Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Man, you're backpedalling like a mother fucker now. Where's that big shill mouth that was tossing out accusations an hour ago?

Here's a deal. Shut your whore mouth and i'll shut mine so your boss can go back to desperately trying to sling gear.

Deal? Deal. Thank you, goodnight.
You just prove my point with your tenacity later hoe :L beware future posters keep it negative or mrssuper and his butt buddies will be after ya ;)
Nah, just gotta keep it real instead of trying to bash people that have issues. It’s pretty simple really, but I'm not surprised that concept eludes you ;)
That’s a bit hypocritical for you lot to say when anytime someone posts a positive review they get hounded yet when you lot are hounding this forum daily it’s ok??
You just prove my point with your tenacity later hoe :L beware future posters keep it negative or mrssuper and his butt buddies will be after ya ;)

Gotta get that last word in, huh?
Knock yourself out. i'm more than happy with all that's transpired here. i've no need to kick a dead horse or a lying, backpedalling, coward shill, if you will.

Okay, now it's your turn and i promise i won't reply until the next time you start knob gobbling and crying to earn your free gear or prop up your company or whatever the hell it is that you do all of this for. See you then, champ.
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Didn't you just say you were gonna stop clogging the thread?

Meanwhile on Page 36.
Never the less, i'm done now. My attempt to raise awareness is here for anyone that wants to read it. i don't see myself ever ordering from Qui... Que... Qin... from these guys, so i'll leave it to the interested members.

Good luck, all.

Pot meet kettle.

I bet his response to this is some generic insult and or include something about being a shill. MSG is that predictable.
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Meanwhile on Page 36.

Pot meet kettle. Fucking goon.

I bet his response to this is some generic insult and or include something about being a shill. MSG is that predictable.

Awww, you've been reading my posts... and apparently memorizing them for use later on. You're super. Say, do you have a BTC address i can send money to? i don't feel right living in your head for free like this.

Edit: Oh shit. i just noticed this trainwreck is 86 pages in... and you're recalling a post from page 36? You keep on searching for MSG, punk. Rent free, baby. Rent fucking free.
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That’s a bit hypocritical for you lot to say when anytime someone posts a positive review they get hounded yet when you lot are hounding this forum daily it’s ok??
Not at all, I only shit on obvious shill reviews. Like yourself. Every single positive review from a member that joined the same day or the day before was an obvious shill. Once an established member posts a positive review I’ll certainly entertain it and likely even thank them. (Hint: check the established members that have reviewed QSC, there’s only been one or two, but I didn’t call them out as shills because they werent)
MSG gets called out, refuses to admit it, deflects with idiotic reply. Peak big brain performance ladies and gentlemen. Anyone who goes against MSG's opinion is living rent free in his head because you -ALWAYS- feel the need to reply and come back, no matter what. Practice what you preach and leave the thread already, fucking goon.
MSG gets called out, refuses to admit it, deflects with idiotic reply. Peak big brain performance ladies and gentlemen. Anyone who goes against MSG's opinion is living rent free in his head because you -ALWAYS- feel the need to reply and come back, no matter what. Practice what you preach and leave the thread already, fucking goon.
Projection is their number one weapon let em be they might start reflecting on themselves soon :L
MSG gets called out, refuses to admit it, deflects with idiotic reply. Peak big brain performance ladies and gentlemen. Anyone who goes against MSG's opinion is living rent free in his head because you -ALWAYS- feel the need to reply and come back, no matter what. Practice what you preach and leave the thread already, fucking goon.

Goon, is that your new word? You're up to two. Let's see how many more times you can exercise the sudden extension of your vocabulary.

You searched back 50 pages to find a post that you could start an argument with. i'm burning holes in that damaged brain of yours and you can't stand it.

If you don't like what i post, put me on ignore. Bet you won't. Change your user name to MSG's bitch if you're going to continue to whine like one and stalk me.

Projection is their number one weapon let em be they might start reflecting on themselves soon :L

i'm sure the boss is proud of his number one cock sucker. Just remember, you're expendable. They won't keep you around unless you can drive sales.
Pure fucking gold. The QDC rep says she isn't going to answer anymore questions in the thread because she's sick and tired of getting raw dawged with no lube.

They then decide to send in a couple of smooth brained fruit cakes to smooth shit over.

