Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I seriously need a fake lab test to promote my test e oil ^^
Drug has really damaged your brain!

You posted the lab test here :

+ the answer of Janoshik

It was your first lab test to publish and you were really proud of it.
When you got caught, you had to again cry that it was not your fault. Crying pussy it is never your fault.
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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I don’t understand why the various doses of the same chemical, in this case anavar, aren’t different colors. 10mg anavar would be white, 20mg would be blue or whatever. Seems like an easy fix that would eliminate the possibility of a mixup, honest or intentional, when someone sent it off for testing.
We offer more than 40 orals + customized ones, I maybe can count about 300 differnt kind of tabs done this year.
Code colors can never be done, we do what's easiest for us in production. Same for oil and peptide tops.
Drug has really damaged your brain!

You posted the lab test here :

+ the answer of Janoshik
View attachment 172096

That's why I verify now every lab report with task number and key to avoid BS like this used by haters like you to make me like if I share fake reports ^^
You litteraly asked me to give you 45 € just for one labtest of some test-E,
stop saying "you have nothing to sell" jewish liar
and this is why i am no fan of this group (and for their member olofmeister who is a tard) although what they do it technically harm reduction and i am all for that.
The test results should only rely on DONATIONS and every test result should be posted.
why? Well, if you "sell" test results, you have a benefit by posting some bad results of sources who are used my many people. So, not saying it is the case, but manipulating one test here and there and posting this bad result will definitely benefit the group since more people would want to buy a lab result before buying products in order to verify that what they buy is also what is on the label (if there was a label)
Imo, it is not indepedant and therefor should be taking with a grain of salt.
And no, i am not saying that the result is manipulated. QSC had some off results here and there and it could very well be the case here too
Next labtest from London
the hater is back. rather test the nutella that you eat all day long to find out if it is not underdosed in cocoa. The chocolate industry will reimburse you for the labtest. When driada's test was good, you harassed him to pay before publishing it.. but when it's supposedly not good... you publish without notice ahahaha
and this is why i am no fan of this group (and for their member olofmeister who is a tard) although what they do it technically harm reduction and i am all for that.
The test results should only rely on DONATIONS and every test result should be posted.
why? Well, if you "sell" test results, you have a benefit by posting some bad results of sources who are used my many people. So, not saying it is the case, but manipulating one test here and there and posting this bad result will definitely benefit the group since more people would want to buy a lab result before buying products in order to verify that what they buy is also what is on the label (if there was a label)
Imo, it is not indepedant and therefor should be taking with a grain of salt.
And no, i am not saying that the result is manipulated. QSC had some off results here and there and it could very well be the case here too
Our lab test are all 100 % online and free.
We do not sell anything !
ATM we only rely on donation.

We have never sold any lab test for oil. And certainly not at 45$.
We sold few HGH lab test more than 1 year ago, but it was done in donation kind, all money went on futur lab tests.
We have fee for membership as well.
All money goes to testing, nothing else.
As you can see we are transparent.

I understand some might be stingy to make a small donation to help everyone.
If you want to save some money. One advice ask for a quote straight from Alisa qingdao rep on whatsapp. Big chances is cheaper than with this rep.

We have been around for longer time than the rep here. We are well trusted by most of the sources and members.

Anyway this not our tread. I am here to share with your our last lab test. Good or bad. For your question we do have a tread, an email address and a website.

Enjoy !
Our lab test are all 100 % online and free.
We do not sell anything !
ATM we only rely on donation.

We have never sold any lab test for oil. And certainly not at 45$.
We sold few HGH lab test more than 1 year ago, but it was done in donation kind, all money went on futur lab tests.
We have fee for membership as well.
All money goes to testing, nothing else.
As you can see we are transparent.

I understand some might be stingy to make a small donation to help everyone.
If you want to save some money. One advice ask for a quote straight from Alisa qingdao rep on whatsapp. Big chances is cheaper than with this rep.

We have been around for longer time than the rep here. We are well trusted by most of the sources and members.

Anyway this not our tread. I am here to share with your our last lab test. Good or bad. For your question we do have a tread, an email address and a website.

Enjoy !
when i had an argument with Olofmeister months ago someone explained your group to me and it definitely said that to get access to the lab tests you had to pay to the group.
if this is not the case anymore then i take back what i said and the group definitely aids harm reduction without any own interest
when i had an argument with Olofmeister months ago someone explained your group to me and it definitely said that to get access to the lab tests you had to pay to the group.
if this is not the case anymore then i take back what i said and the group definitely aids harm reduction without any own interest
You still need to pay the fee to get the membership.

They continue to blackmail the sources to force them to pay for the lab tests before they are published, most of the sources give in, and I refused from the start.

Their policy for meso members was if you want a result you pay 45€. If a source wants a public lab test, they must refund the lab test in BTC before it is published.

Once I refused, they waged war on us, which caused them to lose credibility in both forums, the only ones supporting them at the moment are the sources..

So I was the exception I had a right in public lab tests (the bad one only) even that I didn't pay for these.

