Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

We will be adding more items to the store, so we want your options about concentration for:

GHK CU peptide in lyophilsied form, dosage/vial?

Glutathion peptide or water based form? dosage/vial or per ml?

Hyaluronic Acid peptide form
ghk cu - 20mg peptide most common ive seen
Glutathion peptide form please 600mg seems to be standard most common

Higher concentrations would also be great if possible :)
I can't give it yet, because we had some shortage to get HCG raws, so our stock was kept for international orders, a new batch of 200 kits will be ready this sunday.
I can see if we can arrange some to US warehouse, but I can promise nothing, demand now on HCG is very high.
So best to order international you are saying
Ok excuse my stupidity, but is there an easy way to find the international price list? I've gone back like 20 pages and can't find it, is it pinned somewhere? Newish to Meso.
The easiest way is to ask for it, it takes me 1 sec to upload it ^^
You have to be one of the greatest multi-taskers on the planet. Just keeping up with the replies in this thread is a full time job and more than I get done in a day lol. You must not sleep much either. But you sure do seem to be on top of all the aspects of your business. Impressive really.

I haven’t used you guys yet but there’s several products I need to order. I’d prefer to wait until you have the GHK-CU in stock to order if that’s going to be fairly soon. Do you have a general idea of when that peptide will be available? I saw you talking about potential dosages yesterday.
For glutathione, it could be sold as a kit 10x10ml. Each vial would contain 2500mg of pH buffered glutathione (250mg/ml) and could even be shipped dry to save weight. It would be reconstituted by the user. At a dosage of 500mg/week, a vial would last 5 weeks.

I agree with Zoid. I just wish I would've held off on ordering my glutathione raws. I will still experiment with homebrewing based off of your reply to one of my posts. But depending on the price I might donate my rawa to science and make another order real soon!
You have to be one of the greatest multi-taskers on the planet. Just keeping up with the replies in this thread is a full time job and more than I get done in a day lol. You must not sleep much either. But you sure do seem to be on top of all the aspects of your business. Impressive really.

I haven’t used you guys yet but there’s several products I need to order. I’d prefer to wait until you have the GHK-CU in stock to order if that’s going to be fairly soon. Do you have a general idea of when that peptide will be available? I saw you talking about potential dosages yesterday.
That's right, I don't sleep that much, I take mainly naps.. because of different time zones, I should be available for replies to all customers and drafting orders as we are receiving them every hour, when americans and canadians sleep, europeans wake up ... ^^'

GHK CU now we gathered customers opinions about dosages per vial, so we expect to make it ready in 1-2 weeks.

Will keep you updated guys !
Are you going to send the new batch of HCG for testing? If you order HCG before Sunday, will you get red top batch or new batch of HCG?