Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thx for being honest, I know its very individual so probably hard to say how much pip I guess.

I mean If you only use priority mail, or you also using private courriers etc?
I get zero pip from the sust 400, smooth as silk, I Lso have only experienced pip once from tren suspension in my quads
Had bloods come back today -

Currently running
500mg test e
400mg primo
5IU GH per day (10IU 4 hours before bloods were drawn however).

I did experience some intense PIP from the primo (was running their mast prior with no issues) however I’ve got some GSO on the way which I’ll dilute it with for next injection and see how I go.

Overall I’m pretty happy!
Those are good numbers?
Those are good numbers?

Convert his total test of 83.3 nmol/l to ng/dl and you get ~2400.

A good reading for Testosterone of 500mg/week

(Not sure if primo would show in test levels. I assume not)

And his free test converted would be 544 pg/mL. Again a decent number.

Anyone feel free to correct my conversions if I made a mistake*
Convert his total test of 83.3 nmol/l to ng/dl and you get ~2400.

A good reading for Testosterone of 500mg/week

(Not sure if primo would show in test levels. I assume not)

And his free test converted would be 544 pg/mL. Again a decent number.

Anyone feel free to correct my conversions if I made a mistake*
Test was fine . Gh and IGF-1 ? Maybe a low responder
Quick review on QDS Tirzepatide 5mg. Been on it 3 weeks now.
Started out at 2.5 mg but did not feel anything (switched over from 1mg Rybelsus). 2.5mg is also just to get your body used to the meds so figured it was normal and started out at 5mg.

Shit works. Only side i got was starting to go a bit hypo after my first shot. Drank a sugary drink and was fine. All i'm having is a crushed appetite. I'm full so much quicker, no cravings anymore. I would normally raid the cookie jar when i'm sitting in my couch at night. Don't feel like that anymore. I'm good with a protein shake before bed. At day 6 you can slowly start to feel the hunger rising again so day 7 i take my new shot. Had a few busy shifts at work and got by with 1500kcal/day (my TDEE is about 3000) and wasn't even hungry. Won't ever be cutting without this again.

Will be upping the dose to 10mg in 2 weeks as per instructions of the manufacturer of Mounjaro to see where that takes me. Abs are already popping through so weight loss is a bit slower now
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Dunno if this holds any relevance as many of you has checked but I popped open a new Primo E 100 domestic vial and checked quantity with a 10 ml syringe. It was surprisingly spot on with 10ml.

This helps me plan next years cut from Apr 16, 2023 to Sept 2, 2023 @500mg a week (20weeks) with the 13 bottles I have left from the 2 kits I bought. With around 25-30 ml due to losing in syringe to cruise on for awhile.

I put the last 2.5ml from this years cycle into my 14th bottle I set aside for cruising through October with 200mg Test C and 100mg Primo E for 14 weeks till my Equi-Test 20week blast this fall and winter. This is my own powerful blend of 200/200 with test OD’d at 220 and EQ OD’d at 240 (due to EQ reportedly being 80-90 % purity lately. I haven’t had this tested just going by what I’ve seen to be on the safe side of accuracy. Nov start will be 600/600 for 20 weeks then small cruise till I’m back to my QSC TNT blend and Primo.

This years cut was awesome ended up at 8.8% and I backed off last week bc I’m mentally exhausted and want to enjoy food again. Test /EQ 1:1 should keep me fairly lean this fall/winter. Then rinse and repeat for the girls in bikinis next spring.

I know this is a really long post but I have thoroughly enjoyed QSC, as they sourced me everything I have used to achieve my goals. Next purchase I’m trying that DHB. ( I still wanna cut this into my TNT 150/150 blend doubling volume with EO to cut it to a 75/75/75 concentration. TestC/TrenE/DHB

Domestic Primo has been great, but I will be brewing my own next time.
I love running my own shit.

