Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

we don't realize how much Meso has a good atmosphere
I tried to see if QSC was on Underground bodybuilding and I was insulted by 50 boomers who wanted my social security number, my name and a log of the last 5 years of fitness I did before they can consider saying "hello welcome"
especially BigFagotBeardGuy
A cesspool of 10 toxic cunts measuring dick size.

MaKe An InTro FiRst
I had to cancel my order before I could make payment, My apologies for the inconvenience. My wallet was stolen out of my truck that afternoon and I had to cancel all my cards. :(
we don't realize how much Meso has a good atmosphere
I tried to see if QSC was on Underground bodybuilding and I was insulted by 50 boomers who wanted my social security number, my name and a log of the last 5 years of fitness I did before they can consider saying "hello welcome"
especially BigFagotBeardGuy
I made an account over there bc I thought meso was gone and got the same impression. I didn't even want to leave any comments because of how they treat new members lol. It's like a circle jerk for hateful old men over there.
I made an account over there bc I thought meso was gone and got the same impression. I didn't even want to leave any comments because of how they treat new members lol. It's like a circle jerk for hateful old men over there.
So it’s Facebook, but for bodybuilding. Sounds delightful.
Lmao!! There are about 3 good boards left. The rest are filled with inbred, Fb, tik tok, IG, know it all’s. I’m trying to convince a few for better gains inject into the side of your neck for better absorption and to meet god sooner ..
Products out of stock

HGH 15iu (HGH 10iu is available)
Semaglutide 4mg ( we have semaglutide 2mg)
Bac water
NPP oils (available US domestic)
Test cyp oils (available US and EU domestic)
Anavar tabs 20mg (we have 10mg and 50mg)
UDCA tabs
DMAA tabs
Exemestane tabs
How long does the semaglutide last once re constituted? In the fridge if of course
Well I found out where all the planet fitness juicers hang. This must be the safe space yall weak fucks. Sorry you got your feelings hurt on an anonymous forum.
How long does the semaglutide last once re constituted? In the fridge if of course
The dude who runs Canlabs was interviewed recently who said they tested refrigerated (reconstituted) peptides and found the degradation about 1% per month. Basically, he said that peptides are much less fragile than people believe.
Haha, thanks for looking out for me mate. Appreciate it. I will have a deeper look into it either tomorrow or this evening to find out some more reports and scientific data on it. So far I am not really concerned. And I will be responsible with the dose and not dose it any higher.

As soon as the tirzepatid has run out I will stick to 1mg sema only. There is some canagliflozin on its way to me, also from QSC, that I will switch for empagliflozin that I am currently taking (started empagliflozin a couple days ago). So I dont need any further blood glucose control, my morning bg readings are excellent now even with HGH pre-bed and the 5mg empagliflozin in the mix.

The dude who runs Canlabs was interviewed recently who said they tested refrigerated (reconstituted) peptides and found the degradation about 1% per month. Basically, he said that peptides are much less fragile than people believe.
Awesome! I figured it wouldn’t be much since pharma grade comes in prefilled pins that’s already mixed, but god knows what preservatives are in that. I tht the max dose of semaglutide was 2mg per week??
Rep what is the best oral for getting juicy as fuck

The best rating from my research is Anadrol and Anavar

I will run 1,000mg/day of these with your great prices
I'm at 1 whole vial of qsc semaglutide 4mg weekly. I am going to back off the drug now. I will drop hgh to 3iu and chill for a bit too
Yes, max 2mg per week, but you might not need that amount. Start with a dosage of 0.5mg and work your way up.
Something about qsc semaglutide is weaker than pharma. Definitely needs to be doses higher for the same effect...

Has something to do with the delivery system
Something about qsc semaglutide is weaker than pharma. Definitely needs to be doses higher for the same effect...

Has something to do with the delivery system
I have not taken pharma so I cannot compare. I'm at 0.5mg every 3.5 days (1mg per week) and my appetite is perfect right now. No more cravings. I can eat, but get full quickly. Exactly what I wanted.

