Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I came to that forum as a brother...like I was trying to connect with some old buddies who I used to talk to. And then immediately I was raked across the coals! Couldn't believe it.
You forgot the part about sort of stalking one of the female members there, that turned many against you. Sounds exactly like something you would do because you're a perverted weirdo anyways who shouldn't be using peds at all. Got anymore qsc gear feelz to validate its gtg bro?
so no issue with general Raws just finished and HGH?

Yes no issues with raws and peptides.

For HGH as it's our best seller, if we went out of stock quickly, we might take the risk and produce another big batch but under more secure/hidden conditions and circumstances.
But we will stop all the custom orders like top colors and stuff like that, the time spent in factory will be vert limited.
Yes no issues with raws and peptides.

For HGH as it's our best seller, if we went out of stock quickly, we might take the risk and produce another big batch but under more secure/hidden conditions and circumstances.
But we will stop all the custom orders like top colors and stuff like that, the time spent in factory will be vert limited.
Understood, asling as bulk Raws are safe I’m happy , also to verify MT1 /MT2 is melanotan right? Do you stock raw or just the finished?
Yes no issues with raws and peptides.

For HGH as it's our best seller, if we went out of stock quickly, we might take the risk and produce another big batch but under more secure/hidden conditions and circumstances.
But we will stop all the custom orders like top colors and stuff like that, the time spent in factory will be vert limited.
Thank you for this

Isn’t gh technically a peptide so is it still no no?
You forgot the part about sort of stalking one of the female members there, that turned many against you. Sounds exactly like something you would do because you're a perverted weirdo anyways who shouldn't be using peds at all. Got anymore qsc gear feelz to validate its gtg bro?
Stalking? Do I look like a guy that needs to stalk ....any woman? They stalk me bro. And when I say stalk...I mean they do extensive searches into my whereabouts routinely.

I am a pervert though. You are right about that.

I never said QSC is "gtg". Everyone has their own experience. I posted my trt experience. No one has to take my advice.
Haven't posted here in a while. Just wanted to say even after multiple orders everything's been g2g. Rep is still helpful and responsive months later.

My recent order was just some more Test, BAC water and RU.

The RU is in a vial which is a bit annoying because I don't use a needle for my RU.... I use a bottle and a dropper. So I'll have to take the cap off the RU vial and transport it to a bottle. I like using a dropper for my RU not a needle.

Can't say much about the BAC water, its BAC water. No complaints.

Going to test the Test E out soon. One of the vials broke during transport, but the rep said he'd replace it the next time I order. I had a order take 70 days to arrive and nothing broke, this time my order took only a mere 14 days to arrive and a vial broke and spilled everywhere. Cleanup was annoying in the box. That's the postal company's fault though for being savages. QSC doesn't just pack broken vials into boxes. Postal workers just treat the packages like garbage.
This place is getting really tough. Calling out banned brothers from other boards?

Ok. If that is what you stand for, it is what you stand for. The words we write over time create a picture of who and what we are. Shows our character.
Funny that you mention that bc they do the exact same shit over there, too.
Has anyone used phenibut? What's it like? Heard the comedown is a bitch.
Dont use it days in a row like the other guy said. I use it once a week or very rarely twice a week but i use very small amounts 500-800mg. If you want a strong effect to see what its like take +2g.

Empty stomach and wait 1-2h before eating, drink caffeine to speed up absorption (dont quote me on that but i feel it more quickly if i drink my coffee/sugar free energy drink)
I swear half of you guys shouldn’t be allowed to be without adult supervision lol. Yeah real great idea to put metal in the microwave, No telling what it does to hormones either.
I have been using steroids for 20 years. I know better . because at first I tried to dissolve these particles in hot water and heated the glass, but only the microwave helped. Yes, it sounds funny - this is my practice. I don't care who where and how dissolves the particles in the vial. 30 seconds is enough for me and the particles in the vial will disappear.
I ordered QSCs NPP about a week ago and I got the new batch in MCT oil. This morning was my first day pinning it, Wow is it smooth! I put 3ml in my quad and it pins much faster than the sesame oil. Also it took MAYBE 25 seconds to draw up 3ml with a 25g at room temperature.

This is a big relief to me since I’ll be pinning so much oil these next 20 weeks.
I ordered QSCs NPP about a week ago and I got the new batch in MCT oil. This morning was my first day pinning it, Wow is it smooth! I put 3ml in my quad and it pins much faster than the sesame oil. Also it took MAYBE 25 seconds to draw up 3ml with a 25g at room temperature.

This is a big relief to me since I’ll be pinning so much oil these next 20 weeks.
I am currently using Npp test with dhb. everything is fine. I also gave injections in my shoulder. tadalafil is very powerful))) telmisartan worked great and now my blood pressure is perfect. I have been using all the drugs for 10 days now. all good. Oxandrolone and stanozolol seem to be overdosed. i use only 1 tablet stanozolol and 2 tablets oxandrolone