Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You seem pretty uptight for someone that's supposedly just a customer. Why would the words of anyone here get your panties so twisted?

This an uncensored forum where no thread stays on topic. If you're looking for family friendly source threads where no one complains and everyone holds hands then you've joined the wrong forum.

There's so much more to Meso than the Dingdong Sigma thread. Do try to get out more.
Lol as I said so only 1 side of the fence is allowed to vent? very interesting maybe I should do it everyday on this forum like ya mates and it would suit you forum campers more :L
Lol as I said so only 1 side of the fence is allowed to vent? very interesting maybe I should do it everyday on this forum like ya mates and it would suit you forum campers more :L
remember people there’s pinned threads that talk about how these OG accounts are given free gear by competition just because they have alotta posts doesn’t mean they’re some trusted Kent alotta times it’s quite the opposite hence why they flood these threads like they’re getting something out of it that’s my bit for the day ;)
I got a couple in a another but that’s beside the point I only joined this forum to watch the original thread and post my review once I made my decision im posting my literal experience I ain’t here to just bitch all day like alotta you’s :L
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remember people there’s pinned threads that talk about how these OG accounts are given free gear by competition just because they have alotta posts doesn’t mean they’re some trusted Kent alotta times it’s quite the opposite hence why they flood these threads like they’re getting something out of it that’s my bit for the day ;)

Meso members are smart enough to see who getting something out of posting here. You've made it pretty obvious.

Typical shill tactic. Blow a ton of hot air and make repeated accusations that you know damn well you can't prove. Like we've never seen that before. Your deflection game needs serious work.

Here's an accusation with proof. You're a shill, and a horrible one at that. Look at your post history. You joined Meso for this thread. You live in this thread. It's your home and you're clearly trying so hard to protect it.

A normal member "just watching and waiting to buy" doesn't go full deep throat like you have.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals Your desperation is showing. How many more shills are you going to throw at this thread before you realize it's never gonna work?
I got a couple in a another but that’s beside the point I only joined this forum to watch the original thread and post my review once I made my decision im posting my literal experience I ain’t how to just bitch all day like alotta youse :L

Post a review, then bitch, cry, moan and accuse everyone that doesn't love your precious source as much as you.

Fuck off, shill boy. Games over.
Haha righto bro the projection is real I barely post compared to you forum dwellers you needa check ya e2 I think started to sound like a hoe who can’t have her way :L

Anything you say, shill. Hey, let's all see what a sellout is made of. At this point i don't think you've ever ordered from this source and i'm doubting that you even lift. You got the stink of a Chinaman on you.

Put up or shut up. Let's see you flexing your gigantic arms surrounded by all the 100% super awesome fantastic gear you've bought from QSC. Don't forget the crumpled sheet of paper with today's date and your username.

Officially holding my breath...
:L I knew you wanted to see my body should have just said that to start a good bitch like you loves an argument I usually don’t entertain it this long you needa life bro but I don’t doubt you ain’t getting something out of your exclusive forum posting here though, your a man with a purpose aren’t ya ;)
Anything you say, shill. Hey, let's all see what a sellout is made of. At this point i don't think you've ever ordered from this source and i'm doubting that you even lift. You got the stink of a Chinaman on you.

Put up or shut up. Let's see you flexing your gigantic arms surrounded by all the 100% super awesome fantastic gear you've bought from QSC. Don't forget the crumpled sheet of paper with today's date and your username.

Officially holding my breath...
Anyway pussy I’m gonna stop clogging the forum with pointless argument you want a dick pic then dm me bby ;)
:L I knew you wanted to see my body should have just said that to start a good bitch like you loves an argument I usually don’t entertain it this long you needa life bro but I don’t doubt you ain’t getting something out of your exclusive forum posting here though, your a man with a purpose aren’t ya ;)

Thank you for proving my point. You're a shill, a coward and a liar and it's all written in stone so any and everyone can see how you and your boss fucked up yet again. Good job, stupid.
Keep deflecting, coward. Didn't you just say you were gonna stop clogging the thread? QSC is going to get mad and take it out of your free gear, you do know that.

You better PM them and apologize your shilling ass off.
You really do be sounding like a bitch you really built for this arguing even when we try to disengage you gotta try find a way to drag us back in aye bby you needa chill :L
You really do be sounding like a bitch you really built for this arguing even when we try to disengage you gotta try find a way to drag us back in aye bby you needa chill :L

Man, you're backpedalling like a mother fucker now. Where's that big shill mouth that was tossing out accusations an hour ago?

Here's a deal. Shut your whore mouth and i'll shut mine so your boss can go back to desperately trying to sling gear.

Deal? Deal. Thank you, goodnight.