Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Hi, first post.

I was looking for a seller of stuff, found this thread, selected this seller (Sigma Chemical) because at least it seems like other people have tried it and seem to reship in case of trouble.

The package is about 550€.

Yesterday it seems the package has been stoped in Customs. Custom is asking for my ID, proof of payment and description of contents.

Sigma Chemical advices to tell that there is inside a Bluetooth Speaker. But the data Customs is sending indicates that the contents are layered as "bathroom appliance". They advice to continue with the process, give my ID and fake with photoshop a payment of 8$.

Any advice? What should I do?
Hi, first post.

I was looking for a seller of stuff, found this thread, selected this seller (Sigma Chemical) because at least it seems like other people have tried it and seem to reship in case of trouble.

The package is about 550€.

Yesterday it seems the package has been stoped in Customs. Custom is asking for my ID, proof of payment and description of contents.

Sigma Chemical advices to tell that there is inside a Bluetooth Speaker. But the data Customs is sending indicates that the contents are layered as "bathroom appliance". They advice to continue with the process, give my ID and fake with photoshop a payment of 8$.

Any advice? What should I do?
Give your ID and fake with photoshop a payment of 8$
They already know your identity, unless you have put fake information in the shipment, They should ask you for your ID because of something bureaucratic
Don't send them anything, how did they contact you though? In order to not be liable just say you don't know what they are talking about you never ordered anything and just deny deny. The package is gone don't even try to pick it up.
Hi, first post.

I was looking for a seller of stuff, found this thread, selected this seller (Sigma Chemical) because at least it seems like other people have tried it and seem to reship in case of trouble.

The package is about 550€.

Yesterday it seems the package has been stoped in Customs. Custom is asking for my ID, proof of payment and description of contents.

Sigma Chemical advices to tell that there is inside a Bluetooth Speaker. But the data Customs is sending indicates that the contents are layered as "bathroom appliance". They advice to continue with the process, give my ID and fake with photoshop a payment of 8$.

Any advice? What should I do?
Ask for a reship...that package is a loss..
7 years ago a woman visited me in my dreams. she told me to make this account on meso and wait. I asked her why? Why make this account? Couldn't I do something more productive with my time? She told me "patience, my boy. when the time comes, you will learn why."

Now I know. I made this account 7 years ago just to call you a dork
Shill accs can be old / u can start shilling at any point during ur time on d forum.


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