Are you referring to me? If so, it's proper to tag me so I can respond accordingly.
Can you please clarify what you mean by kicked off and banned? I was never kicked off or banned from MesoRX. Do you mean from QSC's 'services'? I think I made it very clear I had no intention of doing any further business with QSC, so please don't get confused thinking I'm losing sleep at night being banned from ordering further. Bit like quitting a job and your boss telling you you're fired, instead.
The scam is quite simple:
1. I asked for a guarantee of a refund if the Toremifene I ordered came back mislabeled or low purity:
2. QSC promises a refund if the product comes back fake or low purity:
3. QSC Toremifene tests as Clomid:
4. I ask for my refund, as promised at the outset:
5. Tracy refused to honour his promise to refund me in the event of mislabeled or low purity product:
I welcome you to clarify what you meant by kicked off and banned, whenever you get the opportunity. If you require any clarification from me as to details of the above transaction, I am happy to provide them so long as they do not unduly threaten the OPSEC of either myself or Tracy.
As I told Tracy in private, I believe a man's word is his bond. Many attempts have been made to dismiss the principle point of issue here which is that Tracy promised a refund if the Toremifene turned out mislabeled or low purity. I shouldn't speculate as to whether he knew the product would turn out mislabeled or not, but he refused to deliver the refund that he promised at the outset. It was a simple agreement that I would have preferred a simple resolution to, but so long as I keep being brought up here, I will begrudgingly return to provide clarifying details to anyone who claims this was not a scam.