So some members of the group weren't happy and they leaked our good lab tests, like the HGH lab test.

They were very pissed of to have a such public result available, as it will be used for our advertising.

Now they are kind of deseperate.
when i had an argument with Olofmeister months ago someone explained your group to me and it definitely said that to get access to the lab tests you had to pay to the group.
if this is not the case anymore then i take back what i said and the group definitely aids harm reduction without any own interest
No worries.
It is true we need money to keep going. Like a car needs petrol to move.

It was not easy to start but we succeed.

We do that only for harm reduction for all. It is not a selfish group or whatsoever.
We are going to keep doing our best to publish 100% of our lab test.
At no time we will earn any money form this. We have no partnership with any source. We do not get discount or anything else.
Do not forget the group is not control by me but by a huge amount of meso member. This will always help to preserve our integrity.

You can enjoy all our lab test here : Liste Analyses
It's kinda hard to figure out if this lab test was done with real 20mg anavar tabs of QSC or not. I will base my opinion about it on the customer feedback from the last couple weeks and also the other 20mg test that came back good.
You still need to pay the fee to get the membership.

They continue to blackmail the sources to force them to pay for the lab tests before they are published, most of the sources give in, and I refused from the start.

Their policy for meso members was if you want a result you pay 45€. If a source wants a public lab test, they must refund the lab test in BTC before it is published.

Once I refused, they waged war on us, which caused them to lose credibility in both forums, the only ones supporting them at the moment are the sources..

So I was the exception I had a right in public lab tests (the bad one only) even that I didn't pay for these.

So some members of the group weren't happy and they leaked our good lab tests, like the HGH lab test.

They were very pissed of to have a such public result available, as it will be used for our advertising.

Now they are kind of deseperate.
Like I said you have no idea of the rules of our group.

Stay in your fake world.

We do not blackmail any source. Who do you think we are ? Drug dealer like you ? President Joe ? Kim jong un ? Oh wait maybe Vladimir Poutine ?

Remember me who blackmail his customers ? Who ban customer for bad review ? You. Againd today on meso FR. Keyboard warrior !

Seriously we are just a group of meso member. We have 0 power on anyone.
Don't refund it is fine for us. Few source do not refund us, and so what ?
We still publish all the lab tests. Which is the most important here.
You are the only source who has problem with us. Question yourself!
We have 0 problem with any source, included yours. We lab test all sources including yours.
Seek for help or medication, that is all what I can tell you.
No worries.
It is true we need money to keep going. Like a car needs petrol to move.

It was not easy to start but we succeed.

We do that only for harm reduction for all. It is not a selfish group or whatsoever.
We are going to keep doing our best to publish 100% of our lab test.
At no time we will earn any money form this. We have no partnership with any source. We do not get discount or anything else.
Do not forget the group is not control by me but by a huge amount of meso member. This will always help to preserve our integrity.

You can enjoy all our lab test here : Liste Analyses
you are really lucky that my MesoFR account was banned otherwise I would have brought out the screen where you ask me 45 € for the labtest of the Test-E
I didn't want to pay the initial price to join the group because there was only this test that interested me, and you ASKED then "only" 45 € for giving me only the labtest of the Testosterone, stop saying other sing and that you give the tests for free, fucking liar
you are really lucky that my MesoFR account was banned otherwise I would have brought out the screen where you ask me 45 € for the labtest of the Test-E
I didn't want to pay the initial price to join the group because there was only this test that interested me, and you ASKED then "only" 45 € for giving me only the labtest of the Testosterone, stop saying other sing and that you give the tests for free, fucking liar
You proved that you are a lier !

I have no conversation with you on meso fr or anywhere else.

Next time, before to lie get some proofs.

I guess you lie to chick on your tiny nugget ;)
It's kinda hard to figure out if this lab test was done with real 20mg anavar tabs of QSC or not. I will base my opinion about it on the customer feedback from the last couple weeks and also the other 20mg test that came back good.
Could you please post that lab test for the anavar 20mg ? And was it from Eu warehouse ?
That way we could compare with actual proofs
it's pretty dishonest to say that one of your products can have "some pip" when the pain is such that you have to stop the cycle altogether

PIP is a totally random/personal issue that differs from user to user and their experience with shots/virgin muscle/overused injection sites etc.

I'm not defending this source and I've never even done business with him but calling him dishonest due to PIP issues is completely unacceptable.

I can't use pharma grade Sustanon coz it absolutely cripples every muscle group for about 10 days and makes me feel ill....but that doesn't mean Organon were dishonest coz they can't predict who will/won't be able to tolerate the injection.
You proved that you are a lier !

I have no conversation with you on meso fr or anywhere else.

Next time, before to lie get some proofs.

I guess you lie to chick on your tiny nugget ;)
Show all your pm on Meso FR, the date of the discussion should be august or september of 2021, my profil picture was a Pepe who eat Nutella, i don't remember my pseudo but you should certainly find with the picture of the profil