This cycle has come to a close, I look great, feel great, and overall impressed. I’ll continue to stay lean during my cruise. Here’s a few pics of how it went, the dark pic is from there overpowered MT2. D45026F9-FA00-4D07-BD37-912B65EE2C72.jpeg9DBF3885-C251-4EFD-B8EF-820518F1A645.jpegCC93625E-6684-4341-9C83-F82A6CC17F02.jpegB9A817E3-E5E8-4C88-A474-564F093B70C6.jpeg
Dunno if this holds any relevance as many of you has checked but I popped open a new Primo E 100 domestic vial and checked quantity with a 10 ml syringe. It was surprisingly spot on with 10ml.
Was it 10ml with the dead spot of the syringe and the needle on it? If so, it was a little more than 10ml. The dead spot at the front can hold up to 0.3ml with big syringes and 0.1ml with smaller ones.
Was it 10ml with the dead spot of the syringe and the needle on it? If so, it was a little more than 10ml. The dead spot at the front can hold up to 0.3ml with big syringes and 0.1ml with smaller ones.
With the little dribble left in the vial I would wager a spot on 10. But ur right, was about a.0.3 but also some backwash left in the vial. But it’s literally as close to 10 with a premade ugl ive ever seen. Most of the time you get between 8-9.
I also heard EQ can yank your E2 even with 1:1 ratio. I have this problem slightly with Primo but I run test 360 and Tren 360 for 10 weeks then back test/Tren down to 200 and keep Primo 500 for test of cycle.

Should I incorporate 20mg Dbol daily starting around week 8 of the Equi-test cycle to combat and potential low E2 sides

I don’t wanna feel like I was run down by a diesel and dragging my ass for the following 14 weeks from EQ tanking my E2. Raising test any higher isn’t an option for me unless I lower EQ and I don’t wanna run less than 6.
With the little dribble left in the vial I would wager a spot on 10. But ur right, was about a.0.3 but also some backwash left in the vial. But it’s literally as close to 10 with a premade ugl ive ever seen. Most of the time you get between 8-9.
Yeah thats good
Dunno if this holds any relevance as many of you has checked but I popped open a new Primo E 100 domestic vial and checked quantity with a 10 ml syringe. It was surprisingly spot on with 10ml.

This helps me plan next years cut from Apr 16, 2023 to Sept 2, 2023 @500mg a week (20weeks) with the 13 bottles I have left from the 2 kits I bought. With around 25-30 ml due to losing in syringe to cruise on for awhile.

I put the last 2.5ml from this years cycle into my 14th bottle I set aside for cruising through October with 200mg Test C and 100mg Primo E for 14 weeks till my Equi-Test 20week blast this fall and winter. This is my own powerful blend of 200/200 with test OD’d at 220 and EQ OD’d at 240 (due to EQ reportedly being 80-90 % purity lately. I haven’t had this tested just going by what I’ve seen to be on the safe side of accuracy. Nov start will be 600/600 for 20 weeks then small cruise till I’m back to my QSC TNT blend and Primo.

This years cut was awesome ended up at 8.8% and I backed off last week bc I’m mentally exhausted and want to enjoy food again. Test /EQ 1:1 should keep me fairly lean this fall/winter. Then rinse and repeat for the girls in bikinis next spring.

I know this is a really long post but I have thoroughly enjoyed QSC, as they sourced me everything I have used to achieve my goals. Next purchase I’m trying that DHB. ( I still wanna cut this into my TNT 150/150 blend doubling volume with EO to cut it to a 75/75/75 concentration. TestC/TrenE/DHB

Domestic Primo has been great, but I will be brewing my own next time.
I love running my own shit.

This cycle has come to a close, I look great, feel great, and overall impressed. I’ll continue to stay lean during my cruise. Here’s a few pics of how it went, the dark pic is from there overpowered MT2. View attachment 171381View attachment 171382View attachment 171384View attachment 171383
Looking solid. Bet that edge control has your baby hairs laid too.