Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Haha...well, I'm an equal opportunity offender. Like I said, I'm not sensitive or PC. But Asian cultures are one of the last on earth where men are the true leaders of society and home. The men demand respect. My father in law is very nearly worshipped in our family...and he's a good man. He's 84 and still does 100 pushups and 100 situps a day.

I respect any culture where men are still leaders. Fuck this feminized western bullshit. This culture is going down the tubes fast.

Also, I respect Asians because they are the most intelligent people on earth. And they work hard. They didn't come to America and ask for handouts, they succeeded because they were better.
You dont gotta extol the virtues of asians to me brother.. preaching to the choir.
This might be true in the USA. I'm in Canada. You cannot purchase it from Amazon and most vendors have been out of stock for over a year. Making my own is the only viable solution, plus it's much cheaper this way.

I really think HGH needs to be taken on an empty stomach to protect against insulin sensitivity and the risk that HGH can make you diabetic.
I have had no issues getting bac water in Canada
Racism and racial/ethnic slurs are prohibited.
French people think they’re God’s gift to Earth. Lebanese people or Arabs in general too. I hate fucking Lebs.
My shipment landed a few days ago, this is my experience.
- excellent and fast communication
- some issues with the payment, but it was Alibaba's fault that apparently does not accept protonmail accounts sometimes
- I was provided with the tracking after a short time
- the arrival was expected in 4 weeks (China to EU) but arrived after just over 2 weeks
- the package was very well done, sealed and the goods were padded and safe
- only sore point: I notice a lot of neglect in the identification of molecules, very confusing simple labels, I should have had labels with the numbers 1,2,3,4... in reality the 2 was not there and the 4 was torn and ruined that I struggled to put the label back together.
Overall very satisfied
Amazing how many blatant immature children resort to racist statements instead of actually contributing to this forum by providing positive or negative feedback. I swear half of you must be under 20yo
1) lots of people use nacl solution but some complain of redness and pip. That said, peptide science (peptide vendor) recommends not to use it to reconstitute peptides "Sodium Chloride water is NOT recommended due to its tendency to cause precipitates with acetate salts." You can make your own bacteriostatic water by adding 0.9 BA to sterile water. Or buy it from QSC.

2) everything should be refrigerated

3) yes, it won't be anabolic at that dose, but you will get the other HGH benefits. Make sure you take it on a empty stomach.

4) either is fine, but since you are injecting daily, I would recommend Sub-Q. Over time, there is risk of scar tissue in the muscle.
I have one more question. Right after reconstituting the HGH with a 1 mL syringe, is it fine to use that same syringe to draw up and inject? I'll be changing to a new needle before the injection, so there should be no problem using the same syringe right?

Obviously, I'll use a new syringe for each day injection, I'm just asking for the injection right after the reconstitution.
I have one more question. Right after reconstituting the HGH with a 1 mL syringe, is it fine to use that same syringe to draw up and inject? I'll be changing to a new needle before the injection, so there should be no problem using the same syringe right?

Obviously, I'll use a new syringe for each day injection, I'm just asking for the injection right after the reconstitution.
no issue with that
QSC credited him. He's doing better.

Also, I'm not super sensitive or PC or anything, but my ex wife is Asian, my kids are Asian, my extended family that I'm really close to still is Asian...and we all had to hear this kind of teasing for years. I know you're joking around, so I get it. But some peeps take it too far.

One thing about Asian cultures is that honor and respect is something that is highly valued. We westerners often times don't understand how important honor and respect is to Asian people.

i can dig that. However respect is earned. Some little shit fuck salesman on the internet that thinks they're above reproach will never get an ounce of it out of me.
i can dig that. However respect is earned. Some little shit fuck salesman on the internet that thinks they're above reproach will never get an ounce of it out of me.
It's weird because for me, he earned my respect by not tolerating the abuse and other shit that was thrown his direction. It's unusual for a vendor to tell a customer to go fuck themselves, but sometimes it's warranted. In this case, the self-entitled jackasses that demand everything immediately need to be told to fuck off.
It's weird because for me, he earned my respect by not tolerating the abuse and other shit that was thrown his direction. It's unusual for a vendor to tell a customer to go fuck themselves, but sometimes it's warranted. In this case, the self-entitled jackasses that demand everything immediately need to be told to fuck off.

It's the internet. Talking shit back to the shit talkers isn't revolutionary. He's thin skinned.

Dingdong turned his thread into something you would see on a source board. Keep complaints hidden from the community or you get banned (from ordering) and essentially scammed when he refuses to complete a seized or incorrect order.

Respect for a selective scammer. Never going to happen. He's the Chinese equivalent of Uncle Z.