Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Caveat emptor always applies. Sometimes you really do get what you pay for
And sometimes you are just paying for marketing.

Years ago, there was a consumer product(name not important).... the company paid experts to come in and downplay the problems till they got the bugs worked out of their product., they even had people kicked off their internet provider and sent legal letters out scaring people who were claiming they had problems with their products. My point is, propaganda is real.

I'm in sales, I see the angle these guys are playing. I've done it myself before. Everyone falls for price. You can fuck people over 1/2 dozen times, and they will still come back to the low price 80% of the time.
And sometimes you are just paying for marketing.

Years ago, there was a consumer product(name not important).... the company paid experts to come in and downplay the problems till they got the bugs worked out of their product., they even had people kicked off their internet provider and sent legal letters out scaring people who were claiming they had problems with their products. My point is, propaganda is real.

I'm in sales, I see the angle these guys are playing. I've done it myself before. Everyone falls for price. You can fuck people over 1/2 dozen times, and they will still come back to the low price 80% of the time.
Whatever the market will bear I guess. I'm in sales as well and the customers who chase those low low prices tend to be the biggest hassle.
I swear you Kent’s must be getting paid good money to be on here constantly shit posting calling others shills while constantly parroting the same message nonstop seems very sus to me

But it doesn't seem "sus" that all of the people complaining about the complainers joined Meso, ran straight to this thread and have lived here since?

Seems very "sus" to me.
Im very happy with Qingdao , I dont know why people speak badly, they have many products and at a very good price , I personally am not going to buy anything from other people except them
But it doesn't seem "sus" that all of the people complaining about the complainers joined Meso, ran straight to this thread and have lived here since?

Seems very "sus" to me.
Lol righto some of us have been watching these forums waiting to buy and then once we have we post a review it seems like some of yous actually live on these forums and need to get your daily quota in for your wages
Go do a google search, you'll see many others , especially on rededdit has had trouble with this company.

They know they will get suckers to buy their stuff even if they fuck over some customers because of the prices. You don't get customer service with rock bottom prices. And this seems what the market wants.
Actually, the reviews on Reddit I saw were positive and they were from reputable members I've seen around many times on the r/PEDS subreddit. So you're full of shit. Most of those people bought raws, GH and Peptides and said it was legit. I'm talking about the reviews that are actually recent aka the past 200 days.

The only people who seem to have problems are people who can barely speak English and have new accounts. Lmao pretty suspect.

I speak and read French too and so I've read through the french meso thread as well, and surprise surprise, the majority of the reviews are positive and those same people keep ordering month after month.
But it doesn't seem "sus" that all of the people complaining about the complainers joined Meso, ran straight to this thread and have lived here since?

Seems very "sus" to me.
Everything I ordered are products I've been using for years from one other source. So I'll be able to tell if everything is legit + I get frequent bloodwork. As for lab testing, we'll see what happens. Not concerned either way
Lol righto some of us have been watching these forums waiting to buy and then once we have we post a review it seems like some of yous actually live on these forums and need to get your daily quota in for your wages

Yeah, everyone that complaints, doesn't like your source or laughs at noobs that use their first post to write reviews must be protecting another source. Like i've said a thousand times to a thousand sources and their shills, prove it.
Actually, the reviews on Reddit I saw were positive and they were from reputable members I've seen around many times on the r/PEDS subreddit. So you're full of shit. Most of those people bought raws, GH and Peptides and said it was legit. I'm talking about the reviews that are actually recent aka the past 200 days.

The only people who seem to have problems are people who can barely speak English and have new accounts. Lmao pretty suspect.

I speak and read French too and so I've read through the french meso thread as well, and surprise surprise, the majority of the reviews are positive and those same people keep ordering month after month.
I can't find this r/PEDS on reddit. How do I find this source and others on reddit. They are Nazis when it comes to "source talk" all I seen was buydeus
Yeah, everyone that complaints, doesn't like your source or laughs at noobs that use their first post to write reviews must be protecting another source. Like i've said a thousand times to a thousand sources and their shills, prove it.
Didn’t say everyone but the few kents who are on here daily filling up the forum constantly are weird and yea bro length of time on a forum must coincide with dick size aye the way yous act