Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Well, if you are waiting for the long term members to order, receive their 55$ hgh which takes 2-4 weeks, decide to pay $400 to Jano to get your lab test report, of course you won't find it.
But if you are willing to try, do your lab test or blood test, then you can verify by your own ^^

You have set too many demanding criteria, so nothing will convince, on the other hand if you take your time to read page by page of these 87 magnificent pages of this thread you will find: 1 Jano HGH lab test, 1 purity raloxifen HPLC test, 2 hgh blood test results.

It's a $55 hgh 100 ui and real, well dosed, pure, and quality is proven many times since years, either you believe it or not, if you wanna test it by yourself, go ahead, it's just $55 kit and a $400 lab test, why not?

View attachment 156734
U can like ur own posts from nother accs as much as ud like fact is ur fake representing a firm ur not even related to, simple google search shows dozens of people getting scammed by u, and in dis very thread there are hundreds of people that got shitty gear / never received their gear from u. Also dont ever mention jano in ur life as i dont give 1 fuck about him just like any1 else with any brain, u can send 1 real sample to him and continue faking consecutive ones. Also the " independent " samples r from ur shills and jano is easily corruptable. Janus is a 2faced jewish got of deception nd dont ever bring dat name up as proof of something wen it wasnt a independent test from a non shill member.
[EDIT: Potential psychoactive drug of abuse removed]
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

That's pretty legit but how much y'all charge for fentanyl? Chloroform? Lysergic acid diethylamide? Or should I just send an email?

I know you were also recently offering some top shelf abortion drugs. I'd really appreciate if y'all could repost prices for those also because they are very useful to our community.

Thanks in advance.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

That's pretty legit but how much y'all charge for fentanyl? Chloroform? Lysergic acid diethylamide? Or should I just send an email?

I know you were also recently offering some top shelf abortion drugs. I'd really appreciate if y'all could repost prices for those also because they are very useful to our community.

Thanks in advance.

Those products are banned in China and don't increase growth hormone and decrease cortisol level like dermorphin, those products are bad for health and has no benefits for bodybuilders.

If you are addicted to some of those drugs, I can suggest you some products used to treat toxicomania and addiction such as: disulfirame or Gabapentin (raws).

Be safe.
Those products are banned in China and don't increase growth hormone and decrease cortisol level like dermorphin, those products are bad for health and has no benefits for bodybuilders.

If you are addicted to some of those drugs, I can suggest you some products used to treat toxicomania and addiction such as: disulfirame or Gabapentin (raws).

Be safe.
Im pretty sure he was being sarcastic
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

That's pretty legit but how much y'all charge for fentanyl? Chloroform? Lysergic acid diethylamide? Or should I just send an email?

I know you were also recently offering some top shelf abortion drugs. I'd really appreciate if y'all could repost prices for those also because they are very useful to our community.

Thanks in advance.
Chloroform can be bought from literally any chemical supply company.. as well as many polymer and plastic companies..
Chloroform can be bought from literally any chemical supply company.. as well as many polymer and plastic companies..
No shit? That seems kinda crazy but I suppose I don't know what else that stuff is used for, besides sinister purposes.

Either way, my point was that @QingdaoSigmaChemicals has basically opened the floodgates of what this Chinese chemical company is really willing to supply to get a few dollars.

And it's rich to speak about products being banned in China while pretending to clutch your pearls as if I have offended you with my rhetoric, when you know damn well that you'd sell me a kilo of fentanyl or whatever else I might possibly want if the price was right, so long as nobody was looking and you didn't think it would have a negative repercussion for you here.

You have no morals and you aren't doing a good job pretending that you do.
A drug user criticizing a drug dealer because they don't agree with a drug that was posted. Pretending to have morals only when it's an illegal drug you use. Laughable for sure.
No shit? That seems kinda crazy but I suppose I don't know what else that stuff is used for, besides sinister purposes.

Either way, my point was that @QingdaoSigmaChemicals has basically opened the floodgates of what this Chinese chemical company is really willing to supply to get a few dollars.

And it's rich to speak about products being banned in China while pretending to clutch your pearls as if I have offended you with my rhetoric, when you know damn well that you'd sell me a kilo of fentanyl or whatever else I might possibly want if the price was right, so long as nobody was looking and you didn't think it would have a negative repercussion for you here.

You have no morals and you aren't doing a good job pretending that you do.
Oh trust me, I used to buy a whole lot of sketchy stuff from Chinese sellers from alibaba, including but not limited to some of the things you’ve listed.
A drug user criticizing a drug dealer because they don't agree with a drug that was posted. Pretending to have morals only when it's an illegal drug you use. Laughable for sure.
Eat a dick, bitch.

People die everyday because of fentanyl and shit like that being made into counterfeit pills and being put into basically all the other street drugs like meth, coke etc.

Meso doesn't support that shit, you cocksucking clown.

You don't have to ride these guys dicks so hard, little buddy. You will still be able to contact them via email so probably would be a good time to calm the fuck down and quit thinking you need to stick up for cunty Chinese drug dealers who don't give a flying fuck about you.

Unless you are in fact, on the payroll, which wouldn't surprise me, why do you cockboys feel the need to defend this source so vehemently? Serious question...
Madbret definitely got his feelings hurt, you really jumped through some logical hoops with that last post. Cry harder bitch.

What's up clown? Ho, ho, hee, hee! So funny but what's your deal bitch?

You sell your ass for a couple kits, you sorry motherfucker you?

Why do you stick up for these shady motherfuckers, day In and day out?

What was your dignity worth, dollar wise?

Did you work out a per post, per month, or just everytime you verbally swallowed the QSC load of jizz in a public setting?

Do you spit or swallow? Just out of curiosity...