Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don’t necessarily believe QSC is a bad source, but the shills are certainly ruining this whole fucking thread. Let the vendor do their own work instead of sucking a sources dick
I have said a lot of good things about this company.
Good HGH. Good peptides even though purity is not the best. Good raw.
However they keep focusing on the bad. Pathetic.

However their finished oils are underdosed. And their custumer service is by far the worst ever.

I see what you saying, but I wasn't being ironic. I really think this is in fact going in the right direction. Taking a source for what is, and not for what some tards want to make it look like.
Make fun all day, who cares?
@theotherguy Nobody is vouching for them here, we´re sick of balls size nonsense kind of shit, that´s all

@L0ND0N Now this is going the right way
You’re defending him, why? Over and over again you defend a drug dealer. I want to see the truth. The good and the bad, and when you drown out the bad it’s hard to see how good or bad a company’s products are and how their customer service is.

you want my honest feedback of this source? I purchased a couple of kits of hgh and peptides about a month ago. The peptides I used to help heal some muscle tears and honestly I’m healing very quickly, much quicker than I expected, so I suppose the peptides are working well. As far as the HGH, I feel fantastic and I’m recovering and sleeping well. I have never used HGH before this though so I have nothing to compare it to. Also shipping speed was meh and packing was meh also. Price is obviously excellent.

with that, all I have are feels to go by, and I think that type of stuff is mostly worthless to anyone other than me. I didn’t test anything but I relied on testing data from others. This is largely why I didnt post.

But I have been using others experiences, both good and bad, to make decisions on what I should and shouldn’t purchase AND whether or not I should continue going business with them.

so let it all air out and Quit defending the source.
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I see what you saying, but I wasn't being ironic. I really think this is in fact going in the right direction. Taking a source for what is, and not for what some tards want to make it look like.
Make fun all day, who cares?
View attachment 156598
I always preach for people to make their own choices. After all we are all adults here.
However everyone should be aware of any information about the source. Bad or good.
Weirdly bad reviews get smashed. I understand there are big interests here.
People see what they want to see.

Have fun guys enjoy your saturday.
On my part, I am going to eat frog legs with cheese :)
Quote a post of me defending anything. Read carefully. All you gonna find is me pointing some absurdities others have posted. If you consider that some kind of defense, then there's nothing I can do about it, still I know that wasn't my intention

Personal experience, just like the one you posted is always welcome. Ball size nonsense isn't
Quote a post of me defending anything. Read carefully. All you gonna find is me pointing some absurdities others have posted. If you consider that some kind of defense, then there's nothing I can do about it, still I know that wasn't my intention

Personal experience, just like the one you posted is always welcome. Ball size nonsense isn't
If defending the source isn’t your intent, then stop casting doubt on everyone that has issues. Ask them questions for clarification, but stop trying to tell them they’re wrong or incorrect.

with these prices, I would love for this vendor to be stellar, but I’m not going to try to convince myself or anyone else that every issue brought up is a lie. I want the truth
We want the same. All this time my problem is with people flooding the thread with nonsense. I don't want to try to convince you or anyone of anything. I want people to be able to post real experiences with the source, not ball size shit. If the source is garbage let people talk, truth will come.
We want the same. All this time my problem is with people flooding the thread with nonsense. I don't want to try to convince you or anyone of anything. I want people to be able to post real experiences with the source, not ball size shit. If the source is garbage let people talk, truth will come.
I did say I can't prove anything without HPLC testing. This is Meso though, we say what we want in the Underground. If you don't like it you know what to do
I also posted my experience in meso France some time ago. I can't understand why people are still buying here. Stop giving comments to this thread, you guys are bumping it and people will get confused.

Shitty source alert

A lot of comments bumping the thread. I am here just to remind this for the new readers
We want the same. All this time my problem is with people flooding the thread with nonsense. I don't want to try to convince you or anyone of anything. I want people to be able to post real experiences with the source, not ball size shit. If the source is garbage let people talk, truth will come.
So his ball size was part of his experience. Even by your own words, this information is valuable. But yet you say it isn’t. You’re speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

Testicular attrition is a very real side effect and could POSSIBLY be indicative of gear/SERM potency. He admitted it was his personal experience and that he hasn’t tested it with HPLC testing. So he’s being very forthcoming and not deceptive at all. I don’t understand your issue with his postings
He's throwing anecdotal evidence that's broscience and means nothing. 24h ball size results, I have seen some dumb shit posted here but this is at the top.
Yea it’s really hard to believe that different people react to drugs differently.

Im not a big believer in all of the anecdotal evidence LARGELY because a personal experience with respect to drug reactions don’t really apply to me. But just because it’s never happened to me doesn’t it mean it can’t or won’t happen to someone else.

Again, he never claimed the clomid is definitively underdosed, but based on his experience, he said it was likely, what’s so hard to believe about that?

Also, why the Fuck is everyone running to defend QSC? I am a QSC customer that had a good experience so far, but im not gonna use that as a rationalization to say anyone that has a bad experience is lying. JFC