Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's the internet. Talking shit back to the shit talkers isn't revolutionary. He's thin skinned.

Dingdong turned his thread into something you would see on a source board. Keep complaints hidden from the community or you get banned (from ordering) and essentially scammed when he refuses to complete a seized or incorrect order.

Respect for a selective scammer. Never going to happen. He's the Chinese equivalent of Uncle Z.
by the way. uncle Z. who is he? what did he do? I often see it on the Internet talking about it))))
i can dig that. However respect is earned. Some little shit fuck salesman on the internet that thinks they're above reproach will never get an ounce of it out of me.
What have you done to gain respect? Besides being a racist prick? Also you are nobody. You aren’t a vendor, you’re literally no one.
It's the internet. Talking shit back to the shit talkers isn't revolutionary. He's thin skinned.

Dingdong turned his thread into something you would see on a source board. Keep complaints hidden from the community or you get banned (from ordering) and essentially scammed when he refuses to complete a seized or incorrect order.

Respect for a selective scammer. Never going to happen. He's the Chinese equivalent of Uncle Z.
by the way. uncle Z. who is he? what did he do? I often see it on the Internet talking about it))))
Scammer from about 10 years ago. He sold “working replicas” which were basically a splash of prop in a ampule. He was big on the forum Steroidology. I was scammed by him so I joined there and asked if he closed up shop and took of with everyone’s money. I was banned within a half hour. I believe his website is still actually active.
Scammer from about 10 years ago. He sold “working replicas” which were basically a splash of prop in a ampule. He was big on the forum Steroidology. I was scammed by him so I joined there and asked if he closed up shop and took of with everyone’s money. I was banned within a half hour. I believe his website is still actually active.
now I will know . Thanks buddy
Scammer from about 10 years ago. He sold “working replicas” which were basically a splash of prop in a ampule. He was big on the forum Steroidology. I was scammed by him so I joined there and asked if he closed up shop and took of with everyone’s money. I was banned within a half hour. I believe his website is still actually active.
He's back on Anabolex.
Haha...well, I'm an equal opportunity offender. Like I said, I'm not sensitive or PC. But Asian cultures are one of the last on earth where men are the true leaders of society and home. The men demand respect. My father in law is very nearly worshipped in our family...and he's a good man. He's 84 and still does 100 pushups and 100 situps a day.

I respect any culture where men are still leaders. Fuck this feminized western bullshit. This culture is going down the tubes fast.

Also, I respect Asians because they are the most intelligent people on earth. And they work hard. They didn't come to America and ask for handouts, they succeeded because they were better.
Asian aren't the friend of the whites, not at all, stop bullshithing with such points, in the US they vote with a large majority for the dems
In Europe it's the same, some retards think that the arabes muslims are our allies because they think that they have traditionnal values or whatever, but not, even if they bit their women and don't like the homosexuals that not being a friend of the natives (they constantly side with the pro LGBT left against the whistes)
can we mix up the international kit, ex: 2x primo-e, 2x mast, 2x bold?
I'd like to try out new compounds with out having to buy a full kit
Asian aren't the friend of the whites, not at all, stop bullshithing with such points, in the US they vote with a large majority for the dems
In Europe it's the same, some retards think that the arabes muslims are our allies because they think that they have traditionnal values or whatever, but not, even if they bit their women and don't like the homosexuals that not being a friend of the natives (they constantly side with the pro LGBT left against the whistes)

I fail to see the issue at hand here lol
Asian aren't the friend of the whites, not at all, stop bullshithing with such points, in the US they vote with a large majority for the dems
In Europe it's the same, some retards think that the arabes muslims are our allies because they think that they have traditionnal values or whatever, but not, even if they bit their women and don't like the homosexuals that not being a friend of the natives (they constantly side with the pro LGBT left against the whistes)
So in your world all whites vote the same, as do other ethnicities? I think we have a word for that… what’s that called when you assume a group with one similar characteristic is monolithic?
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What have you done to gain respect? Besides being a racist prick? Also you are nobody. You aren’t a vendor, you’re literally no one.

Haha. What is it with all these little pissant punks that joined within the last couple months?

Look out foot fetish boy is nerd raging for his $6 vials. Hahaha. You fucking sellout clown.