Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Let me adjust the question, for you and @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Assume the following base of anabolics, no missed meals of an optimal diet, and training. Nothings missed this question relates to the balls out bodybuilder attempting to gain size and conditioning to turn pro

1.5g test
1g combined other anabolics
10iu gh ed

You have some classic combos such as MGF post training, along with HGH, IGF LR3 and slin. + PEG MGF on rest days.
GHRP6 for appetite increase.
Peptides won't give you insane size, they can help you to progress, but not as much as classic anabolics + HGH and food !
A good amount of Test, + 4-6 iu HGH, and good diet will give you better results than any peptide.
So my 1.5 test and 10iu gh with insulin and a siccc ass diet and training plan is good to go no need to add anything else drug wise?

Right now it’s 1.5 test 500 Tren 500 mast 10iu gh post workout, 5ish units humalog pre workout and with meal 1
So my 1.5 test and 10iu gh with insulin and a siccc ass diet and training plan is good to go no need to add anything else drug wise?

Right now it’s 1.5 test 500 Tren 500 mast 10iu gh post workout, 5ish units humalog pre workout and with meal 1
I am not a fan of Tren and Drostanolone on bulk, but why not.
Test and EQ, maybe some low dosage deca is enough, no need to stack many anabolics, 1.5g Test alone is enough.
Humalog post training or before meals, it should be avoided pre workout.
There are no peptides that come close to steroids in terms of anabolic growth. Even HGH can't compete against the 'insane' growth you'll get with test and tren.
Ughhh your wrong in regards to Tren, it’s not a huge growth steroid. You guys that are new need to research and research some more before you keep blabbing shit out of your mouths that’s untrue.

Some other clown saying Mast is 50% a stimulant and 50% a steroid ?!

Are you all on the same Tic Tock gear group for retards ????
Why avoiding pre?

Also im dieting right now so I have the Tren and mast in
hypoglycemia risk during training, and why slin during dieting? you will just store fat.
Same for igf lr3, it will just make you store fat during cutting and make it slower.

HGH 10iu at once it's too much, and you won't get lypolisis with this kind of dosage, but more fat store due to the extra high igf-1 that act like slin and stimulate lypogenesis. You have to split the dose to 2 x 5iu or 3 x 3.33 iu ED instead to avoid this.
When we receive the shipping number on our order, does that mean that our order has successfully made it through customs and is at the US warehouse waiting to ship?
It's a generated electronic tracking, it will update once our agents give the parcel to the domestic shipping company (either USPS, or Fedex or UPS).
It doesn't mean that the parcel is in US soil yet.
Ughhh your wrong in regards to Tren, it’s not a huge growth steroid. You guys that are new need to research and research some more before you keep blabbing shit out of your mouths that’s untrue.

Some other clown saying Mast is 50% a stimulant and 50% a steroid ?!

Are you all on the same Tic Tock gear group for retards ????
Ughhh (whatever that sound is). I'm not new and know my shit. Anabolic ratings of AAS's:

Testosterone = 100
Nandrolone= 125
Equipoise= 100
Tenbolone = 500
Drostanolone = 130
Primobolan = 88

So before you make these absurd claims and calling people names (who does that except a lunatic?) do some research.

And it's spelled "you're" not "your". With some experience and effort, you'll get better in all these areas. Cheers!
Ughhh (whatever that sound is). I'm not new and know my shit. Anabolic ratings of AAS's:

Testosterone = 100
Nandrolone= 125
Equipoise= 100
Tenbolone = 500
Drostanolone = 130
Primobolan = 88

So before you make these absurd claims and calling people names (who does that except a lunatic?) do some research.

And it's spelled "you're" not "your". With some experience and effort, you'll get better in all these areas. Cheers!


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Ughhh (whatever that sound is). I'm not new and know my shit. Anabolic ratings of AAS's:

Testosterone = 100
Nandrolone= 125
Equipoise= 100
Tenbolone = 500
Drostanolone = 130
Primobolan = 88

So before you make these absurd claims and calling people names (who does that except a lunatic?) do some research.

And it's spelled "you're" not "your". With some experience and effort, you'll get better in all these areas. Cheers!

If I could handle the sides from tren I would always include it in.a bulk, I respond well.physically, but not mentally so I dont run it anymore

People seem to think that compound makes food not work or something it's ridiculous, while yes you will not get water retention, you can still gain quality mass, one of my best bulks was test tren drol, if you're not.growing using tren somethings off in your training diet or source
So the chart doesn't even include Tren. The #1 comment he received on Instagram is "What the fuck is wrong with you?".

Oh....and he misspelled "incompetence" (oh the irony).
So rats who didnt do hypertrophy exercises all had about the same results from various steroids.
Who fucking cares?
Take 50mg anavar and tell me you get the same muscle growth and strength increases and 50mg dbol. I dont mean just bloat and water weight either.