Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

As an american, I agree. Even the first paragraph of the article tries to connect anabolic steroids to the addiction epidemic and 100,000 deaths a year.
It's also almost a year old and has little to nothing to do with anything going on in this thread. But let's not let that get in the way of a good jerk off session.
As an american, I agree. Even the first paragraph of the article tries to connect anabolic steroids to the addiction epidemic and 100,000 deaths a year.
It's total and complete bullshit. They simply do not want Americans to be able to purchase pharmaceuticals without paying criminal prices for them. Insulin for example... for 60 dollars canadian I can get Humalog. In the US it is several hundred dollars American. Fucking disgusting. Who is the real criminals?
It's also almost a year old and has little to nothing to do with anything going on in this thread. But let's not let that get in the way of a good jerk off session.
You do realize that laws are not enforced and enacted overnight especially when dealing with international cooperatives right? Please tell me you thought before you replied?
I absolutely hate Fedex. I have a package from this source that has been sitting at a FedEx center for 5 days. this facility is literally an hour from my house and when I look at the tracking it states, "no delivery schedule at this time"
It's total and complete bullshit. They simply do not want Americans to be able to purchase pharmaceuticals without paying criminal prices for them. Insulin for example... for 60 dollars canadian I can get Humalog. In the US it is several hundred dollars American. Fucking disgusting. Who is the real criminals?

Oh good lord. Since I'm sure you're so well versed on the subject, and have done your homework:

Give me a list of people targeted that were producing Insulin.

Then, give me a list of people targeted who weren't producing Fenatnyl.

I'd tell you to save your time because you already know the answer, but I don't mind letting you waste your time trying to save face.

You do realize that laws are not enforced and enacted overnight especially when dealing with international cooperatives right? Please tell me you thought before you replied?

I'm ready to hear you explain exactly how the article you posted relates to the Chinese government's policies on HGH production.

You're an intellectual lightweight who is connecting dots that aren't there so you can feign outrage because you need your precious roids.
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I'm ready to hear you explain exactly how the article you posted relates to the Chinese government's policies on HGH production.
Well, it’s right there in the article that they are targeting anabolic steroids and, to a layman, that would probably include other PEDs.

“Under the new executive order, the treasury department imposed sanctions on four Chinese chemical companies and one individual, Chuen Fat Yip, whom it described as ‘one of the largest, if not the largest, producer of anabolic steroids in the world’.”
order date aprox Aug 4 ish

Received 09/06 ish

Will send out to Jano - But your looking at TUDCA - little over 2lbs - Taste bitter then shit

Everything was good - just would appreciate a more honest approach to questions about the tracking not updating -

Like it will MORE THEN LIKELY update on Monday but its international so it might take a couple weeks - and to be honest could take a few weeks to receive up to a month or more..

This way customer knows what to expect and can do other things without the package on their mind


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Oh good lord. Since I'm sure you're so well versed on the subject, and have done your homework:

Give me a list of people targeted that were producing Insulin.

Then, give me a list of people targeted who weren't producing Fenatnyl.

I'd tell you to save your time because you already know the answer, but I don't mind letting you waste your time trying to save face.


I'm ready to hear you explain exactly how the article you posted relates to the Chinese government's policies on HGH production.

You're an intellectual lightweight who is connecting dots that aren't there so you can feign outrage because you need your precious roids.
I was angry at first... then I realized you might be retarded. I'm sorry man....