Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@youwhat? @throwawaybb21 I don't know what are you laughing at
You definitely don't know what amount it takes to get you to a certain level or achieve certain goal. You believe that big guys ( powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman) takes 500mg test and 200mg primo. You believe what everyone regurgitate online.

Let's take me for example to give you a concrete example. I am 130-135kg guy at 1,78m with the 4 abs still visible so over 15% but under 20% but if I don't do a proper test I don't know for sure the bf level. I start using steroids about 12 years ago started at 75-77kg.
To get here I took a lot of steroids at high dose and if I wouldn't took I wouldn't be where I am now. That's a fact. You get to a level with one amount to get to the next level you need a higher amount.

For me 3g of test,1,2-1,6g of tren,3g of deca,30-50 i.u of insulin is something usual that I took. Sometimes I go much higher with test because it's better at higher dose believe it or not. What a surprise
Same goes with orals that I take for strength (halo,methyltrienolone) 60 mg of halo is better than 30 and 2 mg of methyltrienolone is better than 1. But I took because I need that. I am at a certain level when a dose will do a job but a higher will work better. 5 years ago I wouldn't need 60 mg of halo because I wasn't at that level of needing that dose. Average Joe doesn't need those substance because he work out to look good not to bend bars.

I have done that writing to open the eyes for who believes that chicken, broccoli and rice will make you huge and everyone is on 500mg test and 12,5mg anavar. Truth is something else but they don't admit it because they have to lose(sponsors, the hate from fans that are living in a bubble).
Diet has his place and if I wouldn't eat enough I wouldn't stay at 135 kg but without the drugs even if my diet was on point I wouldn't grow.
Yes is not healthy and blabla but I don't care and neither all those guy that put their life on the line to obtain a certain level. I shave years of my life and I will continue to do so but I don't care. We are not the same, we are built differently

That's my rant for who has ears to listen and eyes to see the truth
The honest and most respectful post i have read online, although I get scared just reading these doses. I only use up to 1gram total per week.
buy primobolan 200mg/ml and the PIP is hell! I don't know if you can lower the pressure, but my ass is a cauldron of flames and the pain is like a sword. I'm sad, I can't use the rest of the vials
buy primobolan 200mg/ml and the PIP is hell! I don't know if you can lower the pressure, but my ass is a cauldron of flames and the pain is like a sword. I'm sad, I can't use the rest of the vials
Mix with other oil in syringe. For example 1ml test and 0,5 ml primo.
Or filter some oil in vial if you have some filters available. Get to 150mg/ml and if it's still problematic then get to 100mg/ml.
That should work out
Have you started sending out orders for this new batch?

I’m just curious, I ordered a crap load of gh on 7/30 and was wondering if it would include gh from this new batch you just posted, or from the prior batch.

Doesn’t really matter to me either way, but if you have that information, it would be very interesting to know

By myself I can't tell or match lab tests with batches, because dates on kits aren't printed.
Sometimes we can receive some big orders that can empty the entire batch, for example lately 700 kit order.
This batch was made like 3 weeks ago.

All I can tell now, is that the standard is 10iu, and from time to time we make some batches of 12iu but always marketed as 10iu.
And FYI the previous lab test of previous batch, we already knew it's 10iu/vial, so @janoshik tested it and result came back 10iu (3.33mg), and for this one, it was planned to be 12iu (4mg), so he gave us the expected results again, which is more than enough to prove how his quantitative test is accurate, since I've seen some debates in other threads about his legitimacy.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Which batch am I getting ? I ordered from international warehouse on 26th July.
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