Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I swear half of you guys shouldn’t be allowed to be without adult supervision lol. Yeah real great idea to put metal in the microwave, No telling what it does to hormones either.
No.. they bought the special Japanese microwaves lol… I keep watching news for house fires lol… anyday now ..
I'm not defending anyone but also will not let anyone tell me where to buy. If you don't trust this source thats fine, dont buy here and move on. All I can tell is that every item I have bought so far turned out to be legit and I have plenty of more orders on the way. Also I am currently waiting for Primo 100 to be lab tested which will come back this week possibly so I can see with my own eyes if it's really worth buying here not. But again, as of right now I feel good buying here.
Are you making a new thread or posting here? I'm looking at ordering/starting their 200 here soon thanks
theyre a joke
theyre online 24/7 , do they even go to gym at all?
i guarantee their just a bunch of fat cunts , they remind me of the bitches from desperate housewives
I posted an intro showing that I have an actual physique just to be bombarded with shit like "you look like an aids patient" from dudes that refused to upload their physiques when asked in return. LOL
Thank you very much, I have sent them a message and I will wait for their reply.

When I turn the vial upside down, I don't see any particles on the bottom. Could the floaters be stuck to the vial like crashed gear? It also seems that the heated vial has fewer particles than the other one
I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this so far but obviously people don’t read. Leave the hot water alone!! The easiest way to heat a vial is with the hot plate of your coffee maker. Place the vial(s) on the hot plate then turn on coffee maker and heat for five minutes then remove and roll liquid around if needed. If you have crystals stuck to the stopper or at the top of your vial lay the vial down sideways on the hot plate and heat for five minutes. The vial will not explode and does not need to be vented
I posted an intro showing that I have an actual physique just to be bombarded with shit like "you look like an aids patient" from dudes that refused to upload their physiques when asked in return. LOL
I have seen your thread on UGBB and it was actually a good transformation. Good job by the way.
I posted an intro showing that I have an actual physique just to be bombarded with shit like "you look like an aids patient" from dudes that refused to upload their physiques when asked in return. LOL


You're saying members of a forum that don't kiss source ass didn't want to play internet dick measuring games with a little kid that kisses source ass with his gaping big boy tough guy mouth? Unbelievable! Damn them. Damn them all to hell.

Bottle your tears and have Dingdong sell them for $6 a pop.
Sup guys !
I have received my kits but the Test C one seems to be crashed.
I have already received crashed gear from other vendor but this one is weird.
I tried to warm it up in a hot water bowl for 15 mins but the little particles are still there. I have also tried to warm it up with a hair dryer for like 10 mins but nothing work
Hi, very normal, as I explained by email, many oils when it crash, and you heat it they have this texture