I'll never understand why a source thinks it's a good look to bow out of the conversation and have some dickriders with sub 70 IQs take over battling for them. Definitely not a good look and not how to become successful at meso.

The funny thing is, you fucktards actually have a good thing going. Huge company with a lot of capital and in a position to make shit happen. But y'all are too fucking stupid to not have a bunch of disrespectful reps talking shit to potential customers. And then you get a couple of drooling retards that want to help out because you sent them an order, and proceed to convince everyone that reads their comments that they must have been dropped on the heads at some point in their lives.
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Uncovering shills is a double edged sword. It's a benefit to the community, but if you linger too long you're breaking the rules due to detailing of the thread.

Then you get the ankle biters that search your post history and try so hard to get a nip in that it all becomes one big convoluted mess.

i'm not going to risk a ban for a couple of clowns. Keep cackling away and derailing the thread all you wish. You're both done shitting up my viewing experience.
Uncovering shills is a double edged sword. It's a benefit to the community, but if you linger too long you're breaking the rules due to detailing of the thread.

Then you get the ankle biters that search your post history and try so hard to get a nip in that it all becomes one big convoluted mess.

i'm not going to risk a ban for a couple of clowns. Keep cackling away and derailing the thread all you wish. You're both done shitting up my viewing experience.
You searched back 50 pages to find a post that you could start an argument with.
Calling you out on your bullshit really gets you riled up to the point you just go crazy on the projection, deflection and insults.

Then you get the ankle biters that search your post history

See some of your many examples of doing that exact thing below.

Look at his post history.
If you haven't had the pleasure of reading his post history, i highly recommend it.
Anyone that reads your post history
Though looking through his post history,

Keep cackling away

I will keep laughing at your expense, it's just too easy to point out how much of a hypocrite you are.

You're both done shitting up my viewing experience.

Here is how we know he is lying, he said he was done with something.
Im fairly new to the forum. I have tried to read more than i post. I contemplated ordering from QSC but it blatantly obvious that they are shilling the hell out of this thread. If they are willing to do that what else are they willing to do. I guess its back to the drawing board searching for my first raw source. I am having a fun time reading the banter tho!
You must have missed me.

Tell me when you're ready to stop this bickering, when you're ready to come back to the topic, maybe on page 100?

If you intend to continue to intervene in a respectful manner, I can return to respond to comments, otherwise I can wait and enjoy the show as long as you want.

And in the meantime I answer emails and DMs only.

You must have missed me.

Tell me when you're ready to stop this bickering, when you're ready to come back to the topic, maybe on page 100?

If you intend to continue to intervene in a respectful manner, I can return to respond to comments, otherwise I can wait and enjoy the show as long as you want.

And in the meantime I answer emails and DMs only.

call off the shilluahuas and I guarantee the bickering will end. 100% money back guaranteed.
call off the shilluahuas and I guarantee the bickering will end. 100% money back guaranteed.

If you think I really have time to send people to defend me or pay them, it means that there is a real problem of overestimating the comments of the trolls.

Do you think I give a fuck about rumors or bullshit being said here or that it changes something in the business?

I don't need anyone to brag or defend myself, but I think there have been enough of idiots who come to shitpost every time, that it's normal that some are not happy, and these quarrels result..
If you think I really have time to send people to defend me or pay them, it means that there is a real problem of overestimating the comments of the trolls.

Do you think I give a fuck about rumors or bullshit being said here or that it changes something in the business?

I don't need anyone to brag or defend myself, but I think there have been enough of idiots who come to shitpost every time, that it's normal that some are not happy, and these quarrels result..
I know you don't care. I've done online sales before. Price is everything. You can shit on 1/4 of your customers and even some of them will come back all over price.
I know you don't care. I've done online sales before. Price is everything. You can shit on 1/4 of your customers and even some of them will come back all over price.
It's not really in my work ethic.
From what I know, I have a 100% satisfied clientele, if someone says otherwise he just has to prove it, I have no reason to shit on 1/4 of my customers or 1/4000, the customers are all the same, they pay for a service I do what is necessary so that it is done correctly without fail.
You buy your gear, you receive it, if any problem you face, I solve it.
For all the rumors and bullshit that is none of my business that has been touched on here in this thread, fuck it.