discussion. However I think equating whites who vote progressively with wanting to see the whites disappear as a race as a real big stretch.

People are people, there are evil people of all races and good people of all races. I really don't see the point in evaluating people's value, potential, or capacity for good or evil based on the color of their skin.

The assertion that these other races want to eliminate white people is such a weird idea, very reminiscent of the strategies of the fascists and nazis of the past and present.
I don't want to get into the political end of this discussion. However I think equating whites who vote progressively with wanting to see the whites disappear as a race as a real big stretch.

People are people, there are evil people of all races and good people of all races. I really don't see the point in evaluating people's value, potential, or capacity for good or evil based on the color of their skin.

The assertion that these other races want to eliminate white people is such a weird idea, very reminiscent of the strategies of the fascists and nazis of the past and present.
Lord, I can literally show you 6 gorillons of examples where non-whites demonstrate by their actes and words how happy they are that the white population is reducing and their (non-white) population is increasing.
When for instance Joe Biden was telling a bunch of his supporters in a black neighborood that the whites will be probably a minority in the US in 2040 (if nothing change) and they all starting to clap in their hands and celebrate this, what it is exactly if not a clear demonstration of the fact that they globaly don't like the white native
60 years ago that wouldn’t have included Irish, Italian, Spanish, Jew? Where do you draw the line?

Also, do you know what native means?
people who thought that irish or italians weren't white were a minority and that's not based on anything, overall recent genetic analyzes show that most europeans are quite similar geniticaly
Jews are not white and they don't describe themselves as white (except in cases where you have to say how shit white people are and they start saying "yeah i'm white and i can confirm that whites ppl are a bunch of friks")
Lord, I can literally show you 6 gorillons of examples where non-whites demonstrate by their actes and words how happy they are that the white population is reducing and their (non-white) population is increasing.
When for instance Joe Biden was telling a bunch of his supporters in a black neighborood that the whites will be probably a minority in the US in 2040 (if nothing change) and they all starting to clap in their hands and celebrate this, what it is exactly if not a clear demonstration of the fact that they globaly don't like the white native

That is a dangerous leap of faith, I genuinely believe that you are very disconnected from reality and are easily manipulated by those who want to play on your insecurities surrounding your own race.

Others having success and prosperity does not take away opportunities or success from you. To pretend that these other people want to take anything from you is pure fiction.

Alas I know that nothing I say can unbrainwash you, but for all those reading this, not all white American are xenophobes and willing pawns of white nationalists.
That is a dangerous leap of faith, I genuinely believe that you are very disconnected from reality and are easily manipulated by those who want to play on your insecurities surrounding your own race.

Others having success and prosperity does not take away opportunities or success from you. To pretend that these other people want to take anything from you is pure fiction.

Alas I know that nothing I say can unbrainwash you, but for all those reading this, not all white American are xenophobes and willing pawns of white nationalists.
I'm not even American lol, and thank you but I'm already pretty good academically and professionally, the meme of "the all right win people are a bunch of losers who are afraid of non-whites" is starting to get old

The fact is just that the white population is redusing constantly and that the state keep bringing non-whites to replace the people who die etc, nothing very complicated to understand i think
I'm not even American lol, and thank you but I'm already pretty good academically and professionally, the meme of "the all right win people are a bunch of losers who are afraid of non-whites" is starting to get old

The fact is just that the white population is redusing constantly and that the state keep bringing non-whites to replace the people who die etc, nothing very complicated to understand i think
If your not an American then you lack the experience to make the baseless assertions that your espousing. Having lived, worked, and known many minorities, immigrants, etc. Who come to this country, do not want to take anything from Americans, they idealized the opportunities this country affords people. These folks often become the most rabid supporters of America, many times they vote conservatively (look at how Latinos vote in this country where many are catholic).

You do not understand the nuances of American society, thus espousing dangerously misinformed opinions as if you have any idea what your talking about is just wrong.

I don't comment on politics of other countries, because I know I don't understand all of the complexity and nuance of it. Too bad you don't feel the same way. Best of luck to you
Come on do you really think he is going post up his stealth for all including LE to see? Even Qingdao not that stupid
On page 1 she talked about using mylar bags to "stealth ship" claiming that mylar bags are appreantly "invisible" to xrays which is not the case, im calling her out for an explanation. Im fine if they have a better way of packaging though
On page 1 she talked about using mylar bags to "stealth ship" claiming that mylar bags are appreantly "invisible" to xrays which is not the case, im calling her out for an explanation. Im fine if they have a better way of packaging though
My assumption would be the same style I used with mushroom cultures.
Label as something very similar with no giveaway markings , quote customs according to the value or the similar item and cross your fingers

Millions of packs fly in and outta customs all day , if it is believable it won’t get a second look unless it’s part of a random inspection

Not saying this is how they do, but it’s how I did and my success rates were flawless in almost every country except Switzerland and New Zealand
My assumption would be the same style I used with mushroom cultures.
Label as something very similar with no giveaway markings , quote customs according to the value or the similar item and cross your fingers

Millions of packs fly in and outta customs all day , if it is believable it won’t get a second look unless it’s part of a random inspection

Not saying this is how they do, but it’s how I did and my success rates were flawless in almost every country except Switzerland and New Zealand
They use steroid sniffing dogs. Sadly, the dogs need to be addicted to the contraband to sniff it out. Oh man, you gotta see these dogs all geared-up on tren and dbol. Bulging muscles, constantly staring at themselves in the mirror and trash-talking any other dog who's on a different stack then them.