Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Payment sent for my second order. Will update y’all on bloodwork for my first Test Cyp order and will await shipment from China for my second order (have yet to confirm payment received with QSC). Will also keep y’all updated on ship time.
Over 3mg a week of Adex? Wow
That’s overkill. 1mg a week is plenty
Not for me I need one milligram just on trt. Everyone is different . you just got to get your estrogen in Spec where you like it and I like it right about here. If I followed your advice I would be super bloated and feel like s*** LOL
Not for me I need one milligram just on trt. Everyone is different . you just got to get your estrogen in Spec where you like it and I like it right about here. If I followed your advice I would be super bloated and feel like s*** LOL
For me, I have never taken an AI in my life, whether on TRT or blasting. Never once did I have symptoms of high E2. Everyone is different I guess.
For me, I have never taken an AI in my life, whether on TRT or blasting. Never once did I have symptoms of high E2. Everyone is different I guess.
I tried no AI before on trt and I didn't like it. I was always bloated. Had libido issues. ....just felt like dog crap. I'm not one of those people who is scared of arimidex. I've been taking Arimidex supervised by a doctor for almost two and a half years and I've never had my labs come back strange from the Arimidex ...so I know it's safe. It's funny how everyone thinks Arimidex is bad.. .they're taking all kinds of steroids and orals and they're worried about safe arimidex. My estrogen feels best below 50. Any higher than 50 and I start to get sides. And I have never crashed my estrogen either so I don't know what it feels like below 30.
Sema 0.25mg daily (so 1.25-1.75mg/wk)
Tirz 2.5mg once a week

So for the addition of Tirz really cut down the hunger. With Sema alone I still got hungry regularly, but filled up very quickly

For me tirzepatide and semaglutide are not providing as much hunger suppressing as let's say Liraglutide. But I like the combi of tirz ans sema and the last couple days I added 250-500mg Metformin right before bed and that made a drastic difference for me. Hunger is gone, like completely gone. Seems like metformin and GLP-1s somehow boost each other.

My protocol right now is:

2x 0.5mg sema per week (1mg total)
1x 2.5mg tirz
250-500mg Metformin daily with my last meal or pre bed
Not for me I need one milligram just on trt. Everyone is different . you just got to get your estrogen in Spec where you like it and I like it right about here. If I followed your advice I would be super bloated and feel like s*** LOL
Exactly, if it were "overkill" your estradiol when have been smashed & it wasn't. It looks like you have your gear dialed in... which is often the most difficult part. Keep kickin' ass Deez!
does it make sense to create oil based pure dht?
I brewed this but it needs to be made in Castor oil and can barely hold at 50mg/ml So you either need to thin this out with other MCT oil injections or your going to need t inject with a bigger gauge.

That's why I asked if they could get DHT enanthate or heptanoate because it seems impossible to get from other sources.
I received my parcel number on Aug 6

Today is Aug 22 - No updates

Was told check Monday
Then was told next week

So I asked to check it again - to make sure it was sent out - ALL COMMUNICATION STOPPED - NO FOLLOW UP

Around $1,000 USA

International Order

If I was told was gonna take 4 weeks to update...i would of be like..ok But this isn't what I was told
I received my parcel number on Aug 6

Today is Aug 22 - No updates

Was told check Monday
Then was told next week

So I asked to check it again - to make sure it was sent out - ALL COMMUNICATION STOPPED - NO FOLLOW UP

Around $1,000 USA

International Order
Not gonna defend anyone but from what I have read China Post will only start to show tracking updates when it gets to the US. Could take 3 weeks to get there and from 6th to 22nd is more like 2 weeks.

Just saying. Im sure QSC will make it right.
I received my parcel number on Aug 6

Today is Aug 22 - No updates

Was told check Monday
Then was told next week

So I asked to check it again - to make sure it was sent out - ALL COMMUNICATION STOPPED - NO FOLLOW UP

Around $1,000 USA

International Order

If I was told was gonna take 4 weeks to update...i would of be like..ok But this isn't what I was told
Are you checking china post tracking or just usps?

Mine was about a 3k order and didn’t show up in the domestic system until about 3.5 wks of travel time

But you can google china post tracking and check on one of them sites
I received my parcel number on Aug 6

Today is Aug 22 - No updates

Was told check Monday
Then was told next week

So I asked to check it again - to make sure it was sent out - ALL COMMUNICATION STOPPED - NO FOLLOW UP

Around $1,000 USA

International Order

If I was told was gonna take 4 weeks to update...i would of be like..ok But this isn't what I was told
If you did the reship option your tracking won't update until it's moving in your country. Relax.
I received my parcel number on Aug 6

Today is Aug 22 - No updates

Was told check Monday
Then was told next week

So I asked to check it again - to make sure it was sent out - ALL COMMUNICATION STOPPED - NO FOLLOW UP

Around $1,000 USA

International Order

If I was told was gonna take 4 weeks to update...i would of be like..ok But this isn't what I was told
I don't have to remind each customer about ETA, every order is sent in less than 1 week, once the tracking is provided, the customer can track by himself, and he should do the minimum of reading to know how trackings work. Most of them update only at arrival to destination country.

I have explained everything regarding tracking updates in page 502.

Once tracking provided, I can reply to your first questions about why my tracking don't update? etc.. but once the customer is spamming my email, communication will stop.
the occasional question is understandable but, if these people are so paranoid about getting ripped off or getting things from china… maybe they should follow this thread for about a month before they take the dive. I know that’s why I did. I was skeptical for a while. I watched from a distance for almost two months before I took the plunge. Glad I did though